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Plain Joan, sailed May 15, 1635

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The Plain Joan, Master Buckam, sailed May 15, 1635, departing London, England

xv Maij 1635

"Theis under-written names are to Virginea: imbarqued in the Plaine Joan Richard Buckam Mr. the pties having brought Attestacon of their conformities to the orders & discipline of the Church of England.

Alphabetical Order:

Alsopp Jo 50
Aris Jo 19
Arnold Tho 30 - from Cheselborne, Dorsetshire or Kelshale, Suffolk, bound for :Providence, RI. Ref: Austin 246. 36 pg 31 & 156
Baldwinn Wm 20
Barber Francis 18
Barrowe Jo 26
Beddell Jo 22
Bennet Jo 18
Blackett Tym 40
Bland Luke 20
Briers Robert 21
Britton Tho 26
Brooke Robert 33
Bulkley Tho 32
Cartie Charles 18 (MaCartie?) (yes)
Cartie Owen Ma 18 (MaCartie?) (yes)
Clark Daniell 33
Clark William 27
Coke Robert 25
Coker Jo 21
Collins Wm 20
Collins Wm 34
Davies Chris 22
Day Richard 32
Donoldson Henrie 25
Downes Richard 34
Flane Charles 18
Fleming Richard 24
Frier Tobias 18
Gilbert Robert 18
Godbitt Tho 320
Gray Francis 15
Hall Tho 21
Hitchcock Wm 27
Hughes Jo 30
Hutt Robert 14
Jackson Henry 24
James Wm 26
Johnson John 20
Kent Nico 16
Koorbe Roger 25
Lavor Wm 22
Lawrence Richard 20
Lem Mathew 20
Lewes Robert 23
Lloyd Tho 20
Marsh Jno 26
Marshall Jo 21
Miller James 18
Nelson Joseph 26
Newman Thomas 15
Northin Jo 22
Palliday Jo 23
Paulson Wm 23
Peach Arthur 20
Perk's Ann 27
Perpoynt Henry 22
Piggott Wm 50
Pitcher Tho 20
Raddish Jo 23
Resburie Jo 30
Rolles Jo 22
Shawe Jo 21
Shinglewood Robt 26
Smith Geo 34
Steddall Willm 26
Stump Tho 32 (Stamp?)
Sudburrowe Peter 20
Talbot Geo 18
Taylor Chris 22
Thomas Chri 26
Topliss Wm 30
Trent Jo 27
Turner Tho 21
Viper Tho 26
Ward James 18
Ward Robert 22
Warren Jo 27
Wheeler Edward 18
Wilson Edward 22
Wolley Richard 36
Wray Ralph 64
Wynd James 23
Young Samuell 14

Plain Joan sources

John Camden Hotten: London, 1874. Reprint by Empire State Book Co., New York. Publish date guessed to be in the 1940's. (in Lady Anne's library) P of Q pages 78-80

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