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Pieter Loockermans - Disambiguation

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Pieter Loockermans

There are records of two Pieter Loockermans in the Beverwyck Albany area of New Netherland / New York between 1650 to about 1685. This profile will attempt to identify which records belong to which man.

The first of the two men is a son of Jacob Loockermans of Turnhout, Antwerp, born about 1614. The second is his nephew Pieter, also of Turnhout, born about 1634, and son of his uncle's elder brother, Jan Lokerman.[1] Identifying which records apply to which man in Albany, is a complex and on-going task.

It does not help our analysis that Pearson, in Records of Early Albany and in Albany Genealogies equates "Pieter Janse" as the elder Pieter, ignoring indications of a second Pieter. Although Pearson knew the Loockermans were from Turnhout, he was probably unaware of their baptism records.[2][3]

Some of the records in Albany are simple to identify: Where they refer to Pieter Jacobsz, clearly those belong to the uncle, and those that name Pieter Jans refer to the nephew. Similarly, there are records referring to Pieter the elder, senior, etc., referring to uncle, and Pieter the younger, junior, etc., referring to the nephew.

Pieter Jacobsz, Pieter Sr., or Pieter the elder is found in these records:

  • 2 August 1660, "Pieter Lockermans senior, burger and inhabitant of said village" conveys to Jan Costerse Van Aken his house and lot in Beverwyck…"[4]
  • 12 Septermber 1661, "Pieter Jacobsz Clockluyer" [bellringer] obligated to Jeremiah van Rennselaer for 16fl. [many others are on this list, including Sander Leendertsz Glen and William Teller, Pieter's would-be brothers-in-law].[5]
  • August 1663, "Pieter Loockermans the Elder" paid "the deacons in Beverwyck 4 guilders for the small shroud."[6]
  • 2 September 1666 "Pieter Loockermans, Senior," buys a water pail for 2fl.[7]
  • 19 Jul 1672 Heyndrick Willemsz sold a house and lot located in Albany between "Peter Jacobsz Loockermans" and the house of Hans Dreeper.[8]
  • 2 July 1674 "Pieter Loockermans, Senior," is named as bordering a house and lot being conveyed by Hendrick Willemsen [Backer].[9]

Pieter Jansz or Pieter Jr. is found in these records:

  • 1 December 1654 "Pieter Janse" was a witness in a guardianship matter[10]
  • 16 November 1656 "Pieter Janse Loockermans" buys a houselot from Hendrick Gerritse.
  • 17 December 1657 "Pieter Loockermans, Junr.," stood as surety for Jan Roeloffsen.[11]
  • 27 April 1658 "Pieter Janse Laemacker" [Loockermans?] complained of violence and humiliation at his home by Evert Nolding, and further named in the indictment against Holding.[12]
  • 4 June 1658, "Pieter Loockerm[ans]" lot borders south side of lot sold by Willm Jansent Stoll to Huybert Jansen.[13]
  • 15 August 1659, "Pietertie Janse" proposed to sell at auction some household articles.[14]
  • 28 January 1674/5, "Pieter Jansz Loockermans" gave a deposition regarding efforts to resolve a dispute between Hendrick Rooseboom and Robert Livingston.[15]
  • 3 March 1679 "Pieter Janse Lokerman" conveys to Jan Andriese de Cuyper a lot in Albany.[16]

Identifier not specified, but presumed to be "Uncle" Pieter:

  • 19 April 1664, "…Pieter Loockermans", named as one of two uncles of William Teller's children.[17]

Unspecified "Pieter Loockermans"

  • 4 June 1658, Willm Jansent Stoll sold a lot to Huybert Jansen, bordered on the south side by "Pieter Loockerm[ans]."[18]
  • Shortly before 1 May 1659, Albert Gerritsen set conditions to sell a lot north of "Pieter Loockermans."[19]
  • 25 August 1660, “Pieter Loockermans, carpenter” named in an assignment of debts from Evert Nolden to Jan Bastiaensen van Gutsenoven.[20]
  • 27 August 1660, "Pieter Loockermans" witnessed a lease from Abraham Staets to Christoffel Davidts and Henrick Eyed.[21]
  • 25 December 1683, witness to the baptism of Pieter, son of Cornelis Stephensz Muller. [22]
  • 5 December 1686, witness to the baptism of Dirk, son of Wessel Ten Broek.[23]

His name appears on several records from Rensselaerswyck and Beverwyck/Albany on dates between April 15, 1649 and April 7, 1685. He received a land patent in Beverwyck in 1653 and bought a house there in 1656. His occupation was listed at various times as carpenter), gunstock maker, and innkeeper, and in 1660 he signed a petition in Beverwyck as a small fur trader.


  1. Willem Frijhoff, "Govert Loockermans (1617?-1671?) and His Relatives: How an Adolescent from Turnhout Worked His Way up in the New World," translation of article revised 7 January 2016, 36-38, PDF Download from New Netherland Institute; originally published as "Govert Loockermans (1617?-1671?) en zijn verwanten: Hoe een Turnhoutenaar zich wist op te werken in de Nieuwe Wereld," Taxandria, Jaarboek van de Geschied- en Oudheidkundige Kring van de Antwerpse Kempen [Taxandria, Yearbook of the Historical and Archaeological Circle of the Antwerp Kempen], LXXXII [82] (2011), 5-68, Taxandria Yearbook Index.
  2. Jonathan Pearson, Early Records of the City and County of Albany and Colony of Rensselaerswyck (1656 - 1675) 4 vols. (Albany: J. Munsell, 1869-1919), 1: 57n, 3:240n, Internet Archive.
  3. Jonathan Pearson, Contributions for the Genealogies of the First Settlers of the Ancient County of Albany, From 1630 to 1800 (Albany: J. Munsell, 1872), 75, Internet Archive.
  4. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 1: 99.
  5. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 3: 113.
  6. Frijhoff, "Loockermans," 37n, citing Janny Venema, Deacons' Accounts, 1652-1674, First Reformed Dutch Church of Beverwijch, Albany, New York (Rockport, Maine: Picton Press, 1698), 116.
  7. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 1: 89.
  8. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 3: 397-8.
  9. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 1: 275.
  10. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 1: 215.
  11. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 1: 63.
  12. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 1: 247-8.
  13. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 4: 30-31.
  14. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 1: 273.
  15. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 3: 329.
  16. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 1: 509.
  17. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 1: 346.
  18. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 4: 30-31.
  19. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 4: 94.
  20. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 3: 397-8.
  21. Pearson, Early Records of Albany, 3: 31.
  22. Louis Duermyer, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany, New York 1683–1809: Marriages, Baptisms, Members, Etc. Excerpted from Year Books of The Holland Society of New York (1904–1927); reprint, Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing, 2003)<, 1: 32>
  23. Dukermyer, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany, 1: 41.

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