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Perrot(t)s of Kidwelly

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The earliest appearance of this family is in April 1488, when Thomas Perrot, a layman, petitioned the Pope for a dispensation to marry his third cousin, Agnes Lightfoot ofHaverford.90 This means that Thomas's great-grandfather had married into the Lightfoot family towards the end of the fourteenth century. This would seem to rule out a link with the Haroldston line and suggests, rather, the Scotsborough branch, if only because of its inconclusive pedigree. The most likely candidate from whom Thomas of Kidwelly was descended was Thomas, the son of Peter, the founder of the Scotsborough branch. It is known that Thomas son of Peter married twice; his first wife, Isabel, may have been a Lightfoot. If so, by when did Thomas of Kidwelly descend? There are two candidates chronologically possible: John, the son of Thomas the younger, and chancellor of the county; and his cousin Jankyn (d.1469) the brother of David and the son of John and Isabel Verney.

It is clear from a town rental of Kidwelly for the years between 1493 and 1503 that Thomas had a brother Robert and that both were burgesses in the town, and owning a few scattered rural properties in the vicinity.91 Throughout the sixteenth century, a number of Perrots appear in the town records, but it is impossible to connect them with either Thomas or Robert; suffice it to say that in all probability they were descended from one or both of them. During the 1540s and ‘50s, the family was represented by John and Robert Perrot, the latter by far the more prominent.92 The only evidence which seems to link this Robert and the earlier Thomas (the first to be mentioned as being of Kidwelly) is the fact that both owned the property known as Halkynchurch ('Halgynchurche'.) This same property seems to have passed from Robert after 1570 to his son, John William Perrot. Members of this family seem to have survived even into the early eighteenth-century.
Llanstephan Estate Papers Kidwelly Rent Roll

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