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Pickering Genealogy

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Northumberland County Virginia, Edgecombe County North Carolina, Middle Tennessee and Southern Arkansasmap
Surname/tag: Pickering, Pickeringe, Pickern, Pickerin, Pickril, Pickrell, Pickrill, Pickrom, Pickron, Pickerell, Pickrin, Pickring, Picerene, Picaring, Peckaring, Pickarin
Profile manager: Jim Pickering private message [send private message]
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The purpose of this free-space profile page is to present the genealogy research compiled by Jerry W. Pickering. There are online resources included as the research progressed toward present day, but much of the research, especially the foundation, was conducted by Jerry at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Records and Notes on the genealogy of Pickering (Pickeringe, Pickern, Pickerin, Pickril, Pickrell, Pickrill, Pickrom, Pickron, Pickerell, Pickrin, Pickring ,Picerene, Picaring, Peckaring, Pickarin) and related families of Northumberland County Virginia, Edgecombe County North Carolina, Middle Tennessee and Southern Arkansas.

Given that the work was not intended for public consumption it has been edited by Jerry's brother, Jim. Editing involved correcting very few typos and amplifying a few notes for clarification. Otherwise Jerry devoted a considerable amount of research to prove negatives. Those individuals researched and deemed not to be related have been deleted to reduce the file size. Likewise the research after about 1850, with sources online, was deleted to reduce the file size. There are individuals in this Pickering genealogy for whom information is not adequate to generate a credible profile that connects to the next generation. However, the research taken as a whole is compelling. Therefore, this page will be linked to each Pickering profile starting with the ancestors first arriving in Arkansas and extending back to the oldest record found dated 1655 in Northumberland County, Virginia, or until this Pickering branch connects with another in the WikiTree.

Jerry Pickering, "The family history outlined below represents my interpretation of the records I was able to find. While I did not always find definitive records, there is strong circumstantial evidence for my conclusions. Even though the Pickering surname was often mis-spelled, especially in the early years, one can follow a trail of recurring family names.There are, no doubt, a few mistakes in the document but at least it will provide a basis for further research."

NCV = Northumberland County Virginia
U.S. States = Standard two letter abbreviations

1. George Pickeringe / Pickarin / Pickerin - (born unknown - died after 1672) married - Sarah unk - (born unknown - died unknown) Children Edward - (born after 1643 NCV- d after 1672 )
2. William I - (born after older brother Edward (between 1644 & 1668) NCV - died about 1712)

  • 1655 Indentured servant George Pickeringe arrives Northumberland County Virginia sponsored by William Nutt [1]
  • 4 June 1655, Northumberland County, Virginia. Under the Headrights program, William Nutt received 333 acres “on North side of Wicocomoco River” for trans of 7 persons Wm. Goward, Jno. Hollaway, Geo. Pickeringe, Math.Wilcocks, Jno. Smith, Sarah Roberts, Wm. Nutt [2]
  • 4 Feb1662, Northumberland County Record Book. Charles Hoyle & wife Elizabeth assign all their rights to patent and land therein to George Pickarin his heirs & assignees for ever. 450 acres “upon S.W. side & towards the head of lower Chotanke Cr”. opposite to land of James Magregorie. Patent for land was originally granted to James Magriger & Hugh Fough, by them assigned to Alexander Maccotter & by him assigned to George Pickerin & Charles Hoyle who assigned his interest to George Pickerin. [2]
Research Note 1: Two different mis-spellings of the Pickering surname in the same document. From the description of the patent, this George Pickering married to Sarah, is the father of William Pickering I. George Pickarin/Pickerin could be the indentured servant George Pickeringe above but 450 acres would be a huge amount of land to receive from an indentured servant contract.
Jim Note: The typical indenture arrangement was that in exchange for passage to North America the indentured person was obligated to work for the master for four to seven years. For his/her labor the master was obligated to provide only basic necessities; food, clothing, and shelter. At the end of that time, some were given 25 to 50 acres of land.[3] It is highly unlikely that our George could have fulfilled the obligation of his indenture and accumulated money to purchase 450 acres of land seven years after arrival. While the indentured servant to planter is unlikely, it is an interesting coincidence that unmarried, indentured George came across the Atlantic with Sarah Roberts, and our George Pickeringe or Pickerin later has a wife named Sarah when there were several males for every female. There are a couple of possibilities. Probably the most likely is that indentured George Pickeringe and George Pickerin who acquired 450 acres of land are different people, the latter being one who arrived with the funds to acquire land. Another possibility is that George Pickeringe and William Nutt were in cahoots with George and wife Sarah pretending to be indentured to rip off the mother country for a few hundred acres. We may never know.
  • 4 Feb 1662 - George Pickrin, planter, sells a portion of the land patented above “towards the head of the Lower Chetank Creeke” to David Spence, Consent given by wife Sarah. Witnessed by Sarah. [4]
Research Note 2: This is David Spence, Sr, father of David Spence, Jr and grandfather of Sarah Spence who married William Pickering II.
  • 24 April 1664 - Will of George Pickrin leaves “my pattent & land that lyeth in CHOTANCK GREEKE in the County of Northumberland” to his Eldest son EDW:Pickrin. Leaves all his livestock to Sarah and the land to Sarah until EDW comes of age. [4]
Research Note 3: George leaves his entire estate to eldest son, a custom which was common in England at the time. From the description of the patent on “Chotanck Creek”, this land appears to be the same as patented above by George and Sarah and inherited below by William Pickering I. Apparently Edward died sometime after 1672 and William inherited the land. The will states that Edward was the eldest son indicating more than one son. Since William I inherited the farm, he could be the next eldest son and born after Edward and before 1664 year the will written.
Jim Note: "Of Age" under colonial law was 21 years.[5] 1664-21=1643 Edward born after 1643, and William after Edward.
  • 17 Apr 1672 - Edw and George Pickering register their marks for cattle. EDW PICKERING his marke the right ear uper halfed & a peece taken out under neath and ye left ear is upper halfed. GEORGE PICKERING his mark. Both eares upper halfed. [4][6]
Research Note 4: Although his will was written in 1664, George was alive in 1672. Edward also living in 1672.
  • 1 Dec 1694 - Description of land of John Harris, 150 acres in Fairfield Par. Northumberland Co, adj Scott’s Cr., John Dowing (Downing), and George Peckaring (Pickering). [7]
Research Note 5: This description of the property on Scott’s Cr in Fairfield Parish Northumberland County does not seem to match records below for William Pickering in St. Stevens Parish. However, what became St. Stevens Parish was formed in 1653 as Chikacone Parish and was renamed Fairfield Parish in 1664. When St. Steven’s Parish was formed in 1698, Fairfield became its lower part and Bowtracy became the northern part.
  • 18 May 1698 - Will of John Downing proved by oaths of David Spence, Thomas Hobson and John Simpkin. Executrix was Mrs. Elizabeth Downing, his widow. Elizabeth was represented by Captain Richard Haynie. [8]
Research Note 6: John and Elizabeth Downing were parents of Sarah who married first John Spann then David Spense. Sarah, daughter of David and Sarah, was first wife William Pickering II. Richard Haynie was father of Elinor Haynie who was second wife of William Pickering II.

2. William Pickering I - (born after 1664 and before 1668 NCV - died about 1712)
married unknown
Children [9][10]
3. William II - (born 6 March 1694 NCV - died unknown)
- George - (born between 1694 and 1705 NCV - died unknown)
- Issac - (born 27 May 1705 NCV - died unknown)
- Katherine - (born unknown - died unknown)
- Susannah - (born unknown - died unknown)

  • 27Jan 1668 - Will of Thomas Brewer leaves 100 acres of land described to Sarah Robinson. In case Sarah dies before age 15, the Land is to be William Pickerene’s (Pickering’s). [4]
Research Note 7: William Pickering I born before 1668. Relationship of Thomas Brewer and Sarah Robinson unknown.
  • 3 April 1706 - Description of land warrant for William Jones of Northumberland Co. 245 acres “on Scotts or Chetank Cr.” adj William Pickering.[7]
Research Note 8: Description of property “on Scotts or Chetank Cr.” adjacent to William Pickering matches description for land on Chetank creek originally patented by George Pickering in 1662.
  • 18 June 1712 probate 20 August 1712 - Will of William Pickerin I (Pickering) of St. Stephens Parish states that three sons William, George and Issac to receive land patented by his father 'George Pickerin (Pickering). Rest of Estate to be divided among five children William, George, Issac, Katherine and Susannah. William and George to help Issac built a house. [11]
Research Note 8: Assume sons named in order of birth in will. We have dates of birth for William and Issac. Therefore, George born between 1694 and 1705.[9]

3. William Pickering II - (born 6 March 1694 VA - died 1746 VA)
First wife Sarah Spence - (born unknown - died unknown)
Children[10] [12]
- Sarah - (born 18 Dec 1718 NCV - died unknown)
- William - (born 1720 - died unknown)
- Ann - (born 28 Dec 1722 NCV - died unknown)
- David - (born 2 Feb 1725 NCV - died unknown)
Second wife Elinor Haynie - (born 2 Sept 1708 NCV - died before 1746).
Children[8] [10] [13]
4. Spencer Pickering - (born 22 Aug 1729 NCV - died 1774) - Nelley - (born 15 Jan 1732 NCV - died unknown)

  • 17May1716 - William Pickering II by his atty Geo. Eskridge - something about a bridge built by his late father William Pickering I
Research Note 9: William Pickering I died before 1716 probably in 1712 when he made his will.
  • 16Sep1719 - Richard Lancaster orphan of Rd Lancaster, age 14, bound to William Pickering II to be taught shoemaking.[6]
  • David Spense married Sarah (Downing) Spann widow of John Spann in 1698. [14]
  • Sarah Downing, daughter of John and Elizabeth Downing married first John Span, then David Spence.[8]
  • Elinor Haynie, daughter of capt. Richard (d Northumberland Co. 1724/1725). Elinor Haynie married William Pickering between 1725-1750. They were parents of Spencer, born 1729 [13] [14] [15]
  • Richard Haynie, born about 1658, was the eldest son of John and Jane Morris Haynie. Richard was elected a burgess from Northumberland Co. to the Assembly 1695-1698 and 1703-1705 and served as high sheriff of Northumberland Co. in 1706. He achieved the the rank of captain in the Northumberland Co. militia and subsequently was always referred to by that title.[13] [15]
  • Elinor Haynie born 2 Sep 1708 was daughter of Richard Haynie and second wife Elinor Ormsby.[13] [15]
  • The tombstone of Richard Haynie’s first wife survived and reads: HERE LIES THE BODY OF ELIZABETH HAYNIE DAUGHTER OF RICHARD AND JANE BRIDGER WAS BORN ON JULY 16TH 1665 MARRIED TO RICHARD HAYNIE OCTOBER 10TH 1681 BY WHOM SHE HAD 8 CHILDREN AND DIED HIS WIFE APRIL 2 1697. Children of Richard and Elizabeth were Bridger, John, Richard II, Elizabeth (b 6 Dec 1668), Macksmillion, (b 31 Oct 1688), and Katherine. Richard and Elinor’s children were Anthony, Elinor, Charles (b 23 Jan 1710), Ormsby, Samuel, Winifred (born 7 April 1706) and Ann. [13] [15]
Research Note 10: The Spencer family name appears to have originated with Elinor Haynie. Elinor’s brother Anthony also named a son Spencer.
  • 31 Oct 1724 - Will of Richard Haynie. Divides Estate among six sons, Samuel, Bridger, Macksmillion, Ormsby, Charles and Richard II and four daughters Katherine, Elinor, Winifred and Anne. Extx. Wife Elinor with assistance of Major George Eskridge. [11]
  • 29 March 1750, prob. 10 Sep 1754 - Will of Elinor Haynie. Estate to be equally divided among children Samuel, Winifred and Ann Haynie. Grandson Spencer Pickeron (Pickering) to receive 1 shilling. Leaves son Anthony 10 shillings. Leaves heir of Ormsby one shilling and granddaughter Nelly Thorp a gold ring, a pair of silver sleeve buttons and a silver thimble and bodkin. Daughter Catherine Bearcroft 10 shillings.[11]
Research Note 11: Elinor does not mention daughter Elinor in the Will but gives 1 shilling to grandson Spencer Pickering. Apprenticeship for Spencer describes him as an orphan in 1746 so Elinor II probably died before 1746.
  • A.O. Keach in “John Downing of Fairfields, Northumberland County, Virginia, and His Descents” States that Sarah Spence married William Pickering of Northumberland County and children were Sarah born 18 Dec 1718, William born 24 Nov 1720, Ann born 28 Dec 1722 and David born 2 Feb 1725”. She also states that “The Pickering and Welches were substantial and well known families and furnished several soldiers to the Revolutionary Army”.[8]
Research Note 12: A.O. Keach does not mention Spencer. David was the youngest mentioned and probably named after David Spence, Sarah’s father. Therefore, Sarah, William, Ann and David were children of William Pickering II and Sarah Spence. Spencer was son of William Pickering II and Elinor Haynie.

4. Spencer Pickering - (born 22 Aug 1729 NCV - died 1774)
married Judith Way - (born unknown - died unknown)
Children [9]
- William - (born 12 June 1752 - died before father's will written 1774)
5. John - (born 28 Nov 1753 NCV - died unknown)
- Charles - (born 23 Dec 1755 NCV - died unknown)
- Spencer Mottrom - (born April 1763 - died unknown)
- William Henry - (born 23 Nov 1772 NCV - died unknown)

  • Spencer Pickering orphan of William Pickering Seventeen years old on 22 Aug 1746 is bound as an apprentice to Mosely Mott to learn the trade of bricklayer. [16]
Research Note 13: William Pickering II died in 1746.
  • 7 May 1748 - David Pickering of St Stevens Parish, Northumberland Co. grandson of David Spence sold a tract of land to Moseley Mott. The land described as granted by patent to William Cornish 9 Dec 1662 and by him to Samuel Nichols 30 April 1673, from Nicholas to Downing, from Downing to Spence, from Spence to William Pickering, from William Pickering to David Pickering.[8]
  • 30 June 1774 -- 8 August 1774 - Will of Spencer Pickrell (Pickering) of St Stevens Parish, leaves a third of his estate each to sons William Henry and Spencer Mottrom and wife Judith. Leaves one crop hogshead of tobacco to son John. If either Spencer Mottrom or William Henry should die without heirs their part of the estate to go to the survivor and if both should die without lawful heirs then their estate goes to John Pickrell and his children. Executors wife Judith, William Pickrell (Pickering), William Eskridge and Winder Kenner. [10]
  • Estate of Spencer Pickren (Pickering) also included a parcel of old books,[17]
Research Note 14: Spencer Pickering died 1774. John Pickering did not receive any of the land but tax records show a John Pickering owned 90 acres.'[18]
  • 10 June 1788 Spencer Mottrom Pickering, marries Jean Parker. consent of Toulson Parker, father of Jean. Richard J. Corbin sec.[19]
  • Jean Parker daughter of Tolson and Jean Parker was born 20 Feb 1777[9]
Research Note 15: Spencer Mottrom was 25. Jean was 11.
  • 6 Nov 1810 - Spencer M. Pickering, widowed, marries Juliet Williams, widowed, Northumberland County Virginia. William H. Pickering sec [19]
  • 20 Nov 1814 William H. Pickering, widowed, marries Fanny Gill, widowed, Northumberland, County, Virginia [19]
Research Note 16: William Henry and Spencer Mottrom, having inherited the estate, stay in Virginia.
  • 3 December 1774 - 9 January 1775 - Will of Judith Hudnall St. Stevens Parish. Gives granddaughter Nancy Way, who is daughter of her son Richard Way, a saddle. Son Richard Way, daughter Judith Pickering, and daughter Eliza Haynie each receive a third of the estate. Judith Pickering executrix.[11]
Research Note 17: Judith Hudnall mother of Judith Way Pickering was previously married to John Way.
  • Hudnall, John married Judith Whay (widow) circa 12Nov 1744, Bride was widow of John Whey, both bride and groom were from St Stevens Parish.[14]

Children of John and Judith Way[9]
- Judith Way (Wey) daughter to John born March 12, 1731
- Eliz’a Way (Wey) daughter to John born Feb 15, 1729
- Rich’d Way (Wey) son to John born April 17. 1735

5. John Spencer Pickering - (born 28 Nov 1753 - NCV - died about 1819 Robertson County, TN)
married Maryan Taylor Smith - born 7 Feb 1753 NCV - died unknown Robertson County, TN)
Children of John Spencer and Maryan:
6. Charles Henry Pickering - (born 8 Nov 1778 NCV - died 15 Jan 1844 Williamson County, TN)
- Spencer Pickering - (born between 1779 and 1784 NCV - died about 1815 TN)
- John Taylor Pickering - (born between 1779 and 1784 NCV - died about 1815 TN)
- William Geraldus Pickering - (born 24 Feb 1785 NCV - died 2 Apr 1864 Montgomery County, TN)
- Judith Taylor Pickering - (born 17 August 1793 Edgecombe Co NC - 17 Aug 1793, d 3 Jun 1865, Robertson Co, TN)

Research Note 18: John Pickering son of Spencer has to be John Spencer Pickering. Although I did not find direct evidence of his middle name, I found two grandsons and two great grandsons named after him. J.A. Cartwright and related families quoted by Priscilla Pickering Weathersby says “John Pickering was a school teacher and wrote a beautiful hand. He educated his sons but not his daughter.” There are references for payments to John Pickering for schooling in the Robertson county court records.[20]

Children of John and Judith Taylor[9]
- Saraham born (3 Sep 1751)
- Maryan born (7 Feb 1753)
- Moses born (19 April 1754)
- John born (29 Jan 1757)
- Judith born (21 Jan 1759)

  • John Smith married (FNU) Taylor daughter of John and Judith Taylor 3 Sep 1767.[14]
Research Note 19: Maryan 14 years and 6 months old when she married John Smith.
  • Elzabeth Smith daughter of John and Saryan Smith was born 28 May 1772[9]
Research Note 20: Saryan is probably Maryan based on above records indicating that Maryan had at least one child by her first marriage.
  • John Pickren (Pickering) married Molly Smith 1778.[14] [21]
  • Charles Henry Pickren (Pickering) son of John and Maryan was born 8 Nov 1778[9]
  • 8 Sep 1777 - Moses Taylor is appointed second Lieutenant in Captain Samuel Eskridges Company of Militia and John Pickerin (Pickering) is appointed his Ensign. Both having qualified themselves agreeable to Law[18]
Research Note 22: Moses Taylor John’s brother-in-law.
    John Pickren (Pickering)
    - 9 Nov 1778 Surveyor of the Road in the room of William Pickerin
    - 14 April 1778 Constable in the room of Richard Morrison
    - 15 Dec 1778, 8 Nov 1779, and 11 Sep 1780 Undersheriff[18]
  • 1782 Northumberland Co. Land Tax List
    John Pickron (Pickering) - 90 Acres[18]
  • 1782 Census St Stevens Parish Northumberland County VA
    List of Sam’l Blackwell ..........# Whites.... # Blacks
    John Pickren (Pickering) .............4 ..............2
    Judith Pickeren (Pickering)......... 4.............. 6
    Moses Taylor ................................ 7 ............12[22]
Research Note 23: Judith Way Pickering head of household since Spencer died in 1774, three sons William 19, Spencer Mottrom 19 and Charles 27. John and Maryan have 2 children Charles Henry and another born between 1779 and 1782.
  • 9 August 1784 - St. Stevens Parish, Northumberland, VA. Will of Sarah Carpenter witnessed by John Pickren (Pickering) and Maryan Pickren (Pickering)[11]
  • 8 Jan 1787 - Estate of John Pickren (Pickering) administered by Thomas Hudnall, Thomas Hobson and Richard Morrison. [18]
Research Note 24: John Pickering and family moved from Northumberland Co VA to Edgecombe North Carolina between 1784 when John and Maryan witnessed a will and 1793 when Judith Taylor was born. This record suggests they were still in VA in 1787. According to census data (see below) William Geraldus was born in 1785 in either VA or NC. William Geraldus was probably born in VA.
Jim Note: An administrator(s) would be assigned if the owner died without a will, but John had not died. If John and family had moved out of state, without selling his land and/or without settling debts and had no intention of returning he might retain someone to "administer his estate". Might have been necessary to have them court appointed in effect letting others know the administrators had his Power of Attorney. Why 3 people? With 3 people watching each other difficult for one to rip him off. I see this as indication that John had left VA. This might put Geraldus born in NC?
  • 1800 Census for Edgecombe County, North Carolina[23] John Pickering males <10=0, 10-16=1, 16-26=3, 26-45=0, >45=1; Females <10=1, 10-16=0, 16-26=0, 26-45=0, >45=1
Research Note 25: Census shows one daughter and four sons. Judith Taylor (b 1793) age 7. William Geraldus (b 1785) age 15. Charles Henry (b 1778) age 22. Spencer and John Taylor were born between Charles Henry and William Geraldus. One born between 1779 and 1782 and another born between 1782 and 1784.
  • 25 June 1803, Edgecombe county North Carolina. Will of Theophilus Thomas witnessed by C. H. Pickering[24]
Research Note 26: Charles Henry still in North Carolina in 1803.
  • Robertson County Tennessee Court minutes 1808-1811. Charles Pickering and John Pickering, Sr testify in court Feb 1810[25]
  • Charles H. Pickering was duly elected constable of Springfield, Robertson, TN.[25]
  • Benjm Porter in acct. with H Hart Dr 5th April 1808 to Jan, 1810. This account was delivered into Court at Feb term 1810. Credits By schooling to John Pickering[25]
Research Note 27: John Pickering taught Henry Hart who married his daughter Judith Taylor.
  • Charles H. Pickering having paid the tax imposed on tavern keepers, a license is, therefore, granted him to keep an ordinary at his house in the town of Springfield, for the term of 12 months.[25]
  • July 6, 1810 - Will all those indebted to John T. PICKERING, please come forward and settle their accounts. Spencer Pickering[26]
  • 15 February 1810 - Robert Probate sold land in Craven County, NC to Charles H. Pickring (Pickering) and John T. Pickring (Pickering).[27]
  • p 408 Sale of the estate of Nicholas Conrad, dec’d 18 Dec 1811. Purchasers included Melechi Pickering, Spencer Pickering, Charles H. Pickering, John T. Pickering, Geraldus Pickering, John Pickering, Sr., William Pickering, Mrs Jacob Pickering, Henry Hart[25]
Research Note 28: John Sr. implies that John T. (T probably Taylor) is son of John Spencer. Malichi, Jacob and William relationship unknown.

- Jacob Pickering

  • July 16th Tuesday, Nashville. Stewart W. Thornton and Jacob Pickering were executed on Saturday (July 13, 1811) for the murder of Elisha Garner.[26]
Researcn Note 31: Jacob Pickering was constable of Springfield and was charged with murder in Montgomery Co. for dragging Elisha Gardner, an escaped prisoner, behind a horse by the neck until he died. They got a change of venue to Davidson County but were convicted anyway and hanged. Goodspeed’s history of Robertson County has Charles the one who was hanged. Charles was also constable of Springfield, hence the confusion, but obviously was not hanged.[28] Priscilla Pickering Weathersby[20] found court records indicating that Jacob was elected constable of Springfield as early in 1802. The obituary for Charles H. Pickering indicates that the family moved to Robertson TN around 1805 and were still in NC in 1803. Jacob Pickering not related.
  • 1812 Robertson TN. Charles H. Pickering and Spencer Pickering on tax list[20]
  • War of 1812 - Charles H. Pickering 2 Regiment West Tennessee Militia (Col Lowry, Lieut Col Hammons), rank Sergent[29]
  • Spencer Pickering, Edmonston’s Detachment Cavalry, Tennessee Militia - United States, War of 1812. Index to Service Records, 1812-1815. [29]
Research Note 33: Charles H. and Spencer were in the Tennessee Militia during the War of 1812. I did not find information whether they were in any battles. Andrew Jackson’s Tennessee Militia defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans. 1812-1813.
  • Petition to the General Assembly of Tennessee “Petition of the citizens of Robertson county Tennessee requiring calvary uniforms to be made of homespun rather than imported materials” Signed by Charles H. Pickering[30]
  • Petition to the General Assembly of Tennessee “Petition from the citizens of Robertson County to amend the law concerning the collection of taxes for the purpose of building a jail in Springfield. ”Signed by Charles H. Pickering and Spencer Pickering.[30]
  • John T. Pickering is mentioned in settlement of the estate of John Crawford in Jan 1818 for expenses fees for grants tax for 1812 and 1813 in Williamson County TN[31]
  • April 1813 Dickson County, Suits, Benjamin Joslin against Spencer Pickering and Spencer Pickering against Benjamin Joslin. Spencer Pickering paying the cost. July 1813 plaintiff order case dismissed.[32]
  • Robertson County TN Wills 1814 - An inventory of the Estate of John Watkins. Due bill on Charles Pickering[25]
  • 1816 Montgomery County Tennessee - John Pickering, father of Geraldus, bought 75 1/2 acres of land along Parson’s Creek “for my beloved grandson Spencer."[20]
Research Note 34: Spencer was son of William Geraldus. There are several references to Charles H. Pickering, Spencer Pickering, John Pickering, Sr and John T. Pickering together in the Robertson County court records from around 1808 to 1813. The 1800 NC census data indicate that John Pickering and Maryan Taylor had one daughter and four sons. Although I found no definitive records, indirect evidence indicates that John T and Spencer were the two other sons. John T. and Spencer do not show up in any of the census data. I found no references to them after about 1814. In Priscilla’s genealogy notes[20] she quotes “Cartwright and Related Families” by J.A. Cartwright, “Jack Pickering (father of Judith Hart) came to this county from Tarboro (Edgecombe Co.) North Carolina. Two sons, Jack and Spencer, died in early manhood and are buried by their parents at the feet of Henry and Judith Hart. The other children were Garrett and Charles. Garrett remained in Tennessee and Charles moved to Arkansas.” Garrett is obviously Geraldus who stayed in Montgomery Co. No evidence that Charles moved to Arkansas but his children did. John Taylor may be a stretch but Judith Taylor and John Taylor could have been named for Maryan’s parents, John and Judith Taylor.
  • Judith Taylor Pickering - Hart Bible 1848[33] This Bible is in the possession of Mr. Paul Jackson. He found it in a house being torn down. Judith Gilliam, daughter of James Gilliam was married to Joseph Taylor November 3, 1768. Mary Taylor Smith (widow) married Ensign Jack Pickering, was daughter of Joseph and Judith Gilliam Taylor. Judith Taylor Pickering who married Henry Hart was daughter of Jack and Mary Taylor Pickering. Mary Taylor Pickering was first cousin of President Zachary Taylor, their fathers were brothers.
Research Note 35: This account of Maryan Taylor being the first cousin of Zachary Taylor appears to be inaccurate. Birth records from Northumberland VA[9] indicate that Maryan was the daughter of John and Judith Taylor from Northumberland VA. Since Joseph was not her father, she could not be cousin of Zachary Taylor. Several different records from Northumberland indicate her name was Maryan and not Mary Ann.
  • Judith Taylor Pickering Hart was born Aug 17, 1793 in North Carolina.
  • Henry Hart, Sr. was born 22 day of June 1792 in Davidson Co. Tenn.
  • Henry Hart and Judith Taylor Pickering were married the 2 day of September 1813.
  • Judith Taylor Pickering Hart died 3 June 1865. buried[34]
  • Henry Hart died Dec 24, 1856 in Robertson Co buried[35]
  • Children of Henry Hart and Judith Taylor Pickering.[20] [33] [36]
    - Joseph (born 14 June 1814 - died 4 Nov 1818)
    - Mary Ann (born 27 July 1816 - married Daniel Gould Baird on 18 April 1833, Robertson Co)
    - John Spencer (born 25 July 1818 - married 1st Martha Mumford Miller 27 July 1848 - married 2nd Sally McGavock)
    - Amanda Malvina (born 4 May 1820 - married G.F. Neil of Carrolton, MS, Maj. Conf. Army)
    - Henry Jr (born 21 Nov 1822 - married Huldah Hooper (b 21 Jan 1820 d 30 Oct 1849 Davidson, Co)
    - Nancy (born 21 Nov 1824 - died 23 Sep 1832)</br>- Judith Taylor Caroline (born 1826 - married G.F. Neil, her sister’s husband)
    - William Wesley (born 1828 - married Laura Peebles) studied medicine in Clarksville & Louisville.
    - Edwin Hooper (born 3Nov1830 - died 27Sep1863 Robertson Co) married Mattie Brown 29Dec1853.
    - Emily Augusta (b 1834 m J.R. Finch 1 Nov 1855, he was Maj. in Con. Army)
  • William Geraldus Pickering[20] [37] (born 24 Feb 1785 NCV - died 2 Apr 1864 in Montgomery County, Tennessee - married Leticia Mary Marshall (born 24 Sep 1790 ))
Research Note 36: Based on census data, it is uncertain whether William Geraldus and Mary were born in VA or NC. The 1850 census says William Geraldus and Mary were both born in NC[38] The 1860 census has both William Geraldus and Mary born in VA.[39] [40] The 1880 census for William Geraldus Pickering, Jr has both father and mother born in NC. [41]. The 1900 census for William Geraldus Jr. says father born in NC mother born in VA.[42] Most likely William Geraldus was born in VA and Mary was born in NC.
  • Priscilla states “This came from Virginia Pickering ‘Garaldus Pickering was born in Northumberland Co. Virginia. His wife Mary Marshall was born in Halifax Co. Virginia. Early in 1800 they came from Statesville, NC and settled in Montgomery Co near the Robertson Co. line on Parson’s Creek. Geraldus built the first school house and taught the first School in Montgomery Co.'"[20]
Research Note 37: Statesville is in South Carolina. Several different records indicate the family moved to TN from North Carolina.

6. Charles Henry Pickering - (born 8 Nov 1778 NCV - died 15 Jan 1844 Williamson Co, TN)
- Elizabeth (Eliza) L. Pobart - (born between 1780-1790 MD - died between 1840-1848 Williamson Co, TN)
- George Hiram - (born 4 Jul 1808 Robertson County, TN - died 17 Oct 1897 Union County, AR)
- Lanora M - (born 21 Nov 1813 TN - died 26 Feb 1848 Union Co AR)
- Mellisa S. (born abt 1819 TN - died after 1880 Union Co. AR)
- Charles William - (born13 Nov 1820 TN - died 4 Jan1865 Claiborne Parish, LA)
7. John Spencer, Sr - (born 29 June 1829 Dickson Co TN - died 13 Sep 1890 Columbia Co AR)

  • Williamson County Tennessee Obituaries[43] Pickering, Charles H.; died January 15, 1844; born November 8, 1778 in Northumberland Co, Va; married Miss Elisa L. Pobart Dec 19, 1802 in N.C.; moved to Tenn. 1805; many years a citizen here; age 65 years 2 months 7 days; joined M.E. church in 1824; appointed Class Leader at Duke’s Chapel, Dixon County and held office for 15 or 16 months; was a Mason and funeral services held at M.E, church in Franklin.
  • Lanora M. Whitby d. 26 Feb 1848 near Eldorado, Union Co,. Ark. 34 years, 9 mos. 7 days dau of Charles & Eliza L. Pickering, late of Franklin Co,. Tenn mother. bros & sister.[43]
Research Note 38: Obituary for Lanora M. indicates Eliza L. was deceased in Feb 1848. She was alive for the 1840 census, so she died between 1840 and 1848.
  • 1826 Dickson County TN - Priscilla found probate records showing George H. Pickering bought 50 acres for 12 1/2 cents per acre.[20]
Research Note 39: This places George Hiram Pickering in Dickson Co. with father Charles Henry who was a member of the Hiram Masonic Lodge which could be where he came up with George’s middle name.
Research Note 40: Charles Henry is the only candidate for father of George Hiram. With the George family name he most likely descended from John Pickering of Northumberland Co VA. William Geraldus and Charles Henry are the only sons of John Pickering in the age range to have a son born in 1808, and George Hiram was not one of William Geraldus’ 12 children.
  • 1830 Census Dickson County Tennessee[44]
    Charles H. Pickering
    Males <5=1, 5-10=1, 50-60=1;
    Females 10-15=1, 15-20=1, 40-50=1
Research Note 41: John S. 1, Charles William 9, Mellisa 11, and Lenora M 17. George H 22 not living at home.
  • 1830 Census Montgomery County Tennessee[45]
    Geraldus Pickering
    Males <5=1, 10-15=2, 15-20=1, 40-50=1;
    Females 5-10=3, 10-15=1, 30-40=1
Research Note 42: William Geraldus Pickering and children stayed in Montgomery Co.
  • Lenora M. Pickering married Richard H. Whitby 26 Dec 1832 Williamson, TN.[46]
  • Jan 7 1836 - Pickering, George H., Surveyor, Lafayette County, Arkansas[47]
  • George Hiram Pickering 1840 census for Union County Arkansas[48]
    males <5=1, 20-30=1, 30-40=1,
    females , 5=1, 20-30=1
Research Note 43: George (32) and Eliza (28) have two children John William and Nancy Jane, under 5. The male 20-30 is unknown.
  • Charles H. Pickering 1840 Census Williamson County TN[49]
    Males 10-15=1 (born 1825-1830), 15-20=1 (born 1820-1825), 60-70=1 (born 1770-1780);
    Females 20-30=2, 50-60=1
Research Note 44: John S. 11, Charles William 19, Lenora M 26, Mellisa 21
  • July 1, 1843 - School census of the 8th District Williamson County TN shows Charles H. Pickering responsible for one child over six and under 21.[50]
Research Note 45: 1843 School census suggests that Charles William left home after the 1840 census and before the 1843 school census. Gone to Arkansas to Join brother George Hiram.
  • April 4, 1844 - Boyd, Nathan A. married America Wood Williamson County, TN. Bondsman: John S. Pickering[51]
Research Note 46: Although John S. Pickering at just under 15 would be a little young to be a bondsman, I do not know of another John S. Pickering in Williamson County at that time. He could have been filling in for his father who died three months earlier that year. America Wood could be America Pickering daughter of John M Pickering. This could be transcribed incorrect, S for M.
  • Arkansas Land Patent for Union Co AR[52]
    Name ...........................Sec .....Twp ..... Rng ...... Acres ...... Date
    Pickering, George H ..... 22 ......17S .....15W .......120 .......1 Jan 1848
    Pickering, George H ..... 22 ......17S .....15W ........ 40 ......11 Jan 1849
Research Note 47: ElDorado is located in 17S 15W. Section 22 is about 2 miles northeast of ElDorado town center, bordered on the east by US Highway 63.
  • Malissa Pickron (Pickering) married Young Tatum Dec 23, 1840, Williamson County, TN[53]
  • 1850 Census for Union County AR[54]
    Name ................... Sex ...............age .............born in
    Young Tatum ..........M ................. 35 .................VA
    Melissa S. Tatum ....F ..................28 ................ TN
    Timothy P. Tatum ....M .................. 8 ............... TN
    Charles J Tatum .... M .................. 6 ................. TN
    Mary E. Tatum ........F ................... 4 ................ TN
    George C. Tatum ... M .................. 1 ................ AR
    Elezabith .................F ................. 72 ............... MO

  • 1850 Census Claiborne Parish LA[55]
    ...... Name ................. Sex ... Age ... Born In
    Jno S. Pickering ........ M ...... 34 ...... TN
    Sarah M. Pickering .... F .......16 ...... MS
    Charles Tatum .......... M ........ 5 ...... TN
Research Note 48: Melissa S. Pickering other daughter of Charles H. Pickering and Elisa L. Pobart? Melissa is sister of John S. The 1850 census has Melissa as 28 in 1850 which does not match the 1830 and 1840 census for Charles H. However, the 1870 census has her 51 years old and Young Tatum (occupation Blacksmith) 61. The 1880 census has her 60 (Young died before 1860). This would put her birth date 1819 or 1820. She would be 21 in 1840 (census taken in June before they were married in December) and 11 in 1830 and matches the census data. The 1880 census for both Melissa Tatum and John S. Pickering show father born in Virginia and mother born in Maryland.
Research Note 49: Age for John S (Spencer) entered incorrectly on 1850 census. Charles Tatum got counted twice in the 1850 census.
Research Note 50: The Pickering family appears to have moved from Williamson Co TN to Union Co AR about 1848. From the ages of the Tatum Children, the Tatum family moved from TN to Union Co AR between 1846 and 1849. John S. Pickering married Sarah M. Wroten on 12 Dec 1848 in Union County AR. Lenora Pickering Whitley died in Union Co near El Dorado in Feb 1848. Charles William shows up in the 1850 census for Union Co living in a boarding house. George Hiram Pickering was already established in Arkansas. He was a county surveyor for Lafayette Co in 1837 and was listed as one of the earliest settlers of Layette County, AR.[56] He married Harriette Eliza Lucas in Union County in 1837 and appears in the 1840 census for Union County. He obtained land patents in Union County near El Dorado in 1848 and 1849.[52]
  • Charles William Pickering
    Married 14 Jul 1853
    - Jane Wesley McKamie (b 1825 in SC)
    Children [57]
    - Anna Eliza (born 6 Jul 1854 - died 28 Feb 1943) m Christopher Columbus Brown
    -Tennessee aka Tennie S. Pickering - married Osco Lewis
    - May Frances
    - Maria Jane married Charles J. Jolley
  • 1850 Census Eldorado, Union County Arkansas[58]
    C.W. Pickering age approx 28, born TN about 1822.
  • Claiborne, Parish LA 7/20/1853 - Charles W. Pickering receives land patent[59]
  • PICKERING, C.W. - bural - 04 Jan 1865[60] Aged 44 yrs, 1 mo, 21 days - “Dear parent, though we miss you much, we know you rest with God”.
  • PICKERING, May F. - d/o C.W. & Jane W. PICKERING; Aged 5 yrs, 6 mos, 25 dys - “A little time on earth she spent, Till God for her His Angel sent”[61]
  • Jane W. Pickering ( born 15 Oct 1825 - died 23 Dec 1907)[62]
  • Maria J. Pickering Jolley (born 9 Jan 1859 - died 19 Jan 1935)[63] Daughter of Charles William Pickering, spouse Charley J. Jolley 1859-1933[64]
  • Lewis, Tennessee Pickering ( born 29 Sep 1861 - died 5 Oct 1955 )[65] A little time on earth they spent, Till God for them his Angels sent”
  • Lewis, Osco (Papa/father) (born 16 March 1855 - died 20 Aug 1929)[66]
  • Louisiana Secretary of State, Confederate Pension Applications Index[67]
    Pickering, Jane West (McKamie)
    Soldier Information - Pickering, Charles William
    State: LA - Branch: Calvary - Unit: 2ND Regiment - Company: NEWEL’S Co. -Unit: 6TH Regiment - Company: CO. E
Research Note 51: Charles William possibly wounded in the war or became ill (no record found), and sent home. Most likely died at home given that he is buried near home in Claiborne Parish, Louisiana. He left three young daughters 5 and 10 and 12.

- George Hiram Pickering - (born 4 Jul 1808 Robertson County, TN) - (died 17 Oct 1897 Union County, AR)[68]
married 17 Apr 1838[68]
- Harriette Elizabeth (Eliza) Lucas (born 11Jan 1812 - died 7 Oct 1897)[68]
Children :
- John William (born 28 Jan 1839 - died 28 Jun1927) buried[69]
- Nancy Jane (born 22 Mar 1840 - died 15 Jan 1935) buried[68]
- Charles Hiram (born 19 Mar 1844 - died unknown)
- Mary Elizabeth (born 23 Jul 1858 - died 5 Sept 1841)[68]
- George Thomas (born 22 July 1846 - died 30 May 1926)[68]
- Elizabeth Taylor (born 25 Jan 1850 - died 25 July 1829)[68]

  • 1850 Census for Eldorado, Union Co, Arkansas[70]
    Name ..............................Sex ...... Age ....... Born in
    George W. Pickering ........ M ........ 42 ............ TN
    Eliza Pickering .................. F ........ 32 ............. AL
    Jno W. Pickering .............. M ........ 12 ............ AR
    Nancy Pickering ................ F ........ 10 ............ AR
    Charles H Pickering ......... M .......... 6 ............ AR
    Thos G Pickering .............. M .......... 5 ........... AR
    Elisa A.Pickering ................ F ......... 3 ............ AR
    Mary E. Pickering ............... F ......... 0 ............ AR
    Richard Hicks .................... M ........ 53 ........... GA

Research Note 52: George W. transcription error, image reads George H.

7. John Spencer Pickering, Sr (born 29 June 1829 TN - died 13 Sep 1890 AR)
married on 12 Dec 1848 (42, 43)[71] [72]
Sarah A.M. Wroten (born 10 Oct 1834 - died 18 May 1881)
- Ann (born about 1852)
- Darkus O. (born about 1856)
- William R. (born 31 Dec 1859 - died 8 Mar 1932)
8. John Spencer, Jr (born 16 May 1861 AR - died 13 Dec 1924 TX)
- Belinda P. (Bennie) (born Aug 1863 - 24 Sep 1947)
- Margarett Ida (Maggie) (born 10 Feb 1867 - died 8 Jul 1924)
- Dossie L. (born about 1876 AR - died unknown) m Andrew D. Clarke on 11 Jul 1893[73][74]

Research Note 53: John S. Pickering son of Charles H. Pickering who married Sarah Wroten in Union Arkansas also has to be John Spencer. He was most likely named after his grandfather, John Spencer Pickering. This would follow a family tradition. The death certificate for his son John Spencer Pickering indicates his father was J.S. Pickering, Sr. [75]


  1. George Cabell Greer. Early Virginia Immigrants, 1623-1666 . 1912. Family History Library Book 975.5 D2
  2. 2.0 2.1 Nell Marion Nugent. Cavaliers and Pioneers. Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1666, volume 1. Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc, Baltimore, MD 1983. Family History Library Book 975.5 R2n v.1
  3. Wolfe, Brendan, and Martha McCartney. "Indentured Servants in Colonial Virginia." Encyclopedia Virginia. Accessed September 15, 2017017. [1]
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 "Ruth & Sam Sparacio. Virginia County Court Records. Deed & Will Abstracts of Northumberland County Virginia", 1670-1672/1706-1711. The Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1994. Family History Library Book 975.521 R2s v1 1650-1655, v2 1655-1658, v3 1658-1662, v4 1662-1668,v5 1666-1670, v 61670-1672, v6 1711-1712, v8 1712-1726.
  5. Baird, Robert W. "Legal Age." Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet". Accessed September 18, 2017. [2]
  6. 6.0 6.1 Beverley Fleet. Virginia Colonial Abstracts, vol. 20. Northumbria collectanea, 1645-1720. on line at: www.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Gertrude E. Gray. Northern Neck Land Grants, 1694-1742, Genealogical Pub. Co. Baltimore, MD 1987-1993. Family History Library Book 975.52 R2 V1
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 O. A. Keach. John Downing of Fairfields, Northumberland County, Virginia, and His Descents. The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol 1.25, number 1, July 1916, p. 36.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 Beverley Fleet, Colonial Abstracts, Vol III, Northumberland Co. Record of Births 1661-1810, Family History Library Book 975.5N2f6, on line at:
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Gail M. Walczyk. Northumberland County Va Church Record of Birth and Deaths 1650-1810., Peters Row, New York, 2001. Family History Library Book 975.521K2
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 James F. Lewis and J. Motley Booker, M.D. Deed and Will Abstracts of Northumberland County Virginia. Family History Library Book 975.521 P2l, Wills and Administrations 1713-1749 v1, Wills and Administrations 1750-1776 v2, Wills 1770-1793 and Administrations 1170-1790 v3, Wills 1793-1816 and Administrations 1790-1816 v4
  12. Dorothy Ford Wulfeck, Marriages of Some Virginia Residents 1607-1800, Series I, Vol 6, D.F. Wulfeck, Naugatuck, CT, 1961-1967. Family History Library Book 975.5 v6
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Virginia Lee Hutcheson Davis. Tidewater Virginia Families. Genealogical Pub. Co. Baltimore, MD 1998. Family History Library Book 975.5 D2d
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Holly G. Wright and F. Edward Wright. Colonial Families of the Northern Neck of Virginia, v 2. The Haynie Family, p53, Colonial Roots, Lewes, Del. 2005-2007. Family History Library Book 975.52 D2
  16. W. Preston Haynie. Northumberland County Virginia Apprenticeships 1650-1750. Heritage Books, Bowie, MD, 1993-1994. Family History Library Book 975.52 V1
  17. W. Preston Haynie. A Northumberland County bookshelf, or a parcel of old books, 1650-1852. Heritage Books, Bowie, MD, 1994. Family History Library Book 975.521 P28
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 Bulletin of the Northumberland County Historical Society, vol 1-33. Family History Library Book 975.521 D25b
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Strattom Nottingham. The marriage eBonds of Northumberland County Virginia from 1783 to 1850. Genealogital Publishing Co. Inc. Baltimore, MD, 1976. Family History Library Book 975.521 V22n
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 Priscilla Pickering Weathersby, Weathersby-Pickering-Wyatt and Related Families, 1969. Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library Vertical Files.
  21. Elizabeth Perry Bently. Virginia Marriage Records: from the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler’s Quarterly. Marriage License Records of Northumberland County, Virginia, from 1735 to 1795 as recorded in Clerk’s fee books. Listed and arranged by Lillian Anderson Hatton, Heathsville, Virginia. Genealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore, MD, c1998. Family History Library Book 975.52 V2
  22. Fisher, Joy. "NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, VA - CENSUS - 1782 Taxlist of Sam'l Blackwell." USGenWeb Archives. Accessed September 25, 2017. [3]
  23. "United States Census, 1800, Edgecombe County, North Carolina" database with images, FamilySearch (accessed 28 September 2017), John Pickering, Edgecombe, North Carolina, United States; citing p. 231, NARA microfilm publication M32, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 30; FHL microfilm 337,906. [4]
  24. David B. Gammon. Abstracts of Wills. Edgecombe County. North Carolina. Volume II 1793-1823. D.B. Gammon, Raleigh, NC, 1992. Family History Library Book 975.646 P28g v2
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 County Court minutes, 1796-1824, Robertson County, Tennessee. Family History Library US/CAN film 24799
  26. 26.0 26.1 Sherida K. Eddlemon. Genealogical Abstracts from Tennessee Newspapers, 1803-1812, The carthage Gazette and Friend of the People published by William Moore. Heritage Books, Bowie, MD 1988. Family History Library Book 976.8 D2
  27. Marjorie Hood Fisher and Ruth Blake Burns. Tennessee tidbits, 1778-1914 : a collection of items showing birth, death, marriage, divorce, guardianship, naturalization, illegitimacy, lunacy, migration, residency, relationship, adoption, disability, military service, emancipation, tribute, apprenticeship, etc. Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC, 1986-2000 Family History Library Book 976.8 P2
  28. Yolanda G. Reid and Rick S. Gregory. Robertson County, Tennessee Home of the World’s Finest Celebrating 200 Years. Beginning to 1991. Turner Publishing Company.
  29. 29.0 29.1 Adjutant General’s Office, United States, Index to Service Records, War of 1812. National Archives, Washington, D.C.
  30. 30.0 30.1 Tennessee State Library archives microfilm roll 4, Legislative petitions 1812-1813, Reprinted in The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine vol 35, no. 1, spring 1988
  31. Louise Gillespie Lynch “Williamson County, Tennessee Wills and Inventories Book I & II, 1800-1818. L.G. Lynch, Williamson, TN 1969. Family History Library Book 976.856 P2llg.
  32. Carol Wells. Pioneers of Dickson County, Tennessee. A genealogical abstract of the earliest minute books. Ericson, Nacogdoches, TX, 1988 Family History Library Book 976.844 H2w.
  33. 33.0 33.1 Louise Gillespie Lynch . Bible records of Williamson County Tennessee. Hart Bible p 167. L.G. Lynch, Nashville, TN, 1974. Family History Library Book 976.856 D2l v1
  34. "FindAGrave, Judith Taylor Pickering Hart, 3 June 1865," Hart Cemetery, Robertson County, Tennessee. [5]
  35. "FindAGrave, Henry Hart, 24 December 1856," Hart Cemetery, Robertson County, 
Tennessee. [6]
  36. Jeannette Tillotson Acklen. Tennessee Records. Bible Records and Marriage bonds. Henry Hart, Jr. Bible. Genealogical Pub. Co. Baltimore, MD 1967. Family History Library Book 976.8 D2
  37. W.G. Pickering Bible. Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library Vertical Files.
  38. "United States Census, 1850," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 June 2012), Garey Pickering in household of Garey Pickering, Montgomery county, Montgomery, Tennessee, United States.
  39. "United States Census, 1860," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 June 2012), G Pickering, , Montgomery, Tennessee.
  40. "United States Census, 1860," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 June 2012), Mary Pickering, , Montgomery, Tennessee.
  41. "United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 15 July 2017), William G Pickering, District 5, Montgomery, Tennessee, United States; citing enumeration district ED 132, sheet 243C, NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 1272; FHL microfilm 1,255,272.
  42. "United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 29 September 2017), William G Pickering, Civil District 5, Montgomery, Tennessee, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 28, sheet 1A, family 3, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,241,590.
  43. 43.0 43.1 h. Early Obituaries of Williamson, County, Tennessee: p47 Charles H. Pickering, p63, Lenora Whitby. L.G. Lynch,Franklin, TN, 1977. Family History Library Book 976.856 P2llg
  44. "United States Census, 1830, Dickson County, Tennessee" database with images, FamilySearch (17 August 2017), Charles H Pickering, Dickson, Tennessee, United States; citing 342, NARA microfilm publication M19, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 174; FHL microfilm 24,532. [7]
  45. "United States Census, 1830," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 7 September 2017), Groldus Pickering, Montgomery, Tennessee, United States; citing 43, NARA microfilm publication M19, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 179; FHL microfilm 24,537
  46. "Tennessee State Marriage Index, 1780-2002," database, FamilySearch (4 December 2014), Richard H Whitby and Lenora M Pickering, 26 Dec 1832; from "Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002," database and images, Ancestry ( : 2008); citing p. 386, Williamson, Tennessee, United States, Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee.[8]
  47. Territorial Papers - Arkansas 1819-1825 pages 789-874, Part Seven, Executive Register for the Arkansas Territory, 1819-1836. online:[9]
  48. "United States Census, 1840," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 13 August 2017), Geo H Pickering, Union, Arkansas, United States; citing p. 217, NARA microfilm publication M704, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 20; FHL microfilm 2,474
  49. "United States Census, 1840,Williamson County, Tennessee" database with images, FamilySearch (18 August 2017), Charles H Pickering, Williamson, Tennessee, United States; citing p. 136, NARA microfilm publication M704, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 537; FHL microfilm 24,550. [10]
  50. Williamson County Historical Society Journal number 15 Spring 1985. Family History Library Book 976.856 B2w
  51. Wilena Roberts Bejach and Lillian Johnson Gardiner. Williamson County, Tennessee Marriage Records 1800-1850. Gardiner-Bejach, 1957. Family History Library Book 976.856 V25
  52. 52.0 52.1 "U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records, database with Images, (accessed 25 Sept 2017), search (Arkansas, Pickering, George H) [
  53. "Tennessee, Marriages, 1796-1950," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 April 2012), Young Tatum (1840).
  54. "United States Census,1850, El Dorado, Union County, Arkansas" database with images, FamilySearch (12 April 2016), Young Tatum, El Dorado, Union, Arkansas, United States; citing family 84, NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).[11]
  55. "United States Census, 1850, Claiborne Parish, Louisiana" database with images, FamilySearch (12 April 2016), Jno S Pickering, Claiborne parish, part of, Claiborne, Louisiana, United States; citing family 697, NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).[12]
  56. "Arkansas Genealogy and History, Early English Settlers in Arkansas" [13]
  57. "United States Census, 1870," database with images, FamilySearch (12 April 2016), Jane W Pickering, Louisiana, United States; citing p. 49, family 366, NARA microfilm publication M593 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 552,009.[14]
  58. "United States Census,1850," El Dorado, Union County, Arkansas," database with images, FamilySearch (12 April 2016), C W Pickering in household of Jno H Cornish, El Dorado, Union, Arkansas, United States; citing family 10, NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).[15]
  59. "U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management," General Land Office Records, database with Images, (accessed 25 Sept 2017), search (Louisiana, Pickering, Charles W) [16]
  60. "FindAGrave, C.W. Pickering, 4 January 1865", Colquitt Cemetery, Claiborne Parish, Lousiana [17]
  61. "FindAGrave, May F. Pickering", no date, Colquitt Cemetery, Claiborne Parish, Lousiana. [18]
  62. "FindAGrave, Jane Wesley McKamie Pickering," 23 December 1907, Jolley Chaple Cemetery, ElDorado, Union County, Arkansas [19]
  63. "FindAGrave, Maria J Pickering Jolley, 1 June 1935," Jolley Chapel Cemetery, ElDorado, Union County, Arkansas [20]
  64. "FindAGrave, Charles J. Jolley, 3 June 1933", Jolley Chapel Cemetery, ElDorado, Union County, Arkansas [21]
  65. "FindAGrave, Tennessee Pickering Lewis, 5 October 1955", Gordon Cemetery, Gordon, Claiborne Parish, Louisiana, [22]
  66. "FindAGrave, Oscar Perry Lewis, 20 August 1929", Gordon Cemetery, Gordon, Claiborne Parish, Louisiana. [23]
  67. Louisiana Secretary of State, Confederate Pension Applications Index online Search - Charles W. Pickering [24]
  68. 68.0 68.1 68.2 68.3 68.4 68.5 68.6 "FindAGrave, Pickering, etal Search", Old Parkers Chapel Cemetery, Parkers Chapel, Union County, Arkansas [25]
  69. "FindAGrave, John William Pickering, 28 June 1927", Parkers Chapel Cemetery, Parkers Chapel, Union County, Arkansas [26]
  70. "United States Census, 1850, El Dorado, Union County, Arkansas" database with images, FamilySearch (12 April 2016), George W Pickering, El Dorado, Union, Arkansas, United States; citing family 122, NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).[27]
  71. "Arkansas, County Marriages, 1837-1957," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 29 May 2012), John S Pickering, 1848.
  72. "Arkansas, County Marriages, 1837-1957," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 26 May 2012), Dossie L Pickering, 1893.
  73. "Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 26 May 2012), Dossie Pickering in entry for Herbert P. Clarke, 1922.
  74. Texas, Death Certificates, 1903-1982 for J S Rickering, Bowie 1924 Oct-Dec,, citing certificate number 37605, Bowie, Texas, Texas Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit, Austin, Texas. [28]


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