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Profiles with pending/unfinished business and/or inquiries elsewhere

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
This page has been accessed 125 times.

Need to re-look up this once the newspaper site is fixed with visible images again

Need to redo the professional accomplishments of Ray Fabrizio; a long list with links is found at https://cdnc.ucr.edu/?a=q&r=1&results=1&e=-------en--20--21-byDA-txt-txIN-%22Raymond+Fabrizio%22-------1

Bicknell-1149 (George)
McAllister-3002 (Eleanor)
Comings-317 (Eva)
Comings-383 (Everett)
Comings-384 (John Donald Ellsworth)
Pitt-2493 (Gloria)

Who the heck was Gershom Comins/Comings/Cummings?
Two different Ancestry profiles, different parents' names, different wife and kids, probably two different Gershoms. here and here. The one married to Rhoda Newton has a sparse (orphaned) Wikitree profile at Cummings-690.

So which Irving W. is it??

1885, 1886, 1889, 1890, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1901, 1902 and 1903 city directories for Boston, Massachusetts, list Irving W. Van Zandt, occupation salesman, residing at 87 Broad. Only one of these links is being provided as they all contain the same information. The 1885 and 1886 directories give his address as 19 Commercial, and the 1903 directory gives his address as 200 High. [1]

Frank Comings-368 needs to be merged with Odia Rountree, and Turner-10826 needs to be merged with Turner-35407. Forum query on how to go about it found here: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1218400/duplicate-profiles-under-different-names

Eva Lillian (Comings) Whitbeck (Comings-317) Date of birth discrepancy - resolved by report of descendant

A boatload of Comings who (sigh) need to be changed to Cummings; one of them is https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Comings-238

McDougall-1808 and McDougall-204 need to be merged (requested 4-14-21), need research for sources.

Bartholomew Brown needs research for possible merge of Brown-65184 and Brown-72261; profile managers have been notified but have not done anything about it as of 4-30-21.

Zachary Bicknell (Bicknell-62) (1589-1636) was the one who migrated from England to Weymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Table sample:

Irving W. Van Zandt 1854-1911   Van_Zandt-357
Irving W. Van Zandt 1854-1911    Van_Zandt-358

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