Location: York, Pennsylvania

Surname/tag: Gillepie/Owens
According to many genealogical histories, she's the last daughter of William Gillespie and Mary Yeomans Clendennin mother of 7 other children, Nancy would be an 8th of 9 children. She passed away in 1852. [1] It's true that the DAR names Nancy as a "Gillespie," [1] It's also true James Gillespie, William's father, arrived in Pittsburgh PA in 1740 (see Immigration lists). but this is a common scots-irish name, and I believe a connection with these Gillespies is unlikely because:
1. Looking at William's tree: The most striking indicator is that Elizabeth Gillespie was born in Washington VA in 1760. Nancy's birth is more precise giving us a month, day and year... If she was born in April of 1760, how could her mother have another full term baby in the same year? [2]
2. What would possess a mother to deliver her baby in York Pennsylvania when all her other babies were born in the south of West Virginia?
3. The Gillespies eventually moved to South Carolina as Mary Yeoman is buried in South Carolina and William in North Carolina. If Nancy were really an intimate part of these particular southern frontieresmen, where would she get the opportunity to marry John Owens, a settler from York, Pennsylvania which could only make sense if she were born AND RAISED in York? Re: William Gillespie
The point is to disprove this Nancy Gillespie has NO connection with William Gillespie whose father's family settled in West Virginia
- See U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s
- Source Publication Code for Passenger and Immigration: 4627; Annotation Includes facts about the person making the oath, the family accompanying him, and the date of the oath. Information found in Orange County Order Book, vol. 2 (1739-1741). Source Bibliography LINDSAY, JOICEY HAW, contributor. "Importation Oaths 1739-1741, Orange County [Virginia]." In Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, vol. 17:2 (Apr. 1979), pp. 51-52; vol. 17:3 (July 1979), pp. 100-102; vol. 17:4 (Oct. 1979), pp. 121-123.
If we must say that Nancy Owens belongs on William Gillespie and Mary Yeoman's profile, then there's a whole other problem of figuring out why Mary Yeoman was changed to Clendennin. But if we separate Nancy out from that family, then those Gillespies don't need to be my concern.
- I believe we should look at Marie Mills Marie Mills informattion to see if her addition is still relevant. Perhaps this was bad information from the beginning.
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