
Penobscot Maine

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Date: 23 Feb 1787
Location: Penobscot, Hancock, Maine, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: One_Place_Studies Maine Hancock_County_Maine
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This profile is part of the Penobscot, Maine One Place Study.

Penobscot is a town in Hancock County, settled in 1760 and incorporated in 1787.
The community takes its name from the Penobscot River, which forms its western boundary.

Parent Page Hancock County
Penboscot, Maine Category page



Date Designation Note
-1534 name unknown Wabanaki peoples - the Maliseet, Micmac, Passamaquoddy and Penobscot tribes
1534-1760Nouvelle FranceUnder French control, no known European settlers
1760unorganized territory
Lincoln, Massachusetts Bay
France surrenders September 8, 1760, Britain officially takes control of the area
1762Majabigwaduce Plantation, Lincoln, Massachusetts Bay aka
Township Number 3
Several land grants were made including:
Township No. 3 East of The Penobscot River .
1776Township Number 3, Lincoln, Massachusetts America declares independence from Britain July 4, 1776
1787Penobscot, Lincoln, MassachusettsPenobscot incorporated February 23, 1787 from Township No 3 EPR
1789 Penobscot, Hancock, MassachusettsHancock County is formed June 25, 1789
1796Penobscot, Hancock, Maine Castine Maine was incorporated February 10, 1796 from a portion of Penobscot
1817Penobscot, Hancock, MaineBrooksville Maine was incorporated June 13 1817It took from Sedgwick an eighth, and from Castine Maine and Penobscot each a fifth of their taxable property.
1820Penobscot, Hancock, MaineMaine becomes the 23 state March 15, 1820

Villages, Locations and Settlements

Villages, Locations
and Settlements
North Penobscot
South Penobscot
Marks Corner
West Penobscot

Historical Names

Name Note
Township No. 3 East of Penobscot River, Livermore Survey (T3 EPR LS)
Township No. 3 West of Union River
Majorbigwaduce, Magorbigwaduce, Magabagwaduce, Maja Bagadoose,
New Ireland "... the British adopted a strategy to seize parts of Maine, especially around Penobscot Bay..."" New Ireland was a Crown colony of the United Kingdom established in modern-day Maine after British forces captured the area during the American Revolution and again during the War of 1812."

Pioneer Settlers

Pioneer Settler Arrival Year
John Rich Lot taken up in 1774 Majorbagaduce at North Bay
Sparks Perkins 1776 Majorbagaduce on John Rich's Lot
Jeremiah Wardwell 1776 Majorbagaduce on John Rich's Lot
Charles Hutchings 1768
William Hutchings 1768 (age 4, son of Charles Hutchings)

Large X on Map showes Location of Perkins & Wardwell Lots

Plan of Penobscot


The state of Maine lists 10 Islands that are part of Penobscot Maine Islands

Islands Settler/Namesake/Note

Large X on Map showes Location of Perkins & Wardwell Lots

Plan of Penobscot


Maps (Click an image for details)
Plan of Penobscot_February 10, 1796 Castine is incorporated from a portion of Penobscot
Map of Penobscot Bay
Penobscot Maine


Castine Hoard:
The discovery of about 2000 French and Spanish coins in 1840 on a hillside near the Bagaduce River led to speculation they were either pirate treasure or the Baron de Castin's family fortune, hidden during their flight from the area in 1704.

Wasson's A survey of Hancock County, Maine:
     —Incorporated (49th town) February 23, 1787. Population, 1,418. Decennary loss, 138. Wealth, per capita, $148. State valuation, $227,356; United States valuation, $318,298. Its appellation of Penobscot, is from the Indian "Penobskeag," or "Peuopeauke," signifying "rocky place." It was a part of the district of ancient "Pentagoet." In the Act of Incorporation it is called "Majorbigwaduce." It was Township ""Number Three," in the grant to David Marsh et als. It is situated at the head of Northern Bay, one of the "great-coves" of the Bagaduce river (Baggadoose), or written in Indian (Masi-anbaga-8-atoes-ch). The river is an arm of the Penobscot, the "great river of Norumbega." At first, Penobscot included all of Castine, and the westerly part of Brooksville. The first survey of the town was made by John Peters. The following names appear among its earliest municipal officers : John Lee, Jeremiah and Daniel Wardwell, John and Joseph Perkins, John Wasson, David Hawes, Elijah Littlefield, Isaac Parker, and Peltiah Leach.
      The subjoined historic data are from the pen of H. B. Wardwell: "The first settlers within the present limits of Penobscot, were Duncan and Findley Malcom, Daniel and Neil Brown. They were Scotchmen, and being loyalists or tories, left for St. Andrews when the English evacuated Majebigyuduc, in 1761. Findley Malcom and Daniel Brown married daughters of my great-grandfather, Daniel Wardwell. The first permanent settler was Charles Hutchings, in 1765. The first child of English parents was Mary Hutchings. In 1765 came Isaac, Jacob Sparks and Daniel Perkins, Samuel Averill and Solomon Littlefield.
     The first settler in Penobscot, as originally incorporated, was Reuben Gray, in 1760. To him a daughter (Mary) was born, Nov. 4, 1763, and a son (Samuel) May 8, 1767. In 1765, Gray sold out to Aaron Banks, and took up the farm now occupied by Levi Gray, in Sedgwick."
     Union soldiers, 158; State aid, $3,172; town bounty, $23,782 ; cost per recruit, $170.

" The arm of the sea which runs up into the town of Penobscot, between Brooksville and Castine, and which divided ancient Pentagoet into two nearly equal parts, and which now goes by the name of Bagaduce river, was in former times called by the name of Matchebiguatus. " page 15 History of Castine, Penobscot, and Brooksville, Maine; including the ancient settlement of Pentagöet

Part of 1785 Plan of Land Grant Includes Penobscot

To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in general court assembled
      The Petition and Memorial of the subscribers, inhabitants of and living on a track of land in the County of Lincoln, bounds as follows, viz:—Beginning at the southwest point of the peninsular of Majorbigwaduce ; then to run up Penobscot liver to the northwest line of Joseph Basteens claim ; then an eastwardly course until it comes northeast of the Third Narrows on Majorbigwaduce river ; then to run a south course across said river to Buck's Harbour so called ; then to run on Penobscot bay to the bounds first mentioned, making a track of land about six miles square.
      Humbly sheweth that they have taken up said land and improved the same for a number of years. That they have with great labour, difficulty and expense, brought to the said land, in doing vvhich they have undergone many hardships, and that more than forty of us have had quiet possession, ever since the years one thousand seven hundred sixty-one as will appear by our state of the claims given into the committee for examining the eastern claims. Should your petitioners be turned off their land or delivered over to proprietors, they humbly conceive that they should be ruined. And that there now resides on said track more than six hundred souls. They further say that they are heartily willing to bare part of the public charges so far as their abilities will enable them, could they be quieted in their possessions and incorporated into a town.
     They therefore humbly pray that the Honourable Court would take their very singular difficulties under their wise consideration and quiet them in their possessions and incorporate them into a town by the name of Penobscot.
      Your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray.

Jeremiah Wardwell (1756-1825), Peletiah Tapley (1757-1831),
Solomon Littlefield (abt.1756-), Stover Perkins (1751-1816)
Isaac Perkins (1746-aft.1810), John Perkins,
Sparks Perkins , William Wescut,
Daniel Wardwell Sr., William Wescut, Jun.,
Josiah Wardwell, David Moor,
Thomas Bonney, William Webber (1746-1829),
Samuel Hersey, Moses Blake,
Elijah Winslow (1739-1822), Daniel Blake (1764-1833),
Eiisha R. VVinslow,Sanford Goodin,
Alexander Gut,Estes Rods,
John Snowman,Thatcher Avery,
Thomas Nutter,William Stover,
William Nutter,Andrew Blake,
Reuben Grindle, Nathaniel Stover 1763
James Taylor, Pelatiah Freeman,
Matthew Varnom,Joseph Binney,
Seth Blodget, John Grindle,
Samuel Borden,Peltiah Leach,
Daniel Wardwell Jr,Gershom Varnom,
Jacob Pearkins,Jeremiah Wardwell,
John Conor,Mary Wardwell,
Ichabord Grindol,Joseph Wardwell,
John Grindol, Jr.,Abraham Perkins,
Nathaniel Veazey,Joseph Perkins,
Daniel Grindol, Benjamin Lunt,
John Bray,Joseph Webber,
John Bray, Jr.,Robt. Innis,
Daniel Webster,Cunningham Dearborne
Samuel Westcot,Liflet Lowel,
Andrew Westcot,Peter Bogrige,
Paul Bowden,Charles Curtis,
Paul Bowden, Jun.,Joseph Lowel,
Caleb Bouden,Joseph Lowel, Jun.,
Eldad Heath,Israel Webber,
Abraham Seaver,Jonathan Carlton,
Isaac Webber,Jonathan Carlton, Jun.,
Joseph Hibbert,John Carlton
John Bouden,Joseph Young,
John Lee,James Crawford,
Thomas Bouden,Mary Crawford,
William Bouden,Lydie Avery,
Abaram Bouden, Aaron Banks,
Moses Veasey,Aaron Banks, Jun.,
William Dolever,Michael Dyer,
Ebenezer Bouden,George Woodhouse,
Joseph Curtis,John Day,
John Willson,Mark Hatch,
David Willson,Samuel Moulton,
Joseph Basteen,Elisha Hopkins,
Jothern Stovel,William Turner,
Jeremiah Souder,William Markes,
Andrew Webster,Ephraim Lawrence,
Samuel Matthews,Benjamin Howard,
Samuel Matthews Jun.,Gills Johnson,
Daniel Lee ?Gills Johnson,
Oliver Parker,Samuel Howard,
Simeon Parker,Malaco Drew,
John Moor,Benjamin Curtis, Junr,
John Moor, Juner,Nathaniel Perkins (1760-1791)
Daniel Moor,Abigil Webber,
Benjamin Curtis,John Condon,
Nath. Perkins,Rogers Lawrence,
      James Robinson
Feb, 17, 1785. Leave to bring in a bill but not to effect ye right of soil.

Additional Resources

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Photo Gallery (Click an image for details)


  1. The Bangor Historical Magazine, vol. 3 (Bangor, Me.: J. W. Porter, 1888).

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