Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Chesapeake_Colony_Ships
The Plain Joan, Master Buckam, sailed May 15, 1635, departing London, England
xv Maij 1635
"Theis under-written names are to Virginea: imbarqued in the Plaine Joan Richard Buckam Mr. the pties having brought Attestacon of their conformities to the orders & discipline of the Church of England.
Alphabetical Order:
- Alsopp Jo 50
- Aris Jo 19
- Arnold Tho 30 - from Cheselborne, Dorsetshire or Kelshale, Suffolk, bound for :Providence, RI. Ref: Austin 246. 36 pg 31 & 156
- Baldwinn Wm 20
- Barber Francis 18
- Barrowe Jo 26
- Beddell Jo 22
- Bennet Jo 18
- Blackett Tym 40
- Bland Luke 20
- Briers Robert 21
- Britton Tho 26
- Brooke Robert 33
- Bulkley Tho 32
- Cartie Charles 18 (MaCartie?) (yes)
- Cartie Owen Ma 18 (MaCartie?) (yes)
- Clark Daniell 33
- Clark William 27
- Coke Robert 25
- Coker Jo 21
- Collins Wm 20
- Collins Wm 34
- Davies Chris 22
- Day Richard 32
- Donoldson Henrie 25
- Downes Richard 34
- Flane Charles 18
- Fleming Richard 24
- Frier Tobias 18
- Gilbert Robert 18
- Godbitt Tho 320
- Gray Francis 15
- Hall Tho 21
- Hitchcock Wm 27
- Hughes Jo 30
- Hutt Robert 14
- Jackson Henry 24
- James Wm 26
- Johnson John 20
- Kent Nico 16
- Koorbe Roger 25
- Lavor Wm 22
- Lawrence Richard 20
- Lem Mathew 20
- Lewes Robert 23
- Lloyd Tho 20
- Marsh Jno 26
- Marshall Jo 21
- Miller James 18
- Nelson Joseph 26
- Newman Thomas 15
- Northin Jo 22
- Palliday Jo 23
- Paulson Wm 23
- Peach Arthur 20
- Perk's Ann 27
- Perpoynt Henry 22
- Piggott Wm 50
- Pitcher Tho 20
- Raddish Jo 23
- Resburie Jo 30
- Rolles Jo 22
- Shawe Jo 21
- Shinglewood Robt 26
- Smith Geo 34
- Steddall Willm 26
- Stump Tho 32 (Stamp?)
- Sudburrowe Peter 20
- Talbot Geo 18
- Taylor Chris 22
- Thomas Chri 26
- Topliss Wm 30
- Trent Jo 27
- Turner Tho 21
- Viper Tho 26
- Ward James 18
- Ward Robert 22
- Warren Jo 27
- Wheeler Edward 18
- Wilson Edward 22
- Wolley Richard 36
- Wray Ralph 64
- Wynd James 23
- Young Samuell 14
Plain Joan sources
John Camden Hotten: London, 1874. Reprint by Empire State Book Co., New York. Publish date guessed to be in the 1940's. (in Lady Anne's library) P of Q pages 78-80
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