Plague was a recurring threat between 1650-1750:
" [Laugharne] Registers 1656 to May, 1660. Transcribed from Registry of James Gregory.
"King Charles the 2nd's happy arrival at this time put an end to the sequestrators tyrrany to whom this J.G. was secretary."
1664 has a long death roll. "It is supposed the sweating sickness reigned.
1675. "36 died, whereof 24 of small pox."
1690. "46 died, reigned a raging fever." '
1729. "A Tertian ague reigned, which proved mortal to most that had it," 66.
1730. "An uncommon ague," 50.''
Four or five men in this register of deaths are described as Tobacco rowlers, almost the only instances where trade or station is stated.!
"In Haverforwest 1652 opened gloomily. On New Year Day (March 25th) there were three deaths; two of these were Parrotts. At the mayor's expense two shrouds were delivered to Walter Parrott, who had already lost a child on the 13th. There were three deaths on the 27th, and four on the 28th. On the 29th Walter Parrott and Margrett his wife followed their children to the tomb. The Plague in Haverfordwest (1895) Rev J Phillips *
Other diseases such as smallpox, cholera, dysentery were also prevalent in the ports of South West Wales.
A smallpox epidemic in 1681/2 claimed many lives in Laugharne and the surrounding area, again including several Perrotts. William, Elizabeth, Mary, James, Walter and two Johns all succumbed. "In 1729, many people died of the Tertian Plague" (Note in Registers NLW) - Joseph, Francis & Ann Perrott died in Laugharne and Walter Perrott in Llansadurnen
"Some diseases, however, were so abhorrent that they even entered popular culture. Few achieved the same levels of infamy as did Y Frech Wen – the smallpox. Smallpox was a virulent disease which became epidemic in 17th and 18th century Britain, and accounted for around 15% of total deaths in the period. Wales certainly did not escape. In 1722/23, 71 people died of the disease in Carmarthen, and further severe outbreaks followed over the next few years." History of Disease in Wales
See Also
A Plague Nurse at Haverforwest in 1652-3*
Black Death in Wales BBC History
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