Location: Kinderhook, New York
Surnames/tags: Van_Schaack Van_Alen Cruger
Holy Bible in English; London, Baskett, 1768.
Contains the records of Peter Van Schaack and his wives, Elizabeth Cruger and Elizabeth Van Alen, with their children. The Bible has descended to his granddaughter, Miss Ann Van Schaack, of Kinderhook, New York, the present owner.
- Peter Van Schaack, Elizabeth Cruger, Married 2 October 1765.
- Eldest son Cornelius, born at Kinderhook 12 February 1767 Godfather and Godmother, Cornelis Van Schaack and Lydia Van Schaack.
- Second son Henry Cruger born at New York 8 October 1768 Godfathers Henry Cruger and John Cruger Esq'rs God Mother Anne Cruger.
- A Daughter born in March 1770 Elizabeth, who lived but a few days.
- March 1771 A Son born, who was baptized John and died the Day after his Birth.
- February 1772 Another Son born who lived but a few Hours after his Birth.
- 1773 July 16 Daughter Ellin born - God-Father Henry Cruger Jun. Esq'r and God Mothers Mary Cruger, Jane Van Schaack.
- On Thursday the 6th of October 1774, at about four o'clock in the Afternoon, after five Days Illness, died our Daughter Ellin! She was mine; and I was - was most blest - Gay Title of the deepest Misery!
- 1774 December 8th at two o'clock in the Morning was born our Son John. God Fathers John Harris Cruger & Leonard Gansevoort - Jun'r God Mother Mrs. Dorothea Cruger.
- 1775 July 19th between two and three o'clock in the Morning died at my Father's House at Kinderhook (whither he was taken for the Recovery of his Health) our eldest Son Cornelius a most promising Child! aged 8 y. 5M & 6 Days.
- And on the 22d of the same Month died at New York our Son John, of which we received the Account at Kinderhook a few Days afterwards by the Sloop which we expected would have brought him.
- 1776 April 14th at one o'clock in the Morning - (Sunday) was born at Kinderhook our Son cornelius and was baptized by the Rev. Mr. Fryenmoet the 5 May, Henry Van Schaack & Cath'a Van Schaack Gof Father & God Mother.
- 1776 Octob'r 30th Wednesday near four o'clock P.M. died at his own House in Kinderhook my much honored Father Cornelis Van Schaack Esq'r having completed the Seventy first year of his Age on the 11th Day of the same Month O.S.
- 1777 June 23d Monday Morning between one and two o'clock was born at Kinderhook my Daughter Elizabeth who was baptized at Albany by the Rev'd Mr. Monro. God Father & God Mother Cornelis Van Schaack Margaret Van Alen.
- 1778 April 20th Monday Eveng. about ten o'clock died at Kinderhook my Wife Elizabeth Van Schaack!
- 1780 February 5th died in Bristol my Father in Law Henry Cruger Esq'r
- 1785 July 19 I returned to my native Country and landed at New York, when I was first informed of the Death of my honored Mother which happened May in this year.
- Peter Van Schaack, Elizabeth Van Alen, married 27 April 1789
- 1790 March 8 was born a Son baptized by the Name of John.
- 1791 March died my Sister Margaret Van Alen.
- July 26 died our Son John!
- 1791 October 30 Was born our second Son who was baptized by Domine Labagh the 27 November by the name of [[Van_Schaack-51|Johannes, or John] God Father Johannes L. Van Alen God Mother Christina Van Alen.
- Dec'r 20. at New York died John Cruger Esq'r aged 82.
- 1793 Dec 9th was born our son David, God Father & God Mother David Van Schaack & Lydia Van Schaack.
- 1795 October 19th was born our Son Peter. God Father & God Mother Henry C. Van Schaack & Elizabeth Van Schaack.
- 1798 July 4 Born our Daughter Lydia. God Father & God Mother H. V. Schaack & Jane Silvester.
- 1800 July 2d was born our Daughter Cristina. God Father & God Mother Lucas I. V. Alen & Maria Van Vleck.
- 1802 3d April was born our Son Henry Cruger. God Father & God Mother Henry H. Cruger Jun'r & Elizabeth V. Schaack.
- 1804 November 7th was born our son Lucas Van Schaack.
- 1807 June 9th was born our daughter Margaret Van Schaack. God Father & Mother Lucas Van Alen & Heletie his wife.
[Copied and sworn to by Mrs. Benjamin W. Franklin.]
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