Surnames/tags: portuguese portugal Brazil
Name Field Guidelines
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Portuguese Naming Conventions
Here is a short practical guide on how Portuguese names should be dealt with on WikiTree.
However, for a comprehensive background briefing on Portuguese names, one may look at Wikipedia and also at this free-space page dedicated to Naming Conventions. Remember, "We should use their conventions instead of ours."
Currently, in Portugal, the civil registration maintains a list of allowed first names that Portuguese can give to their children. This list can be consulted here:
Proper First and Middle Name
Most Portuguese people have two names but many treat them as one composite name. Thus for them the right thing to do on Wikitree would be to put BOTH of these names into the “Proper First Name” box. You will get a yellow warning message. Click 'Save anyways.'
The Middle Name field should not be used unless the person migrated and changed their name to conform to the new countries naming conventions. Check the radio button under that field 'no middle name.'
Last Name At Birth
The most common case is for Portuguese people at birth to take two surnames (family names).
The surnames can be one or two from the mother and one or two from the father, so can include the last surname of both. Thus:
- the first part is their mother’s last surname (which may be her father’s);
- the second part is their father’s last surname (which may be his father’s).
You can choose whether to use just the father's Current Last Name as registered in the baptism record, or you can use the full name possible from both parents, as listed in the baptism. Please leave the 'de' 'da' 'dos' from the Last Name At Birth field as it can cause search errors, creating duplicate profiles.
Example: Ana Rosa dos Santos Silva
- Proper First Name: Ana Rosa
- Preferred First Name: Ana
- Middle Name: (No middle name)
- Last Name at Birth: Rodrigues Silva
- Alternate Last Name at Birth: Cruz Santos Rodrigues Silva
- Other Last Names: da Cruz Santos de Rodrigues da Silva
- Current Last Name: dos Santos Silva
- Her father’s name was António Rodrigues da Silva
- Her mother’s name was Maria Rosa da Cruz Santos
It is therefore suggested that, on WikiTree, that the father's surname(s) (family names) should be put into the “Last Name at Birth” box. If you would like, you can put the mother's and the father's surname(s). Otherwise, place the full combination of mother's and father's surname(s) in the Other Last Names field.
Sometimes Portuguese surnames (family names) are connected by “e” (and), thus joining them and effectively making them one name. Portuguese names are counted as one name even without the 'e.' Per Wikipedia "the words constitute a single logical unit."
In addition, some names have more than one part, having a descriptor which takes the form “of the…” or “from…”. Example: Gomes dos Santos. This is an accepted form, and "de", “da”, “do”, “das”, or "dos" should not be used in the Last Name At Birth field, due to the increased chance that a profile will be duplicated on WikiTree. Instead, use the full surname in the Other Last Names field including the "de", “da”, “do”, “das”, or "dos."
In order to maintain consistency as we often don’t know how the parents decided to combine the names it is recommended that the father’s surname(s) should be used in the Last Name At Birth field, and the combination of the mother’s and father’s surnames should be used in the Other Last Names field.
Current Last Name
A woman in Portugal rarely took her husband’s surname(s). It is therefore recommended that the husbands surname(s) not be used unless records are found showing she took his name(s). In rare cases a woman did take her husband's surname(s), for example:
- Helena Maria Ribeiro Pacheco da Silva
In practice, however, she may call herself one of the following:
- Helena Pacheco da Silva
- Helena da Silva
- Helena Silva
Generally, women tend to keep using their maiden name:
- Helena Pacheco
In some cultures, the Current Last Name field is used for the woman’s married surname. As most Portuguese women don’t take their husband’s name, this field should be used for her name used on her marriage record, or the baptisms of her children. This may be a family name or a ‘devotional’ name such as de Jesus.
An example of a Descendant tree is (TO BE REPLACED BY A BETTER EXAMPLE):
Note that Portuguese names had no had no set order by law as to which names had to be used or in what order they had to be in. Portuguese names were flexible in that the parents could decide which names to use, as well as the order. When the child became of age they decided which name to carry through adulthood.
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My struggle here is that before 1900, last name conventions were pretty loose. In many instances, the last name adopted by the child was neither the father's or the mother's, but instead it came from a grandparent (skipping generations), from a godparent, or from any other friend of the family that they would want to honor. There's also multiple cases where the last name might even change throughout someone's life, with they using one in early adulthood and another in later life (not necessarily related to marriage/spouse). Also, children that passed away before adulthood would never receive a last name at all. In some very old cases, even adults would never have a last name recorded anywhere. I have the following example in my project: Felix Manoel (with no surname), had a son called Francisco (later identified as Francisco Lourenço Cintra), who had a son called Jacinto (identified from his marriage at 15 years as Jacinto Ferraz de Araujo, and after 20 years old as Jacinto Joze de Araujo Cintra), who had a daughter called Gertrudes Thereza da Silveira, who had a son called Mathias Leite de Araujo Cintra, and so on. In every case, even the siblings in each generation did not adopt the same last names as their full brothers or sisters. For example, one of the sisters of Mathias Leite de Araujo Cintra was called Maria Salome de Campos (this is her own name, it does not come from a spouse) - their father was called Luiz Gonzaga de Morais (husband of Gertrudes Thereza da Silveira). I've been trying to find the best way to fit this into the "use their conventions instead of ours" guideline. These people never used our current naming conventions, so it's hard to make it fit into WT's structure and, as you pointed out, makes surname projects harder or impossible. In the example above, Mathias and Maria never adopted their father's (Morais) or mother's (Silveira) names. What I have been trying to do is use their earliest recorded full name (usually the one in the marriage register) as the LNAB, and the later name as the current name. Still, for WT search purposes, the descent line I demonstrated above will never work by looking at last names, cause there was no continuity. IMO, the only way to work around this is create project or tags for each "family nucleus", to bring those people with very different names but very close relationships together. I'm not sure there's anything like this going on yet...
The father's names are mentioned before the wife's name. Is it possible that just the first and middle names of the husband are mentioned and then his last name written after the wife's name?
From reading my ancestors' registries as well as other people's registries, in the process of finding them, I would say the name of the father is always complete, the mother's name, however, might or not be complete.
Also when tracking a specific family you will find interesting things, like the mother's maiden surname being given to daughters, but not the father's surname, even when kids are legitimate.
In short, this is the reason why Nuno says "As most Portuguese women don’t take their husband’s name, this field should be used for her name used on her marriage record or the baptisms of her children. This may be a family name or a ‘devotional’ name such as 'de Jesus'"
In the XIX century, appeared the first name convention. After 1912 State records were created. In the 1930s was created the concept of the father's surname coming after the mother's surname, as a rule, and in 1987 other aspects were ruled and only recently the husband was allowed to adopt the wife's surname
edited by Rui Almada Barão da Cunha