Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Chesapeake_Colony_Ships Ships
For profiles, see the category
The Phillip, Master Morgan, sailed June 20, 1635, departing London, England
The Phillip sailed from Gravesend to Virginia June 1635 under Master Richard Morgan
"20 Junij 1635
Theis under-written names are to be transported to Virginea embarqued in the Phillip Richard Morgan Mr the Men have been examined by the Minister of the towne of Gravesend of their conformities to the orders & discipline of the Church of England: And tooke the oath of Alleg, die et Ao prd."
Alphabetical order:
- Arundell Wm 32
- Baker Marie 25
- Barnie Ann 23
- Bonham George 31
- Bowes Katherin 20
- Bransby Willm 34
- Burgis Ellin 45
- Coachman John 28
- Davies Robert 26
- Dawson Ricr 31
- Disnall Nathaniell 23
- Edwards Thomas 20
- Enson Willm 33
- Featlie Tymothie 23
- Gorham John 18
- Gorham Thomas 19
- Habroll James 22
- Halock Edward 22
- Hart John 33
- Hill George 23
- Johnson Peter 36
- Johnson Richard 19
- Langford Marcie 24
- Lawters John 17
- Leake Alexander 22
- Mason John 16
- Milner Samuell 18
- Morgan Robert 33
- Owdell Isack 22
- Poslett Thomas 23
- Quarrier James 22
- Reddam John 32
- Rippin Nicholas 31
- Rogers Wm 35
- Shawe John 30
- Shawe Sara 18
- Taylor John 16
- Taylor Wm 36
- Trach Suzan (Trask?) 25
- Trumball Thomas 22
- Willerton Elizabeth 18
- Wilson Richard 19
- York James 21
Roll order:
- Hart John 33
- Coachman John 28
- Reddam John 32
- Shawe John 30
- Hill George 23
- Bonham George 31
- Rogers Wm 35
- Halock Edward 22
- Dawson Ricr 31
- Johnson Peter 36
- Bransby Willm 34
- Rippin Nicholas 31
- Quarrier James 22
- Owdell Isack 22
- Taylor Wm 36
- York James 21
- Gorham Thomas 19
- Disnall Nathaniell 23
- Taylor John 16
- Gorham John 18
- Wilson Richard 19
- Morgan Robert 33
- Milner Samuell 18
- Featlie Tymothie 23
- Arundell Wm 32
- Leake Alexander 22
- Mason John 16
- Enson Willm 33
- Habroll James 22
- Trumball Thomas 22
- Johnson Richard 19
- Lawters John 17
- Edwards Thomas 20
- Davies Robert 26
- Poslett Thomas 23
- Women:
- Burgis Ellin 45
- Bowes Katherin 20
- Trach Suzan (Trask?) 25
- Langford Marcie 24
- Willerton Elizabeth 18
- Shawe Sara 18
- Baker Marie 25
- Barnie Ann 23
Phillip sources
John Camden Hotten: London, 1874. Reprint by Empire State Book Co., New York. Publish date guessed to be in the 1940's. (in Lady Anne's library) P of Q pages 94 - 95
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