Location: Daviess County, Kentucky, United States
Surnames/tags: Trogden Trogdon Allen
Sharing photos of the family of Lewis C. Trogden, his wife Janey (Allen) Trogden, and their children. Some other family members also included, as well as some photos I cannot identify.
If you see any incorrect identifications or can identify individuals in photos without a name, please comment on the photo with the info.
These photos are being shared so that the descendants/relatives of these individuals have them to use how they wish. Please feel free to save, share, and add to any family tree.
Family Members Included
- Lewis Commodora Trogden - Profile: Trogden-46
- Wife: Mary Janey (Allen) Trogden - Profile Allen-64813
- Children of Lewis & Janey Trogden
- Alvin Commodora Trogden & Family
- Lois Lillian "Lady" Trogden
- Owen Allen Trogden & Family
- Thelma Elizabeth "Tum" Trogden
- Helen McGhee (Trogden) Hallmark
- Edwin "Monk" Trogden & Family
- Siblings of Lewis C. Trogden
- Nancy (Trogden) Wigginton & Family
- Isaac Clayton Trogden & Family
Lewis Commodora Trogden
Lewis C. Trogden | Lewis C. Trogden | Lewis C. Trogden | Lewis C. Trogden & Nancy (Trogden) Wigginton |
(l-r) Helen (Trogden) Hallmark, Nancy (Trogden) Wigginton, Thelma & Lewis Trogden | (l-r) Helen (Trogden) Hallmark, Thelma & Lewis Trogden | (l-r) Lois, Lewis, and Edwin Trogden |
Lewis C. Trogden | Janey (Allen) Trogden & Alvin & Lois Trogen | Janey (Allen) Trogden |
Alvin Commodora Trogden & Family
(l-r) J.V. Vera (Boyle) & Alvin Trogden | (l-r) Thelma & Alvin Trogden | (l-r) J.V. & Alvin Trogden | (l-r) Trogden Brothers: Owen, Edwin & Alvin | (l-r) Avery Boyle & Alvin Trogden |
(l-r) Alvin & Vera (Boyle) J.V. & James Ruby (Wood) & Mary Lee | (l-r) Vera (Boyle) & Alvin Trogden | (l-r) Alvin & Edwin Trogden | (l-r) Mary Lee & Alvin Vera (Boyle) & J.V. James V. Trogden |
(l-r) James V, Alvin & Mary Lee Trogden | Alvin & Vera (Boyle) Trogden | (l-r) Vera (Boyle) & Helen (Thompson) Trogden | (l-r) Avery Boyle & Vera (Boyle) Trogden |
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