Location: Kentucky, United States

Surname/tag: Lee
Land Deed Records of George T Lee of Boyle County, KY. George Theodore Lee (abt.1792-1879) [1]
Not corrected for accuracy, auto-transcription:
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This may be a record of his father, George Penn Lee. It names Ambrose Lee, George Lee, and Samuel Crutcher. [2]
This Indenture made and entered into this first day of ┃ March 1817 between Ambrose Lee of the County of Lincoln and State of Kentucky of the one part and Samuel Crutcher ser of the aforesaid County and State of the other part witnesseth that the said Ambrose Lee for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred sixty Dollars in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained sold alien and confirmed and by these presents doth Grant bargain sell alien and confirm unto the said Samuel Crutcher a certain boundary of land lying and being in Lincoln County on the waters of Carpenters ┃ Creek and bounded as follows to wit , beginning at a beech tree on the settlement line of William Mantgomery Decd running thence North eighty one degrees West forty eight poles to three Small hickwin & hollow thence South one hundred and ten poles to a Sugartree on Joseph ┃ McComechy line thence East forty six poles to stake it being the South west corner of Said Montgomins Settlement thence with Said Settlement line North one hundred poles to the beginning supposed to contain thirty one Acres be the same more or less and all the estate right title Interest Claim and demand of him the said Ambrose Lee of in and to the said land and premises which the appurtenances hereby bargained and sold to the said Samuel Coutcher Sen his heirs Executor & and the said of with - ant and agree to and Ambrosdel doth hereby Coven that he the said Ambare Lee , the said Samuel Creeting and forever defend his heirs Executors of will ⌨ with the app the land and premises bargained and sold to the said surthe Claim of all and every in witness whereof heirs Executor & against to set his hand and other person or person the hereunto the said Ambrose Lee ⌨ atter of Cove who seal the day and ye are Ambrose Ly ℗ Witness Francis Lee Sophia K Lee Kentucky Lincoln County Two certify that on the 14th day of July 1827 the within knowledged by to it to me ⌨ and Deed was present ⌨ ed whereupon I Ambrose Del to be his act and deed mitted the same to record in my of Thomas Helm Witness Clerk This Indenture 2 of do and entered into this first day of March ┃ In the year one thousand eight hundred and seventeen between George Lee of the County of Lincoln and State of ┃ Kentucky of the one part and Samuel Crutcher sen of the aforesaid County and State of the other part witnesseth that the said George Lee for and in consideration of the sum of eighty six dollars in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowle dged hath granted bargained sold aliened and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bar ┃ gain sell alien and confirm a certain parcel of land lying and being in Lincoln County on the waters of Carpenters Creek and bounded as follows to wit beginning at the mouth of the such Branch known by the name of Montgomery Li thence north thirty five degrees E. To poles to a beech tree thence north one hand and eightandegrees East to poles to a white Oak thence North thirty degrees East 40 poles to a Sugar tree stay thence North fourtween degrees East eight poles to a white oak corner to the and that Josiah Feriss resides on at present thence North eighty one degrees west 2 ½ poles to a beech tree on the old settlement line of William Montgomery Deceased thence with the same South one hundred poles to the beginning it being the south west corner of said Montgomery settlement supposed to contain seventeen Acres be the same more or less and all the estate right title interest Claim and demand of him the said George Lee of and to the said land and premises with the appurtenances hereby bargained and sold to the said Samuel Crutcher Sen his heirs , executors and the said George Lee Se doth hereby cove nant and agree to and with the said Samuel ┃ Cutcher so that he the said George Lee ten his heirs executors & will warrant and forever defend the land and premises with the appur tenances hereby bargained and sold to the said Samuel Crettcher his heirs executors against the claim of all and every other person or per sons whatever in witness whereof the said George Lee hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written witness George Lee ℗ Ambrose Lee Francis Haradson Abram P Lee - Frances ⌨ Sel Poncertify that on the 14th of July 1817 the foregoing deed ⌨ to be the ⌨ was presented to me and pr Lee by the oath of ⌨ Deed of the said George Lee Abraham Lee and Francis Harrison subscribing ┃ witness thereto whereupon I admisted the same to or cord in my office Witness Thomas Helen ⎬
George Lee sale of land to his son Josiah Lee, [3]
276 ┃ Lee Geo To Lee J. E. This Indenture made and entered into this 30th day of March 1834 between George Leel of Boyle County Kentucky of the first part , and Josiah E Lee of Lincoln County , Kentucky of the second part , Witnesseth , that in consideration of Eight Thousand Dollars - Two thousand dollars in cash paid -- and the remaining six thousand Dollars released in consideration of the love and affection borne by said George Lee for said Josiah E. Lee , the said George Lell , has , this day , bargained and sold , and by these presents , do convey unto the said Josiah E. Lee and his Heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land , Situate , lying and being in the County of Lincoln on the Waters of Green River , containing more or less , Three hundred and sixty two acres , three roods & seven poles , and bounded as follows to wit : Beginning at a point corner to W. Nichols and running S ½ W 28 / 100 to a Stake on the south side of a small branch , ⌨ 27 thence S66 ½ E 190 2 / 10 poles to a stump on the side of a Hill , East side of a branch , thence N 45 ½ 127 / 10 poles to a small hickory , thence N 84 W 8 / 10 poles to a stone on the East side of the Road , thence N 74 ¼ W15 poles to a stone in the road , thence with the road N 7 ½ 252 poles to a stone at a Beech , thence N 65 ¾ W 13 / 10 poles to a stone , thence N 44 ½ W 12 / 10 poles to a stone , thence N ½ W 75 / 00 poles to a stone , thence N 70 ½ 29 / 10 poles to a stone in the middle of the Road , thence N 6756 poles to a point in the road , thence leaving the road S 55 ¼ W 80 / 0 poles to a stone , thence S 652 West 80 / 0 poles to a stone , thence S 38 ½ W 240 / 100 poles to a stone near a spring , thence N ½ E 16 / 100 poles to a stone , thence 85 ½ W 78 poles to the beginning , together with all and singular the appurtenances and improvements thereto belonging , or in any wise appertaining , unto him said Josiah E. Lee & his Heirs forever . And said George Lee doth covenant & agree to and with said Josiah E. Lee , that he will warrant & forever defend the title to said tract of land , unto him said Josiah E. Lee and his heirs and assigns forever against the claim of all persons whatever It is understood , however , that there is reserved from this Conveyance ( for the benefit of the Farm which said George Lee now owns in Lincoln County , and for the benefit of the farm which Walter Nichols purchased of Nelson T. Lee ) the Passway now used and open on the farm now hereby conveyed , from the Gate on the line between this farm and the farm sold by George Lee to George F. Lee and the Big road near Mrs Jones , Gale , and which passway runs thro a swamp near Mrs Jones Gale . In testimony Whereof said George Lee hath hereto set his hand this 30th day of March 1854 . George Lee Attest M. T. Chrisman Geo . W. Welsh , County 277 State of Kentucky of Boyle I , Richard R. Bolling Clerk of the Boyle County Court do certify , that the foregoing Instrument of writing from George Lee to Josiah E. Lee , was this day produced to me by the parties , which was acknowledged by the said George Lee to be his act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned , which is hereby certified to the proper officer for record . Given under my hand this 26th day of October 1854 . State of Kentucky R. R. Boling Clerk . County of incoln ⎬ Set : I , Champ Carter Clerk of Lincoln County Court , do certify , that this deed from George Lee to Josiah E. Lee , with the certificate of R. R. Bolling Clerk of Boyle County Court endorsed thereon , was this day , produced to me in my Office : Whereupon the said Deed , with the certificate thereon endorsed , together with this certificate , hath been duly admitted to record in my Office Given under my hand this 27th day of October 1854 . Ed & delivd Champ Carter Clerk . Lincoln County Court , Montgomery Hughs For and in consideration of the sum of Three hundred and forty five Dollars and Ninety three & three fourth cents , in hand paid , ( the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged ) We , Thomas B. Montgomery & Eveline Montgomery his wife , have bargained & sold , and by these presents , do bargain , sell , & convey unto John S. Hugh ( All parties of the County of Lincoln & State of Kentucky ) the following tract or parcel of land lying in Lincoln County Ky 7 and bounded as follows , to wit ; Beginning at a Rock corner W W. G. Bailey , thence N 33 ½ W 32 poles and 22 links to a rock on the Montgomery line , thence a new line S58 53 poles and 12 links to a rock , thence S 35 E 8 poles and 19 links to a rock in a field , thence N 82 ¼ E 59 poles to the Beginning , Containing six acres , three rods and Twenty seven poles , To have & to hold the above described tract of land , with all its appurtenances unto the said John S Hughs & to his Heirs forever : And the said Thomas B. Montgomery & Evaline Montgomery his wife covenant to warrant to the said John S. Hughs the title of the tract of land as above described , against all claims whatever . this 27th day of Oct. 1854 . Witness our hands & Seals Thos B. Montgomery ℗ The word " his wife " inter Evaline Montgomery ℗ ⎬ lined before signing Commonwealth of Kentucky Lincoln County , Set : I , Champ Carlor Clerk of Lincoln County Court , do certify , that this deed from Thomas
Sale of land in Lincoln County to his son Nelson T Lee.
This Indenture made this 13 day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty eight Between George Lee of the County of Boyle and State of Kentucky of the one part and Nelson Lee of the county of Boyle and State of Kentucky of the other part Witnesseth that the said George Lee for and in consideration the sum of Twenty five Hundred Dollars & the further consideration herein after expressed in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby I acknowledged has granted bargained and sold and by these presents does grant bargain and sell unto the said Nelson Lee & his heirs and assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land situate and being in the County of Lincoln and State of Kentucky on the waters of Carpenters creek and bounded as follows to - wit : Beginning at a stone 11 , Shipmans corner thence N 4 ° W 1270 poles to a stone ( 2 ) in Sugar tree stump corner to Thompson thence West 1 poles to a stone marked G. Thompson ( 3 ) in the old settlement line of Wm Montgomery deceased thence with said old settlement line S 87 W 176780 poles to a stone marked ( said old settlement corner thence 12 ° E 22 / 10 poles with said old settlement line to a stake G Lees corner in said line thence 188 320 poles to a stake thence S 56 1 / 8 poles to a stake , thence N 50 E. 1130 poles to a stake thence N 85 E 2400 / 00 poles to the Begining -- containing 411 acres 2 Roods and 36 poles said tract of land is hereby sold to him said Nelson for the sum of Twenty two dollars per acree - and all of the sum to which said tract of land amounts at the rate heretofore expressed per acre over and above the said Twenty five Hundred dollars is given to my son the said Nelson of Lee in consideration of my love & affection for him . Together with all and singular the appertainances thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining , To have and to hold the land hereby conveyed with the appertainances unto the said Nelson Lee & his heirs and assigns forever . And the said George Lee for himself his heirs Executors & Administrators 162 the aforesaid tract of land and appertainances unto the said Nelson Lee and his heirs or assigns , against the claim or claims of all and every person or persons whatsoever - does and will forever warrant and defend by these presents , In witness whereof , the said George Lee has hereto set his hand and seal the day and date first above written The words " two 5 / 10 per acree " were erased and the words Five hundred & the further consideration herein after expressed George Lee interlined before signed & acknowledged State of Kentucky Boyle County Sct I Thomas B Nichols clerk of the County Court for the County aforesaid do certify that this deed from George Lee 1 to Nelson Lee was this day at the hour of 10 oclock A.M. ) produced to me in my office by the said grantor and acknowledged by the said George Lee to be his act and deed , which is hereby certified to the Clerk of the County Court of Lincoln County where the premises lie for record in his office Given under my hand this 13th day of July Clerk Commonwealth of Kentucky Lincoln County To wit I Thomas Helen Clerk of the County Court for the County aforesaid do certify that this deed from George Lee to Nelson Lee together with the certificate of Thomas B Nichols endorsed thereon was on this day produced to me in the Whereupon the said deed together with the foregoing certificate hath been duly admitted to record in my office . Given under my hand this 9th day of January 1849 Thomas Helm Clerk . Lincoln County Court
This Indenture made this day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty eight between Nelson Lee and Lucy Anne Lee his wife of the County of Boyle & State of Kentucky of the one part and Walter Nichols of the County of Lincoln & State of Kentucky of the other part Witnesseth that the said Nelson Lee & Lucy Anne Lee his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Ten thousand Two hundred and ninety three Dollars $ 2500 of which sum in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and the remainder of said sum to be paid in the manner herein after expressed has granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Walter Nichols his heirs and assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land situate and being in the County of Lincoln & State of Kentucky on the waters of Con penters creek and bounded as follows to wit --
16 Beginning at a Stone Shipmans corner thence N 22 / 00 poles to a stone in Sugartree Stump - corner to Thompson thence W 116 poles to a stone marked G Thompson in the old settlement line of Wm Montgomery sum Deed thence with said old settlement line S 87 ° W 1767 / 10 poles to a stone marked I said old settlement corner - thence with said old settlement line 1 22 / 00 poles to a stake G Lees corner in said old settlement line thence S 34 poles to a stake thence 15 E. 1880 poles to a stake thence 1506 14 / 100 poles to a stake , thence N 85 E 20 / 100 poles to the Beginning containing Four hundred & Eleven acres two roods & thirty six poles , for which said tract of land said party of second part has paid the sum $ 2500 as afsd & the balance of said sum of $ 10.293 to be paid in two equal annual installments from 1st March 1848 with interest and to secure the payment of which the grantor herein hereby expressly retains a lien on said tract land - and which be is not to be discharged , until the payment of the whole of the balance of said sum - Together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appurtaining , To have and to hold the land hereby conveyed with the appurtenances unto the said Walter Niches his heirs and assigns forever , And the said Nelson Leo & Lucy Anne Lee his wife for themselves their heirs , executors and administrators the aforesaid tract of land and Appurtenances unto the said Walter Nichols his heirs or assigns against the claim or claims of all and every person or persons whatsoever do and will forever warrant and defend by these presents , In witness whereof the said Nelson Lee and Lucy Ann Lee his wife have hereto set their hands and seals the day and date first above written State of Kentucky Nelson Lee ℗ Boyle County They Anno Lee Thomas B Nichols Clerk of the County Court for the County afsd do certify that this deed from Nelson Lee ⎬ Lucy Anne Lee his wife to Walter Nichols was this day at the hour of 12 Oclock AM ) produced to me in my office by the said grantors & acknowledged by the said Nelson Lee to be his act and deed - And the said Lucy Anne Lee being examined by me privily and apart from her husband , declared that she did freely and willingly sign seal and deliver the said writing and wishes not to retract it -- and acknowledged the same again shown and explained to her to be her act and deed and consenteth that the same may be recorded which is hereby certified to the Clerk of the County Court of Lincoln County ( where the premises lie ) for record in his office Given under my hand this 13th day of July AD 1868 164 Commonwealth of Kentucky Lincoln County ⎬ Towel Thomas Helm Clerk of the County Court for the County aforesaid do certify that this deed from Nelson J Lee and Lucy Anne Sle his wife to Walter Nichols together with the certificate of Thomas B Nichols endorsed thereon was on this day produced to me in my office . Whereupon the said deed together with the certificate endorsed thereon together with the foregoing certificate hath been duly admitted to record in my office . Given under my hand this 9th day of January 1869 Thomas Helen Clerk Examined & delivered to Walter Nichols Lincoln County Court
George Lee selling land to George Weatherford. [4]
This Indenture of bargain and sale made and entered into this 3rd day of may 1850 between George Lee of the county of Boyle and State of Kentucky of the one part and George Weatherford of the county of Lincoln and State of Kentucky of the other part Witnesseth that the said George Lee for D and in consideration of the sum of One hundred dollars to him in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell unto the said George D Weatherford one lot or parcel of ground con taining one half acre lying and being in the town of Hustonville Lincoln County Kentucky the 1st beginning at the south east corner of Brown & c store house , thence Reids line N 18 ½ W 10 poles thence N 2 ½ E 8 poles to a stake thence S 18 ½ E 10 poles to a stake on the north side of main street thence with the street 72 ½ W 8 poles to the begin ring a shed on the east side of said store House contain ing one half acre of ground together with all its appertenan ces thereunto belonging except the shed adjoining the store house on the east side which is reserved , to have and to hold said lot or parcel of ground above described unto the said George D Weatherford for ever and the said George Lee for himself his heirs doth forever warrant and defend the right and title unto the said George D Weatherford his heirs and assigns against the claim or claims of all and every person whatever . Intestimony whereof the said George Lee has set his hand and seal the day and date above written George W Welsh John A Bogle George Lee Commonwealth of Kentucky Lincoln County to I Thomas Helm clerk of the county court for the county afore said do certify that this deed from George See to George D Weatherford was this day produced to me in my office , and proven to be the act and deed of the said George Lee by the Coths of George W Welsh and John A Bogle the two subscribing witnesses thereto . Whereupon I admitted said deed together with the foregoing certificate duly to record in my office Given under my hand this 523
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