Location: Finland
Surname/tag: Early Scandinavia
Location: Finland

Surname/tag: Early Scandinavia
This page has been accessed 184 times.
Listing Finnish? pre-1000 profiles. The profile shall be removed from this list when it is sorted out or merged away.
Contents |
Born in Finland
- Fornjotur In Kvenland 0130-0210
- Unknown Fornjotur 0130-?
- Fornjot Kvenland 0160 - 0230
- Gonnor (Gorrettsdatter) Gorrettsdottir 0160-?
- Gorret Unknown 0140-?
- King (Fornjotsson) Fornjotur Of Kvenland 0160 - 0250
- Jler Fornjotsson 0183-?
- Kari Fornjotsson 0185 - 0240
- Logi Fornjotsson 0187-?
- Hlessey Forntjotsson 0189-?
- Unknown (Unknown) Fornjotsson 0185 - 0210
- Frosti (Karasson) Fornjotur 0240 - 0274
- Dottir (Unknown) wife of Karasson 0185 - 0240
- Niera Frostasdottir 0235-?
- Jokull Frostasson 0240-?
- Snaer Jokulsson
- In Snaersson 0130-?
- Unknown Fornjotur 0130-?
- Hler Fornjotsson 0191-?
- Рогволод (Polotsk) Полоцкий 0936 - 0963
Born in Norway
- Dottir Jokulsdottir ?-?
- Unknown (Unknown) Jokullsson 0276 - 0320
Born in Scandinavia
- Thorri (Kvenland) Snæsson 0320 - 0344
Merge proposed
Finished profile
- Driva (Snaersdotter) Snæsdottir 0055-?
- Vanlande Svegdasson 0020 - 0048
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