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Piscataquis County Soldiers of the Revolution

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Location: Piscataquis, Maine, United Statesmap
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This space is catalog Revolutionary War soldiers who lived in Piscataquis County Maine

Piscataquis county was incorporated on March 23, 1838, taken from the western part of Penobscot County and the eastern part of Somerset County.

Maine In the Revolutionary War Parent Page

Soldiers buried in Piscataquis County
Name Born Died DAR SAR FG # Cemetery / Note Birthplace Rank
Ames, PhineasAmes, Phineas17571839A00225310328042315108Pine Grove Cemetery
Andrews, EphraimAndrews, Ephraim1757184510382686382734French's Hill Cemetery
Barret, JohnBarret, John17561837109610
Bennett, IsaacBennett, Isaac17411790A009228113292
Bradford, WilliamBradford, William17551811A013434119541
Brown, EnochBrown, Enoch1753184412243069065421Hoxie Cemetery
Burrill, JohnBurrill, John17521843A01901412587024860166Rural Grove Cemetery
Burrill, ZebaBurrill, Zeba1765183323039068Dover Cemetery
Cobb, Isaac, SeamnCobb, Isaac, Seamn17531823A023460135250
Cutting, JohnCutting, John17631842
Daggett, TristramDaggett, Tristram17581848A029334143161
Emerson, AsaEmerson, Asa17461817A036383154525
Gibbs, ElishaGibbs, Elisha17531836A04458116558224860434Rural Grove Cemetery
Glass, Consider S.Glass, Consider S.17591843A04531616684911541135
Goff, James, Sgt.Goff, James, Sgt.17601859A046036167336104574348Jackman Corner Cemetery
Gould, JamesGould, James1753184316854738986434Gould Cemetery
Hart, JohnHart, John17661841A05153054890020Sweet Cemetery
Hinds, NimrodHinds, Nimrod17581835A05522018201523039208Dover Cemetery
Jackson, L.Jackson, L.17481827
Leathers, EnochLeathers, Enoch17631858A06815423442221169751Knowlton Mills Cemetery
Leeman, Jacob SmithLeeman, Jacob Smith17581834133085650
Leland, HenryLeland, Henry17611835A06945123528864378092Knowlton Mills Cemetery
Low, BezaleelLow, Bezaleel17541837239082Small-Philbrick Cemetery
May, IsaacMay, Isaac17581844A076239243691
Moore, AbrahamMoore, Abraham17661844A079228251340104599072Old Cemetery
Pond, ApolloPond, Apollo17641831A09044164204065Knowlton Mills Cemetery
Rolfe, JeremiahRolfe, Jeremiah1759184157064637Old Cemetery
Sargent, BenjaminSargent, Benjamin17631844106902704Evergreen Cemetery
Seabury, ThomasSeabury, Thomas1761182757364041French's Hill Cemetery
Spaulding, EleazerSpaulding, Eleazer1759185025829404Dover Cemetery
Spooner, StevensSpooner, Stevens1763182864397772Knowlton Mills Cemetery
Teel, SamuelTeel, Samuel17491832
Thomas, IchabodThomas, Ichabod1758184568837794Brownville Village Cemetery
Thomas, Joseph T.Thomas, Joseph T.17271823
Towne, ThomasTowne, Thomas1743182438989695East Dover Cemetery
Tubbs, JacobTubbs, Jacob17521828Abbot Village Cemetery
Tukesbury, ThomasTukesbury, Thomas1758
Walton, Benjamin, Pvt.Walton, Benjamin, Pvt.17601851106919535Evergreen Cemetery
Whittemore, AbrahamWhittemore, Abraham1792186623670214Pine Grove Cemetery
Wing, Nathan, Pvt.Wing, Nathan, Pvt.1765183652816720Old Cemetery

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