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Probate for Estate of Simeon Burleson

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 28 Jun 1840 to 4 Jan 1845
Location: Yancey, North Carolina, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Burleson
Profile manager: Todd Dixon private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 109 times.

Images associated with the settlement of Simeon Burleson's estate are hosted at FamilySearch. They are unindexed, so there is no corresponding record at FamilySearch that would be returned by a search[1].

United States, North Carolina, Yancey County, Probate Records
Probate records, 1855-1938, Catalog #151993
Record of wills, 1838-1935, DGS #4779747
Will Book Volume #1, Pages 103-108; Images 59-62

No will is included in the images, so Simeon possibly died without a will. The first page (will book 1 page 103, image 59, dated 28 June 1840) indicates that Simeon's widow, Mary, relinquished her right to be administrator for Simeon's estate. In her place, her son-in-law, Isaac Wilson (husband of daughter Martha), and her son, Aaron Burleson were appointed administrators for the estate. A dower for the widow, Mary, is also described at the bottom of this page (dated 23 July 1840).

The next three pages (will book 1 pages 104-106, images 60-61) describe the inventory of Simeon's estate. Note that his inventory does include two slaves: Joseph and Mary.

The next page (will book 1 page 107, image 61) concludes the inventory of Simeon's estate and then lists the individuals receiving payment from the estate. The first eight people named had been given an advance but did not have any associated notes or debts. These eight people are assumed to be children, as follows:

The remainder of the settlement (will book 1 pages 107-108, images 61-62) lists individuals paid based on notes or other debts owed by Simeon. The settlement was accepted by the court in Yancey County, North Carolina on 4 January 1845.

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