
Post Cards to Gertrude Parr

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Date: 6 Nov 1906 to about Dec 1913
Surnames/tags: Parr Maby
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These are a series of post cards sent, mainly by Colston Maby, to Gertrude Parr over a period from 1912 to 1915.

Card 1 date 6 Nov 1906.
Addressed to 35 Belle Vue Crescent, Clifton
Post mark "Bristol"

Dear G
Thank you for P.P.C. am better but not been to Dentist. Have secured a battery for you. for a week.
If convenient for you I shall be in about 1/2 past nine with it tonight.
Yours Sincerely

The next ten cards are all addressed to Ham Green Hospital, Pill. This was an isolation hospital for patients with TB or diphtheria. Therefore Gertie must have had one of these. The cards from Colston, often signed "Cols" or "Colse" are quite touching. It is assumed they were engaged.

Card 2 date 3 Apr 1912.
Addressed to Patient 410, Ham Green Hospital
Post mark "Bristol"

Dear G,
One more to add to your collection. So glad to hear you are happy and comfortable, & that you saw Daddy yesterday. I will send you some more post cards later.
With lots of love
Yours Colse

Card 3 date 4 Apr 1912.
Addressed to Miss G. Parr, Patient 410, Ham Green Hospital
Post mark "Bristol"

Dear G,
As you admired the Drawing on the other side so much in Boots the other day I thought you would like one for your collection. So delighted to hear from you today. I read mum’s letter. I am so glad to hear you are so comfortable & going on alright. I am going to be under gardener at the Lodge tomorrow Good Friday. To start to make things look nice for your return.
Lots of love & kisses
From your own Colse

Card 4 date 6 Apr 1912.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, Block C, Ham Green Hospital
Post mark "Bristol"

Dearest Gertie
Just a card to wish you a speedy recovery. I saw your dear mother today & she was fairly well. Please dear Gertie accept my love & sympathy. Hoping to see you soon back amongst us. With love & best wishes
From yours lovingly
Mary Hill

Card 5 date 21 Apr 1912.
Addressed to Miss Gertie Parr, Patient 410, Ham Green Hospital
Post mark "Bromley Kent"

Groombridge, Bromley
My dear Gertie,
I was pleased to hear from your father that you were getting on so well do so hope you will soon be home again. So do you I expect. How long do think it will be now? Flos & Enid send their love to you & kind kisses too from Charlie

Card 6 date 27 Apr 1912.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, Patient, Ham Green Hospital
Post mark "Bristol"

My dearest Gertie
Have been up to Ted’s this afternoon, & they all send love to you, Sybil & Muriel both send kisses, they also send kisses from Teddie Bear & Wollie. I do hope you will soon feel stronger but dear now is the time when you must expect to feel weakness. So cheer up & do not get “downhearted”.
Yours lovingly

Presumably the sender of this card was Alice Maby, sister of Colston. The others mentioned are probably mutual friends.

Card 7 date 1 May 1912.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, Patient 410, Ham Green Hospital
Post mark "Bristol"

Dear G
As mummy is so busy she will be unable to write you but hopes to see you tomorrow, Thursday. & I hope it will be fine for you. I have sent Mrs C a P.C. thanking her for the flowers. I sent one of the “Are we downhearted”. I have been working late tonight & did not leave before 7.00 but have balanced for the month. I do hope it will be fine for us to see you on Sunday. When do you think you will be coming home because I am getting anxious Auntie Polly. Hope to busy at the Lodge again on Saturday Chicko enjoyed our rundown to you yesterday. I hope you had your choc alright but I am thinking [words obscured by postmark].
Love from all at home [??] from myself
Yours for ever Cols

Part of the writing on this card is obscured by the postmark, but the sense is clear.

Card 8 date 4 May 1912.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, Patient 410, Ham Green Hospital
Post mark "Bristol"

Dear G.
If it is fine tomorrow John, Daddy & I will be down at the Lodge gates at 11.15 tomorrow morning. If it should be too wet we will come in the afternoon if fine. I do hope it will be fine for us to see you in the morning. I am longing to see you. I hope you will soon be home now. Have just returned from the Lodge where I have been since 2.30 though it is now ¼ to 9. Hope you like this series of cards must get you some more next week. Love from all at home.
Yours as ever Cols.

Do you remember fishing on our way to Portland.

Taken by itself this card implies that Gertie is coming home the next day, but when card 9 is read it looks as if this might just be a day visit to see if she was strong enough to go home on a more permanent basis.

Card 9 date 6 May 1912.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, Patient 410, Ham Green Hospital
Post mark "Bristol"

My dear Girlie
I am over excited at the news of your coming home. I will try my very hardest to come & meet you. Only to think 2 more days & then to have you. I cannot express my feelings. Mummy & Daddy are so delighted. The 1st Life Guards have a previous engagement so which band would you rather have the Boy Scouts or the Boys Lads Band? I think we will give the fireworks job to Cranes. Squibs will be let off inthe garden at 9-0 pm on Thursday & Free teas in the Parish Hall on the strength of you coming home. Love from all & heaps from myself. I will let you know if I can come on Thursday.
Yours Cols

Note: Cranes was a fireworks manufacturer in Bristol at this time.

Card 10 date 7 May 1912.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, Patient 410, Ham Green Hospital
Post mark "Bristol"

Dear G
This is one of a new set for you. You must not get too excited & do the clog dance as the little girl on the other side. You will be pleased to hear I have got off & I am having a ½ day on the strength of your coming home. Only 1 more day & then Thursday. I do hope it will be fine for us to come down. I am looking forward to it very much. Hope you are still improving in health too. From all. Yours as ever Love Colston.

Card 11 date 8 May 1912.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, Patient 410, Ham Green Hospital
Post mark "Bristol"

Dear G Friday
So delighted to hear from Mummy yesterday of the progress I do hope all will be well on Sunday morning. I shall be ready in time but I cannot be answerable for Daddy. Am looking forward to tomorrow afternoon gardening at the Lodge. Is all your chocolate gone yet? You must please let me know if it is. I am glad you have decided about your birthday present and we will see about it directly you return. All send their love. Heaps from myself. Yours as ever Cols.

This was last card addressed to Gertie in hospital. The next are to an address on the Isle of Wight, so perhaps she was there to continue her convalescence.

Card 12 date 18 June 1912.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, c/o Reynolds esq, The Square, Yarmouth, I of W
Post mark "Bristol"

Dear G
Glad to receive P.C. this morning. Went down to the Lodge last night and played cards until 10.30. Sorry you had a wet journey. I will write you a letter tonight. Am just off to do a little gas.
Love your Cols

Card 13 date 19 June 1912.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, c/o Mrs Reynolds, The Square, Yarmouth, I of W
Post mark "Bristol"

Dear G
Thank you for your letter of yesterday. Sorry to hear you had such a long journey but hope you are having nice weather to make up for it. I have written by this post to Mrs Reynolds. So sorry I shall not be able to accept but it is imposs owing to business, Monday being Quarter day. I am off to the Lodge for a hand of cards. Hope to hear from you again soon. I do not know when Mother returns but we can manage alright home. I wish you were here to do the housekeeping but no such luck never mind August will soon be here & what [indecipherable words]. Love to all,yours etc Cols

PS at top: At present I feel like the picture. I hope you like this set I will write again tomorrow.

Card 14 date 21 June 1912.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, c/o Mrs Reynolds, The Square, Yarmouth, I of W
Post mark "Bristol"

Dear G
Thanks for letter of this morning. Pleased you are having such a nice time. Mother is returning on Monday. I will write you a letter tonight.

Card 15 date 22 June 1912.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, c/o Mrs Reynolds, The Square, Yarmouth, I of W
Post mark "Bristol"

Dear G
Thank you very much for card this morning. Glad to hear you are enjoying your visit. I suppose you will come back looking quite brown. Went down to the Lodge last night & played with Dad & Uncle C. Am going down this afternoon. Still longing for my holidays to come. Lots of love from Cols

PS Hope you like this set. There is only one to complete it.

Card 16 date 24 June 1912.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, c/o Mrs Reynolds, The Square, Yarmouth, I of W
Post mark "Bristol"

Dear G
This is the last of the set I hope you like them. Am not sure about mother coming home today. Went to Clifton church last night with Sis & back to the Lodge to supper. Hope to see you tomorrow & will come to the station.
Heaps of Love Cols

Card 17 date 27 Dec 1912.

Addressed to Miss G Parr, Goldney Lodge, Clifton Wood, Bristol
Post mark "New Malden"

Dear Auntie Gertie Thank you very much for all the presents you sent me. I liked them very much. From Enid

The sender of this card is a mystery at present, as there is not an Enid in the family tree for this date. The handwriting is obviously that of a child. Presumably she is thanking her aunt for her Christmas presents. Knole House, the subject of the picture is near Sevenoaks in Kent.

Card 18 date 12 July 1913.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, Goldney Lodge, Clifton Wood, Bristol
Post mark "Luzern"

Dear Gertie
This is a view of the country we went thro on Friday. It is one of the beautiful trips from here. This is a lovely place I do hope you will come some day.
With love from all. Mary

Fron the handwriting this is Mary Hill, who wrote on 6 April 1912.

Card 19 date 15 Aug 1913.

Addressed to Miss G Parr, Goldney Lodge, Clifton Wood, Bristol
Post mark "Paignton"

Dear G. Just a card to say that I am feeling better. It is very hot here. So many bathing I should so much much have liked to take a dip but will keep to Dr's order. I hope you will have a pleasant journey up to town. I have not heard from Chas, so if he should say anything you might bring it with you. I will write you a letter for you to get Sunday morning. Please send me a P.C. saying you have arrived safely & write me a letter on Sunday. Now don't forget because I shall be looking out for it. I feel very lonely & am longing for the next week to fly past . With lots of love, yours as ever Cols

The "Chas" mentioned is presumably Colston's older brother, Charles.

Card 20 date 4 Nov 1913.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, Goldney Lodge, Clifton Wood, Bristol
Post mark "Wokingham"

Dear G, Thanks for the nice letter. Sorry to say in bed today. Not so well last night. It was in this top balcony that I was sitting yesterday. Parcel arrived arrived all broken, wonder letter was not lost. No string on it. We all have had a good laugh at the spoon. I will write you a letter tomorrow. Thank everyone for their kind inquiries. Shall have have more to tell you in letter tomorrow.
Love to all, Yours always, Cols

PS at top Love to Mum & Dad

This the first of a series of post cards that are postmarked "Wokingham". It looks as though Colston was a patient at Pinewood Sanatorium, so therefore had contracted TB.

Card 21 date 6 Nov 1913.

Addressed to Miss G Parr, Goldney Lodge, Clifton Wood, Bristol
Post mark "Wokingham"

Dear G
It was in the Dining Hall you had you lunch last week I thought you would like a photo of it. I am still in bed but not worrying. Thank all kind inquiries for me. Did you send me a London Opinion, if so thank you. Only someone did but did not leave a name. I have 2 quarts of milk a day. My net weight when I can in was 9 stone & I shall be weighed every Saturday & will let you know the progress. Feel better day but still in bed. Please don't fail to write to me daily. Will write you a letter tomorrow only I thought you would like these for a change.
Love to all, Yours ever Colston

Note: "London Opinion" was a popular and influential magazine that was published from 1903 to 1954.

Card 22 date 10 Nov 1913.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, Goldney Lodge, Clifton Wood, Bristol
Post mark "Wokingham"

Dear G.
The building on the left is our "Harrods" Stores I have been allowed to take ½ hours walk today. I have bought this card on the strength of it. It was a glorious morning & I did enjoy it. The next move will be in the afternoon. Hope you are well. Love to all
Yours Colston

PS at top Thank you very much for P.C. received at 6.30 today It is O.T. Have written to Phyllis today

Card 23 date 24 Nov 1913.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, Goldney Lodge, Clifton Wood, Bristol
Post mark "Wokingham"

Dear Girlie
I walked to this church this morning & heard them singing the psalms. It was very nice to hear a bit of church service & how I wished I could go in and join them. But never mind. Tempest Fugit & Indigo Fugit. Hope you are well lots of love Colston

Note: The Latin tags are confusing. Colston appears to have written "Tempest Fugit & Indigo Fugit". The former is probably meant to be Tempus Fugit, usually taken to mean "Time flies". The latter could be translated as "product of a fevered imagination".

Card 23a date 26 Nov 1913.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, Goldney Lodge, Clifton Wood, Bristol
Post mark "Wokingham"

Dear Girlie I thought you might feel a little hurt at Daddy having a P.C & not you, so here is one of the pretty little bridges in the grounds here. I do hope you are well. Please give my kind regards to everyone & you have my share of daddy's birthday pudding. I wish I could be with you, but must be satisfied with happy memories. Lots of love from yours very lovingly Colston

Card 23b date 18 Dec 1913.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, Goldney Lodge, Clifton Wood, Bristol
Post mark "Nine Mile Ride Wokingham"

Dear Girlie
Thank you so much those lovely violets. They have cheered me up & I am wearing one today. Hope you don't object! Have not received a letter a letter from Mummie or Daddy yet. Perhaps it will come by the 12-0 o'clock post. Feeling better. Good news in letter tomorrow for you. Lots of love Colston

PS at top of card This is one of the pretty spots in the grounds I hope to show you.

Card 24 date 12 Dec 1913.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, Goldney Lodge, Clifton Wood, Bristol
Post mark "Wokingham"

My dearest Love
This is a view of C.D.Block, thank you very much for letter. So sorry do not feel up to answering by letter today. I am afraid I have caught another cold although I have carried out Dr's instructions to the letter. I went for a walk this morning but have been laying down all afternoon. Please thank Daddy for the letter. Will write him as soon as I can. I am afraid I shall have a day in bed & try to throw this cold off. The worst of it is if you do that you loose a bout 1 week & are thrown back 1 week in the different grades. It is so annoying & I feel fed up with it today. I will write you a P.C. for you to get in the evening, Hope you are well, please don't worry about me. Lots & lots of love to yourself and all. Yours as ever Colston

Card 25 date 18 Dec 1913.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, Goldney Lodge, Clifton Wood, Bristol
Post mark "Wokingham"

Dear Girlie
Just a card to wish you a jolly Christmas and I am sorry I have no Xmas Cards this year but you must please accept the will for the deed. This is a view of Wellington College I have not seen it myself but perhaps we will be able to explore & find it when you come. Again wishing you as happy a Christmas as possible under the circumstances.
Lots of love Yours lovingly Colston

Note: the post mark may be 1915.

Card 26 date 4 Dec 1913.
Addressed to Miss G Parr, Goldney Lodge, Clifton Wood, Bristol
Post mark "Nine Mile Ride Wokingham"

Dearest Girlie
Thank you ever so much for your long & interesting letter. I was delighted with it & thought I must send you an extra card to show how much I enjoyed it. This spot is only 5 minutes walk from what will be your country residence. Early in January only 4 weeks more & then I will have you for a while. I will write you a nice long newsy letter if I can today in reply to this glorious one. You are a darling for writing such a nice letter. Had Ted's letter as well & I will try to write her. Lots of love dear xxxxxx from Colston

NOTE: The date is difficult to read on this postmark. It appears to be a single digit date, possibly "7", but the card is headed "Thursday". The only single digit Thursday in December is 4th. Either way these agree with Gertie coming to stay in 4 weeks time, early January. "Country residence" is probably a hotel or guesthouse where she will stay.

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