Location: [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
This page has been accessed 77 times.
Skills to be covered with each Voyager: Adapted from Trello Voyage Skills (now archived)
Voyage Skills
- Writing biographies with inline sources & appropriate headings (narrative style preferred by the project; outline style allowed if the Voyager indicates a preference for that)
- Adding detailed sources for the facts (who, which event, where, when; what source location). Also the apps are helpful: WikiTree Sourcer is great for finding records and WikiTree BEE can help you bring in sources on linked profiles.
- Updating locations with as much detail as is known (city, township, county, state, country); the locations dropdown contains suggestions which are not always accurate
- Adding a picture or image of a document
- Linking or adding profiles for family members (knowing how is required; adding all is not)
- Adding Stickers (immigration, location, military, died young, project)
- Adding categories (location, occupation, military, project)
- Check the unsourced profiles on their watchlist
- Searching for possible duplicates
- Checking the suggestions list for that profile
- Checking the suggestions list for their managed profiles
- Knows how to clean up profiles created from gedcom (ask for an example of work done; if none, check their managed profiles suggestion list for one to use (search for GEDCOM); if none, check the GEDCOM Cleanup Trello Card
- Knows how to clean up profiles left in disrepair following a merge (ask for an example of work done; if none, check their managed profiles suggestion list for one to use (search for suggestion 811); if none, check the Merged Orphan Trello Card
- Knows about collaborating with Projects if a Project is co-managing a profile
- Knows when to communicate before editing
- Knows how to find and review the change logs and the knowledge of how to restore a change gone wrong
- Knows how to tell that a profile is connected to the main tree and how to find any profiles they manage that are not connected.
- Knows how to determine that a Last Name at Birth change is needed and how to make the change when necessary
- Knows what it means to be a profile manager. Knows how to orphan a profile, add another member to the Trusted list of a profile, add a co-manager, and transfer a profile to another member to be the sole manager
- Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)
Leave a message for others who see this profile.
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