
Project Gemini

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1961 to 1966
Location: [unknown]
Profile manager: Gil Davis private message [send private message]
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Gemini Capsule cutaway view

Project Gemini was NASA's second human spaceflight program. Conducted between projects Mercury and Apollo, Gemini started in 1961 and concluded in 1966. The Gemini spacecraft carried a two-astronaut crew. Ten Gemini crews flew low Earth orbit (LEO) missions between 1965 and 1966 putting the United States in the lead during the Cold War Space Race against the Soviet Union.

#MissionCmd PilotPilotLaunchLandDurationOn Display
1Gemini 1nonenone04/08/196404/12/1964 03d 23hNot recovered
2Gemini 2nonenone01/19/196501/19/1965 00d 00h 18m 16sNational Museum of the US Air Force, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio
Gemini 3
GrissomYoung03/23/196503/23/1965 00d 04h 52m 31sGrissom Memorial of Spring Mill State Park, Mitchell, Indiana
Gemini IV
McDivittWhite06/03/196506/07/1965 04d 01h 56m 12sNational Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C.
Gemini V
CooperConrad08/21/196512/18/1965 07d 22h 55m 14sSpace Center Houston, Houston, Texas
Gemini VII
BormanLovell12/04/196512/18/1965 13d 18h 35m 01sUdvar-Hazy Center, Chantilly, Virginia
Gemini VI-A
SchirraStafford12/15/196512/16/1965 01d 01h 51m 24sOklahoma History Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Gemini VIII
ArmstrongScott03/16/196603/17/1966 00d 10h 41m 26sNeil Armstrong Air and Space Museum, Wapakoneta, Ohio
Gemini IX-A
StaffordCernan06/03/196606/06/1966 03d 00h 20m 50sKennedy Space Center Visitor Center, Florida
Gemini X
YoungCollins07/18/196607/21/1966 02d 22h 46m 39sCosmosphere, Hutchinson, Kansas
Gemini XI
ConradGordon09/12/196609/15/1966 02d 23h 17m 09sCalifornia Science Center, Los Angeles, California
Gemini XII
LovellAldrin11/11/196611/15/1966 03d 22h 34m 31sAdler Planetarium, Chicago, Illinois

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