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Poland Family Research

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WikiTree Pages of Interest

  • Joseph Poland (c1733-1820); married (1) Ipswich intention 5 June 1756 Mrs. Lucy Woodberry
    • Joseph Poland (?1757-1844) [eldest son, per Joseph probate, but not part of the division of Joseph's widow's estate]
    • Andrew Poland (d. 1840) [son, per Joseph probate, but not part of the division of Joseph's widow's estate and not in her division? He was a surety for Oliver, 1836]; married ?Bethiah Annabel
    • Lucy Poland (1766-1851) [in father's probate; not mentioned in probate of Joseph's widow]; married Aaron Burnham.

Bibliographic Notes

Select Probate

Joseph Poland 1798 probate, case 22226 (14 pp.; testate) in Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881; database and digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors, he is of Hamilton; file dated 3 December 1798; will dated 17 September 1798; codicil dated 20 September 1798. Mentions family members as son Joseph Poland; son Francis Poland; son Nathan Poland; son William Poland; daughter Lucy Poland; granddaughter Lucy Woodberry.

Joseph Poland 1821 probate, case 22227 (32 pp.) in Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881; database and digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors, he is of Hamilton; file dated 6 February 1821;

We the subscribers the several Heirs to the Estate of Joseph Poland hereby certify that we have examined the acct. of administration of Oliver Poland on sd Estate & are satisfied with the same & willing it should be allowed -- Hamilton Decbr 28th 1821 --
  • Andrew Poland
  • Samuel Story
  • Bridget Story
  • David Preston
  • Sarah Preston
  • Timothy Marshall
  • Mary Marshall
  • Aaron Burnham
  • Lucy Burnham
On 6 March 1821, a committee of Azor Brown, Thomas Roberts and William Whipple junior, all of Hamilton, was appointed to view the real estate of Joseph Poland late of Hamilton, yeoman, died intestate ... and to set off one third part ... unto his widow, Sarah Poland.
On 9 January 1821, "Joseph Poland of Brookfield being the eldest son of Joseph Poland, late of Hamilton deceased on account of living att a distance and being hard of hearing decline taking out a letter of administration and do recommend my Mother and Brother Oliver Poland as the most suitable persons ... to Administer on the estate."
On 5 February 1821, "It being inconvenient for me the subscriber to administer on the Estate of Jospeh Poland my late Husband late of Hamilton ... yeoman deceased intestate I hereby signify my refusal thereof and request that your Honor would appoint Oliver Poland the son of said deceased to that trust."
On 6 February 1821, Andrew Poland submitted to the court, "The subscriber, a son of the within named deceased request that administration may be granted as within mentioned."
"We the subscribers Heirs to the Estate of Joseph Poland deceased hereby certify that we are fully satisfied with the doings of the committee appointed to set off the widows dower in sd estate & are well satisfied with the division--
  • Sarah Poland
  • Joseph Poland
  • Aaron Burham
  • Lucy Burnham
  • Andrew Poland
  • David Preston
  • Sarah Preston
  • Timothy Marshall
  • Mary Marshall
  • Samuel Story
  • Bridget Story"

Sarah Poland 1836 probate, case 22237 (22 pp.) in Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881; database and digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors, she is of Hamilton, widow; file dated 7 June 1836; administration granted to Oliver Poland

Hamilton, 1 June 1837; "We the subscribers, heirs to the estate of Sarah Poland deceased, hereby consent that the sum of eight six dollars be allowed to the administrator [ala, Oliver] as his private demand viz. for pork delivered her $6.-- for his care of her in her last sickness $80.--
  • Sarah Preston
  • Bridget Story"
[filmed page 12] for "Sarah Poland last an inhabitant of Hamilton in said county, widow, has lately, viz. on the twentieth of last February, died intestate ... [and that] your petitioner is the only son (the only surviving sisters consenting) ..."; dated 7 June 1836. Bond then by "Oliver Poland, yeoman, as principal, and Andrew Poland, yeoman, and Samuel Story, yeoman, as sureties, all of Hamilton ...."
[filmed page 16] for the division of the estate among the heirs, in 4 parts, dated Hamilton, 28 April 1837
  • No. 1 to Sarah Preston, a daughter of the intestate
  • No. 2 to the legal representatives of Mary Marshall deceased, a daughter of said intestate
  • No. 3 to Oliver Poland, a son of said intestate
  • No. 4 to Bridget Story, a daughter of the said intestate.
  • Signed by
    • Oliver Poland
    • Sarah Preston
    • Timothy Marshall ?guardian
    • Timothy I. Marshall
    • Mary M. Preston
    • Hitty W. Elliott
    • Sarah W. Ober
    • Bridget Story
[filmed page 19] lists the "heirs at law of Sarah Poland late of Hamilton ... widow, deceased intestate ..." so that the estate would be divided into four parts. Dated 29 November 1836, signed by--
  • Oliver Poland
  • David Preston
  • Sarah Preston
  • Samuel Story
  • Bridget Story
  • Timothy Marshall, guardian
  • Sarah W. Ober
  • Mary M. Preston
  • Hitty W. Elliott

Sarah Poland 1836 co-tenant, case 4189 (25 pp.) in Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881; database and digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors

Nicholas Woodbury probate. Nicholas Woodberry 1770 probate, case 30477 (9 pp.; testate) in Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881; database and digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors, he is "Nicholas Woodbury" of Ipswich, yeoman; file dated 26 March 1770l will dated 10 November 1766; mentions family members as wife Elizabeth; daughters Elizabeth Low, Susannah Whipple and Lucy Porland; sons Benjamin, Issac and Barnet; daughter Jemima's "children"; daughter Anna; grandsons Stephen and Jonathan Whipple, sons of daughter Susanna.

Nathaniel Whipple. Deacon Nathaniel Whipple 1809 probate, case 29523 (23 pp.; testate) in Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881; database and digital images by subscription, AmeicanAncestors, he is Nathaniel Whipple of Hamilton; file dated 26 December 1809; will dated 7 June 1806; names his wife Mary; six daughters, Mary, Hannah, Sarah, Lucy, Martha and Elisabeth; son-in-law Jonathan Whipple; joint executors as Joseph Poland and Jonathan Whipple. On 5 May 1810, the real property was devised among the six daughters named as,

  • Mary Whipple single woman one of the devisees ...
  • Hannah Whipple [torn] another of the Devisees mentioned in the will
  • Sarah Poland wife of Joseph Poland another of the Devisees mentioned in the will
  • Lucy Peck wife of Benjamin Peck
  • Martha Whipple, wife of Jonathan Whipple another of the devisees mentioned in said will
  • Elizabeth Whipple, single woman, another of the Devisees mentioned in said Will

Mary Whipple. Mary Whipple 1810 probate, case 29512 (9 pp.) in Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881; database and digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors, file dated 27 March 1810; she is Mary Whipple late of Hamilton ... widow deceased intestate; on 27 March 1810, bond made by Joseph Poland yeoman, Jonathan Whipple yeoman & Andrew Poland house-wright, all of Hamilton and Joseph Poland is named administrator; inventory dated 3 April 1810. (X-3336 Note--see Nathaniel Whipple's file for division of the Whipple property on 5 May 1810.)

Select Vital Record Surveys

Vital Records of Hamilton, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 (Salem, Mass., Essex Institute, 1908),

Vital Records of Ipswich to the end of the year 1849, 3 vols. (Salem, Mass., The Essex institute, 1910-19),

Ipswich Births

POLAND (Porland)

  • –––––, ch. Caleb, Oct. ––, 1727. PR2
  • –––––, ch. Caleb, Jan. ––, 1728. PR2
  • –––––, ch. Josiah, Dec. 28, 1792. CR4
  • –––––, s. Josiah, Mar. 28, 1794. CR4
  • –––––, ch. Miss, Oct. ––, 1794. CR4
  • –––––, ch. Josiah, June 28, 1797. CR4
  • –––––, ch. Josiah, Aug. ––, 1799. CR4
  • –––––, ch. Josiah, Sept. ––, 1801. CR4
  • –––––, d. Josiah, Jan. 5, 1810. CR4
  • Abigail, adult, bp. Mar. 14, 1741.
  • Abner, s. John and Abihail, bp. Oct. 17, 1736. CR4
  • Abner, s. Daniel and Sarah, bp. Sept. 7, 1760. CR4
  • Abner, s. Abner and Dorothy, May 17, 1761.
  • Abner, s. Abner and Dorothy, bp. Oct. 23, 1763. CR4
  • Anna, d. Daniel and Sarah, bp. May 17, 1752. CR4
  • Anna, d. Nathan, bp. Nov. 12, 1769. CR5
  • Asa, s. Abner and Dorothy, bp. Oct. 23, 1763. CR4
  • Benajah, s. Abner, jr. and Sarah, bp. Nov. 18, 1804. CR4
  • Benjamin, s. Samuell, bp. July 14, 1717. CR5
  • Bridget, d. Joseph, bp. May 24, 1789. CR5
  • Daniel, s. Daniel and Sarah, bp. May 17, 1752. CR4
  • David, s. Abner, jr. and Sarah, bp. Nov. 18, 1804. CR4
  • Edner, d. Abner, jr. and Sarah, bp. Nov. 18, 1804. CR4
  • Hannah, d. John and Abihail, bp. Feb. 8, 1729-30. CR4
  • Hannah, d. Jacob, bp. Sept. 24, 1752. CR4
  • Hephezbah, d. Abner and Dorothy, bp. May 11, 1766. CR4
  • Jacob, s. John and Abigail, bp. Aug. 27, 1727. CR4
  • John, s. John and Miriam, bp. Dec. 30, 1744. CR4
  • John, s. Daniel and Sarah, bp. Oct. 8, 1758. CR4
  • Lucy, d. Caleb, bp. June 8, 1740.
  • Lucy, d. John and Miriam, bp. July 19, 1747. CR4
  • Martha, d. Daniel and Sarah, bp. Aug. 4, 1754. CR4
  • Mary, d. Jacob, bp. Apr. 7, 1751. CR4
  • Mary, d. Joseph, bp. May 15, 1785. CR5
  • Mary, d. Abner, jr. and Sarah, bp. Nov. 18, 1804. CR4
  • Miriam, d. John, jr., bp. July 2, 1749. CR2
  • Moses, s. Caleb, bp. July 19, 1741.
  • Nancy, d. twin, William, bp. Dec. 26, 1784. CR5
  • Nathan, s. Nathan, bp. Nov. 1, 1778. CR5
  • Oliver, s. Josiah, bp. Mar. 12, 1773. CR5
  • Oliver, s. Joseph, jr., bp. Oct. 18, 1778. CR5
  • Samuel, s. Daniel and Sarah, bp. June 9, 1765. CR4
  • Samuel, s. Nathan, bp. Mar. 24, 1782. CR5
  • Sarah, d. Daniel and Sarah, bp. May 17, 1752. CR4
  • Sally, d. Josiah, bp. Aug. 29, 1773. CR5
  • Sarah, d. Joseph, bp. Apr. 29, 1781. CR5
  • Stephen Whipple, s. Nathan, bp. Sept. 12, 1773. CR5
  • Susannah, d. Nathaniell, jr., bp. Nov. 12, 1769. CR5
  • Thomas Emerson, s. Abner, jr. and Sarah, bp. Nov. 18, 1894. CR4
  • William, s. Daniel and Sarah, bp. Oct. 23, 1763. CR4
  • William, s. twin, William, bp. Dec. 26, 1784. CR5
  • Zebulun, s. John and Abihail, bp. July 29, 1733. CR4
  • Zebulun, s. Daniel and Sarah, bp. June 27, 1756. CR4

Select Ipswich Marriages

POLAND (Porland, Powland)

  • Joseph, and Elizabeth Burnum, at Chebacco, Jan. 17, 1732-3.*
  • Joseph, jr., and "Ms." Lucy Woodberry, int. June 5, 1756.
  • Joseph [jr. int.], and [Mrs. int.] Sarah Whipple, Dec. 15, 1774. CR5*
  • Joseph, Ens., and Jemima Thomson, Feb. 2, 1777. CR5
  • Mary, of Hamilton, and Timothy Marshal, jr. of Beverly, at Hamilton, Jan. 5, 1804.

Ipswich Deaths

POLAND (Porland)

  • –––––, w. Caleb, bur. Feb. ––, 1728. PR2
  • –––––, ch. Caleb, bur. Aug. ––, 1728. PR2
  • –––––, w. Lt., bur. Mar. ––, 1729-30. PR2
  • –––––, ch. Samuel, jr., bur. July ––, 1730. PR2
  • –––––, ch. Samuel, bur. Mar. ––, 1736. PR2
  • –––––, s. Samuel, jr., bur. Oct. ––, 1737. PR2
  • –––––, d. Nathaniel, bur. Nov. ––, 1737. PR2
  • –––––, ch. Samuel, bur. Nov. ––, 1737. PR2
  • –––––, w. Joseph, dropsy, June 10, 1775, a. 63 y. CR5
  • –––––, w. John, fever, Apr. 19, 1776, a. 85 y. CR5
  • –––––, w. John, "summer of" 1776, a. "upwards of" 80 y. CR4
  • –––––, w. Nathaniel, jr., consumption, Mar. 14, 1782, a. 44 y. CR5
  • –––––, w. Joseph, "cancer in her face of about 3 years standing," Jan. 12, 1791, a. 82 y. CR5
  • –––––, w. [Francis. CR5], of the Hamlet, Sept. 6, 1791. [a. 70 y. CR5]
  • –––––, ch. Abner, July 6, 1802, a. abt. 7 m. CR4
  • –––––, wid., old age, bur. Dec. 7, 1814. CR4
  • Bethiah, d. Nathaniell, dysentery, Sept. 4, 1778, a. 34 y. CR5
  • Dorothy, w. Abner, palsy, Apr. 7, 1789, in her 52d y. CR4
  • Elisabeth, slow fever, Jan. 19, 1792, a. 38 y. CR5
  • Hannah, at the poorhouse, Oct. 22, 1817.
  • Joseph, Oct. 14, 1798, in his 95th y. GR5
  • Lucy, w. Joseph, malignant fever, Dec. 5, 1773, a. 35 y. CR5
  • Nathaniell, cancer and palsy, May 19, 1786, a. 78 y. CR5
  • Oliver, s. Joseph, scald, June 30, 1778, a. 2 y. CR5
  • Phebe, consumption, Oct. 1, 1779, a. abt. 32 y. CR4
  • Samuel, Lt., "Killd by a Fall," Feb. 3, 1746.
  • Sarah, wid., "one of the Town's Poor," Jan. 17, 1795.
  • Winthrop Boardman, m., yeoman, s. Joseph and Eunice, consumption, Nov. 27, 1844, a. 50 y.

Hamilton Births


  • –––––, ch. Andrew, ––– ––, 1809.
  • –––––, ch. Oliver, ––– ––, 1809.
  • –––––, s. Andrew, June 10, 1812.
  • –––––, s. David, Oct. 21, 1814.
  • –––––, d. Oliver, July 11, 1823.
  • Alfrad, s. Andrew, bp. Oct. 22, 1815. CR
  • [Barnet. CR], s. Oliver, Nov. 27, 1814.
  • Ira, s. Andrew, Dec. ––, 1802.
  • Ira Addison, s. Andrew, bp. Nov. 3, 1811. CR
  • Jacob Lee, s. twin, Oliver, May 9, 1820.
  • Joseph Warren, s. Dr. Joseph, of South Reading, bp. July 5, 1846. CR
  • Polly, d. Nehemiah, bp. Nov. 17, 1793. CR
  • Mary, d. Oliver and Susan, bp. July 1, 1827. CR
  • Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel, bp. Nov. 27, 1796, a. 9 y. CR
  • Nehemiah, s. Nehemiah, bp. Sept. 20, 1795. CR
  • Sally, d. Oliver, bp. Dec. 6, 1807. CR
  • Sophia Woodbury, d. twin, Oliver, May 9, 1820.
  • Woodbridge, s. Andrew, bp. July 24, 1808. CR

Hamilton Marriages


  • Andrew, and Bethiah Annable, int. Feb. 13, 1802.
  • Bethiah, and Adoniram Goodhue, Oct. 6, 1834. CR*
  • Bethiah, Mrs., and Levi Knowlton, Nov. 7, 1839.*
  • Bridget, and Samuel Story, Apr. 23, 1812. CR*
  • David, of Ipswich, and Bethiah Woodberry, int. Dec. 8, 1811.
  • Eliza, Mrs., and James Jones, Apr. 17, 1820. CR*
  • Elizabeth W., d. Oliver and Francis Goodhue of Danvers, int. Nov. 2, 1844.
  • Joseph, M.D., and Emily Phelps of Salem, Nov. 28, 1844.*
  • Lefee, and Andrew Woodberry of Beverly, int. Feb. 3, 1811.
  • Mary, and Capt. Timothy Marshall of Beverly, int. Dec. 10, 1803.
  • Oliver, and Susanna Woodberry, int. Nov. 5, 1803.
  • Ruth, of Ipswich, and Solomon Cole, int. Apr. 4, 1801.
  • Sally, and Daniel [David. int.] Preston of Beverly, June 4, 1801. CR*
  • Sarah and Benjamin Preston, July 30, 1829.*
  • Sophia, and Amos Burnham, July 27, 1843. CR*
  • Susan, d. Oliver, and William H. Allen of Manchester, farmer, May 8, 1845.*

Hamilton Deaths


  • –––––, w. Ebenezer, apoplexy or palsy, Apr. 8, 1807, a. 73 y. CR
  • –––––, s. Oliver, whooping cough, Nov. 4, 1821, a. 7 m. CR
  • Aaron, "washed overboard at sea and drowned, ", Dec. ––, 1793, a. 28 y.
  • Alfred, s. Andrew [consumption. CR], July 29, 1832, a. 20 y.
  • Andrew, consumption, Feb. 10, 1840, a. 66 y.
  • Bethiah, wid. Andrew, consumption, Aug. 26, 1843..., a. 66 y.
  • David, Capt., at sea, at the East Indies, ––– ––, 1818. CR
  • Ebenezer [a pauper, lethargic CR]. June 12, 1808. [a. 82 y. CR]
  • Elias, "a pauper" [dropsy. CR], Oct. 30, 1838. [a. 68 y. CR]
  • Betsy, d. Nathaniell, angina maligna, May 3, 1795, a. 8 y. CR
  • Francis [palsy. CR], Aug. 4, 1815. [a. 80 y. CR]
  • Jemima, Mrs., Dec. 19, 1824. [a. 71 y. CR]
  • Joseph [gravel. CR], Oct. 14, 1798, a. 95 y.
  • Joseph [influenza. CR], Nov. 14, 1820, a. 87 y.
  • Polly, d. Nehemiah [worm fever. CR], Jan. 1, 1797, a. 4 y.
  • Samuel [apoplexy. CR], Jan. 21, 1823. [a. 74 y. CR]
  • Sally, wid. Joseph, Feb. 20, 1836, a. 85 y.
  • Stephen, at the West Indies, Dec. ––, 1793, a. 19 y. CR

FindAGrave Notes

Research Notes

Joseph married twice. The probate records of Joseph (d. 1820) and his widow Sarah (d. 1835) confirm that he must have married twice, because some of Joseph's heirs (Joseph, the "eldest son," Andrew Poland and Lucy Poland Burnham) survived at 1835, but they are not mentioned as her heirs. Joseph Poland married (1) Mrs. Lucy Woodbury; Joseph married (2) Sarah Whipple. Children of the first marriage,

Whipple-Appleton. Whipple-Appleton 1744 marriage intention in Vital Records of Ipswich to the end of the year 1849, 3 vols. (Salem, Mass., The Essex institute, 1910-19), 2:454 (Whipple); digital images, HathiTrust, [Whipple] "Nath[anie]ll, and Mary Appleton, int. Nov. 10, 1744."


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