Location: [unknown]
Convict Transport ship Pitt voyage to New South Wales in 1791-1792
Rig Type: ship
Size (tons): 775
Master: Edward Manning
Surgeon: Mr. Jameson
Sailed: 17 July 1791
From: Yarmouth, England
Convicts Embarked: 352 males; 58 females
Voyage: 212 days
Arrived: 14 February 1792
Port: Port Jackson
Convicts Landed: 319 males & 49 female convicts
- Details for the ship Pitt (1792) from the Claim a Convict website at: http://www.hawkesbury.net.au/claimaconvict/shipDetails.php?shipId=25
- Pitt voyage to New South Wales, Australia in 1791 with 403 passengers from the Convict Records website at: https://convictrecords.com.au/ships/pitt/1791
- Convict Ship Pitt 1792 from the Free Settler or Felon? website at: https://www.jenwilletts.com/convict_ship_pitt_1792.htm
- Pitt from the Balance of the New South Wales Corps Transports 1791- 1809 on the Australia's Red Coat Settlers at: http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~garter1/history/Balance%20of%20Ships.htm
- Fortitude (1780 EIC ship) from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortitude_(1780_EIC_ship)#Convict_transport_(1791-92)
- Fourth Fleet (Australia) from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_Fleet_(Australia)
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