Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: LNAB Nobility
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: LNAB Nobility
This page has been accessed 999 times.
Proper Spelling of LNABs Please refer to the list below for what to enter in the LNAB (last name at birth) field for the following 'houses'. The houses are sorted following the most common English spelling. LNABs are in bold.
- Alsace, Elsass (DE),
- Angouleme, Angoulême (FR),
- Anscarid,
- Aragon, Aragón (ES),
- Austria, Österreich (DE),
- Bavaria, Bayern (DE),
- Bourbon, Borbón (ES),
- Brittany, Bretagne (FR), Bretaña (ES),
- Bryan, Brienne (FR),
- Bruce, de Brus
- Burgundy, Bourgogne (FR), Burgund (DE), Bourgondië (NL), Borgonha (PT), Borgoña (ES)
- Carolingian, Carolingien (FR),
- Castile, Castille (FR), Castilla (ES),
- Cleves, Kleve (DE), Clèves (FR),
- Cordova, Córdoba (ES),
- Danemark, Danmark (DK), Denmark (EN),
- de Vere [The exception to the prefix rule, NOT Vere. This is a family whose surname has persisted through the centuries and we should not try to change it. See],
- Devereux, Evreux (FR), Evreus (ES),
- Etichonid, Etichonen (DE),
- Finland, Suomi (FI),
- Flanders, Flandre (FR), Vlaanderen (NL),
- Gascoine, Gascuña (ES), Gascogne (FR),
- Gascony, Gascuña (ES), Gascogne (FR),
- Gascoyne, Gascuña (ES), Gascogne (FR),
- Gaunt, Gand (FR), Ghent (NL),
- Geneva, Genève (FR),
- Grandison, Grandson (FR),
- Grelley, Greslet, Gresley, de Grelley, de Greslet, de Grelley,
- Grentemesnil, Grandmesnil (FR),
- Guelders, Gelde (FR), Gelden (DE),
- Guelph, Welf (DE),
- Guînes, Guisnes
- Habsburg, Hapsburg
- Hainaut, Henegouwen (NL),
- Hanover, Hannover (DE),
- Hay, de Haya, de la Hay, de la Haye,
- Hungary, Magyarország (HU), Hungría (ES),
- Isle Bouchard, Isle-Bouchard (FR),
- Leon, León (ES), Léon (FR), (different regions)
- Leuven, Louvain (FR),
- Lombards, Longobardi (IT), VI-VIII c.
- Lombardy, Lombardia (IT)
- Lorraine, Lothringen (DE), Lotharingen (NL), Lotharingia (alt EN),
- Mainwaring, Manwaring, de Mainwaring,
- Merovingian, Mérovingien (FR),
- Meulan, Meullant (FR),
- Montbeliard, Montbéliard (FR),
- Montgomery, Montgommery (FR),
- Mowbray, Montbray (FR), Montbrai (alt FR),
- Naples, Napoli (IT),
- Navarre, Navarra (ES), Navarre (FR),
- Normandy, Normandie (FR),
- Norway, Norge, Noreg (NO),
- Orange-Nassau, Oranje-Nassau (NL),
- Perigord, Périgord (FR),
- Plantagenet, Plantagenêt (FR),
- Poland, Polska (PL), Polonia (ES),
- Prussia, Preußen (DE)
- Robertian, Robertien (FR),
- Russia, Россия (RU),
- Salian, Salier (DE),
- Savoy, Savoie (FR), Savoia (IT),
- Saxe, Sachsen (DE), Saxony (alt EN),
- Sicily, Sicilia (IT),
- St Liz, Senlis (FR),
- Stuteville, Estouteville (FR),
- Sweden, Sverige (SE),
- Thuringia, Thüringen (DE),
- Treves, Trier (DE), Trèves (FR),
- Turin, Torino (IT),
- Tuscany, Toscana (IT)
- Vere (EN) (see de Vere above)
- Welf, Guelf, Guelph
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