
Professional Wrestling

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Wrestling Wrestlers Sports_Entertainment
This page has been accessed 542 times.



The main objectives of this page are to...

  1. Create profiles for the world's most notable wrestlers. valets, managers and referees that have passed on.
  2. Format all profiles so they have a consistent look.
  3. Write a fun and accurate biography for each profile in our own words.
  4. Source each profile as thoroughly as possible.
  5. Connect each profile to the Big Tree.

Please see the Completed Profile Checklist for guidelines on what The Notables Project considers to be an essentially completed profile.


This has been a labor of love, worked on primarily by me. If you'd like to join this project, please post a comment here on this page.

Please note! Even though some of these performers may fall into multiple categories, they will reside in the group that they are best remembered as.


Photograph Ring Name LNAB Born Died Birth Place Starting CC7 Current CC7 Additions Status
Stu HartHart19152003Canada208Connected
Dory Funk Sr.Funk19191973Indiana10100+90Connected
Gory GuerreroGuerrero Quezada19211990Arizona920+11in progress-lbz
Nature Boy Buddy RogersRohde19211992New Jersey04+4
Mae YoungYoung19222014South Carolina0
The Fabulous MoolahEllison19232007South Carolina0190+190Connected
Fritz Von ErichAdkisson19291997Texas555Connected Need Mike Kerry & Chris added
Mad Dog VachonVachon19292013Canada0
Bruno SammartinoSammartino19352018Italy769+62
Larry "The Axe" HennigHennig19362018Minnesota0203+203Connected
High Chief Peter MaiviaAnderson19371982America Samoa1801800Connected
Bullet Bob ArmstrongJames19392020Georgia0260+260Connected
Ivan KoloffPerras19422017Canada0326+326Connected
The Iron SheikAli Vaziri19422023Canada2
Bad News BrownCoage19432007New York077+77
Jimmy "Superfly" SnookaSmith19432017Fiji0
Rocky JohnsonBowles19442020Nova Scotia3213210Connected
Superstar Billy GrahamColeman19442023Arizona01593+1593Connected
Terry FunkFunk19442023Indiana10100+90Connected
SikaAnoa'i19452024America Samoa1281280Connected
Dusty RhodesRunnels19452015Texas9899+1Connected
André the GiantRoussimoff19461993France23+1
Dino BravoBresciano19481993Italy0
Road Warrior HawkHegstrand19502003Minnesota 0268+268Connected
Junkyard DogRitter19521998North Carolina095+95Connected
Rowdy Roddy PiperToombs19542015Canada59147+88Connected
The AnvilNeidhart19552018California027+27Connected
Chris AdamsAdams19552001England042+42Connected
King Kong BundyPallies19552019New Jersey027+27Connected
Mr. PerfectHennig19582003Minnesota0203+203Connected
Rick RudeRood19581999Minnesota417Connected
Beautiful Bobby EatonEaton19582021Alabama0850+850Connected
Razor RamonHall19582022Maryland364429+65Connected
Ultimate WarriorHellwig19592014Indiana0143+143Connected
Dr. Death Steve WilliamsWilliams19602009Colorado0509+509Connected
Road Warrior AnimalLaurinaitis19602020Pennsylvania0
Bam Bam BigelowBigelow19612007New Jersey0101+101Connected
Luna VachonWilkerson19622010Georgia0
Brain PillmanPillman19621997Ohio015+15
Davey Boy SmithSmith19622002England0106+106Connected
Macho Man Randy SavagePoffo19622011Ohio109Connected
Big Boss ManTraylor19632004Georgia0276+276Connected
Brian AdamsAdams19632007Hawaii000
Owen HartHart19651999Canada140148+8Connected
Eddie GuerreroGuerrero19672005Texas924+15in progress-lbz
ChynaLaurer19692016New York42Connected
Chris KanyonKlucsarits19702010New York0
Crash HollyLockwood19712003California0114+114Connected
Viscera/Big Daddy VFrazier19712014North Carolina0
Brian ChristopherLawler19722018Tennessee0245+245Connected
UmagaFatu19732009American Samoa7990+11Connected
Ashley MassaroMassaro19792019New York0
Mr. Brodie LeeHuber19792020New York0
Bray WyattRotunda19872023Florida11
Reid FlairFliehr19882013North Carolina55

Valets & Managers

Photograph Ring Name LNAB Born Died Birth Place Starting CC7 Current CC7 Additions Status
Capt. Lou AlbanoAlbano19332009Italy07+7
Paul BearerMoody19542013Alabama0
Sensational Sherri MartelRussell19582007Alabama0
Miss ElizabethHulette19602003Kentucky189Connected

Memorable Referees

Photograph Ring Name LNAB Born Died Birth Place Starting CC7 Current CC7 Additions Status
Mark CurtisHildebrand19621999Pennsylvania063+63Connected

Promoters & Company Owners

Photograph Ring Name LNAB Born Died Birth Place Starting CC7 Current CC7 Additions Status
Jess McMahonMcMahon18821955New York1371+58Connected
Antonio PeñaPeña Herrada19512006New York0

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  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Notables Project WikiTree and Lori Zukerman. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
  • Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)

Comments: 4

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Love this page! My favorites were the Junkyard Dog, and Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
posted by John Vaskie
Sounds like you’ve been a fan about as long as I have. Been watching since my early teens in Tulsa. Bill Watts and Danny Hodge are my earliest memories of wrestlers on TV. Still watch it! Guess you could say I’m a bit of a fan.
My buddies and I used to go to Mid South matches at the Myriad in downtown OKC in the 80s. I drank a few beers with Kerry Von Erich one night. Heck of a nice guy, and such a tragic story.
posted by John Vaskie
I loved Kerry back in the day! Nice to see Kevin’s boys carrying on the tradition. He’s looking pretty good too. The movie was an experience having lived thru all that and having the memories come flooding back. I was torn up when Kerry passed but not nearly as much as when Eddie Guerrero died. I was numb for days.