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Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Nisbet
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Nisbet owners under Superior
- 1442 Murdoch Nisbet parts of the lands of Greenholm and others [1]
- 1496 James Nisbet possibly/probably son of above Murdoch inherited 40s Greenholm [2]
- 1518
- Margaret Blair got liferent 20s Greenholm
- James Nisbet inherited 20s Greenholm
- 1550 James Nisbet died without issue his sisters inherited END OF THE GREENHOLM MALE LINE and went to the daughter.
- Margaret the oldest inherited his 20 s of Greenholm as well as the 20 s that her mother had in liferent She married a Nisbet possibly from the OLD GREENHOLM LINE but unknown if that is the case or not.
- 1578 Alexander Nisbet inherited 40s of Greenholm after his mother the only building mentioned was a grain mill which would have been important for the surrounding areas as well[3]
- 1609 JAMES Nisbet of Greenholm also designated of Mylneside Ifeft lands of Greenholm 18 Dec 1609
- ca 1661 JAMES Nisbet of Greenholm died Oct 1680 fiar in 1649 also lived at Sornhill 6 Dec 1646 Marriage contract Marie Kennedy
- 1679 Robert Nisbet of Greenholm Petition Indyted for being at the rebellion, resetting of rebels and uttering treasonable speeches. He appeared at Ayr, produced a certificate bearing that he had taken the Bond timorously and took the Test and the Diet (The date fixed by the court for hearing a case for any one of a variety of purposes.) was deserted on his renouncing all land and heritages whereof he had right at the time of the rebellion in June 1679.
- 1681 ROBERT Nisbet of Greenholme and BARBARA Nisbet his spouse 40s lands of Greenholm but they now reside on Sornhill [4]
- 1683 Covenanters -Robert Nisbet of Greenholm on List of the haill persons committed prisoners for treasonable crymes 1683
- 1683 Robert Nisbet of Greenholm Renounciation (formal announcement no longer supports, believes in, or has a connection with the rebellion) produced.
- 1683 Pleads for liberty and for the Diet (The date fixed by the court for hearing a case for any one of a variety of purposes.) to be deserted Edinburgh 17th August 1683 Lords ordain his liberty under caution of 10000 merks to appear in December
- 1685 Two years since he was indyted on the same count a second time and likeways that Diet (The date fixed by the court for hearing a case for any one of a variety of purposes.) was deserted.Claims the witnesses to the 3rd charge were examined first at Glasgow and then at Edinburgh provide no grounds for the indytment.
- 1692 Nisbet of Greenholm, to pay £600; Charles II: 1662 Legislation [1662/5/96] Act containing some exceptions from the act of indemnity that the persons particularly after-mentioned, each of them for their own parts, are excepted from his majesty's pardon and indemnity, in so far as may concern the payment of the sums underwritten namely Which sums are hereby ordained to be paid by them, to any person or persons who shall be appointed by his majesty to receive the same, the one half thereof between now and the [...] day of [...] and the other half between now and the [...] day of [...], with this express certification that whoever of the persons foresaid shall not make payment of the respective sums above-written imposed upon them between now and the terms respectively aforementioned, they are from thenceforth to forfeit and lose the whole benefit of his majesty's pardon and indemnity, and the said days being past and their sums not being paid, it is hereby, now as then and then as now, declared that they have no share in his majesty's pardon, but are excepted therefrom and their estates, rents and goods are forthwith to be sequestrated and raised for his majesty's use, their persons to be secured and themselves further punished as persons guilty of sedition, usurpation and rebellion.
- 1736-1764 Archibald Nisbet
- 1755 Window tax Sornhill not mentioned but Archibald Nisbet Greenholm had 19 windows 14sh 3d. (This is 9 more windows than listed in 1798 for Sornhill.) Does that mean he wasn't living at Sornhill? later blocked off windows to save tax? window count was it for Sornhill and also for tenants living on Greenholm or Sornhill?
- 1764 - 1787 Robert Nisbett of Greenholm Ayrshire died at his house of Milend in the Island of Jamaica on the 3rd Jul last [5]
- 1794 The Forty Shilling Land of GREENHOLM including PATIE’s MILL, with the astricted multures and Lint-mill thereof are put up for sale Note; The estate of Lanfine grew from the original 400 acres acquired by John Brown in 1769, to over 10,000 acres it appears he bourgt a lot of the Greenholm property possibly that which was for sale in 1794.
Places on Greenholm
- Bedlam Names of streets have changed, but one area of Greenholm has all but disappeared. Stewarts Place occupied the area between Browns Road and the Tilework Brae and was built to accommodate navvies brought to Newmilns for the purpose of extending the railway line to Darvel. Stewarts Place gradually fell into disrepair and became locally known as Bedlam, due to this. Remnants of the buildings still stand, but lie behind a large, stone wall
- Water Wynd
- 1691 "Greinholme gives up for himselfe & his tennents ane accompts of 18 hearths"
- 1708 Land tax Ayrshire bailliaries of Cunninghame, Kyle, and Carrick
- Greenholm - £264.13.4
- 1755 Window tax Archibald Nisbet Greenholm had 19 windows 14sh 3d.
- 1759 Land tax Ayrshire bailliaries of Cunninghame, Kyle, and Carrick
- Greenholm deducing Mayfields purchase -£223.3.4
- Mayfields purchase from Greenholm is - £87.3.4
- 1803 Land tax Ayrshire bailliaries of Cunninghame, Kyle, and Carrick
- Archibald Nisbet Esq. Sornhill - £44.3.4
- Col. [Colonel] John Hughes -Mayfields purchas from Greenholm -£87.3.4
- Nicol Brown Esqre. Greenholm - £79.0.0
- 1691 "Greinholme gives up for himselfe & his tennents ane accompts of 18 hearths"
- 1770 ??? John MACFEE--The Late Sir James Shaw, Bart -This venerable Baronet is succeeded in his title by his nephew John (now Sir John Shaw), son of John Macfie, of Greenholm, Ayrshire, by the sister of the late baronet. He assumed the name of Shaw in 1815, in lieu of his patronymic Macfie-The Morning Post (London, Greater London, England) 26 Oct 1843, Thu Page 3 About 1770, calico printing was introduced to Kilmarnock by a Mr John MACFEE (MCFEE or MCFIE) and the first printworks was opened at Greenholm near the Riccarton bridge. The printwork buildings later became the Glencairn Flour Mill. John MacFee married the sister of one of Kilmarnock's most famous sons - Sir James SHAW. Their son, John MacFee changed his name to Sir John Shaw on inheriting his uncle's title. John died in 1868 [6]
- 1803 John Brown (1729-1802) Parish of Galston he paid tax for:Auchruglen Valuation £100.0.0; Greenholm Valuation £79.0.0 (tax 11.2 Scots); Easter & Wester Lanefines Valuation £212.18.3; Auchenbart & Greensmill Valuation £132.8.2 ; Waterhaugh Burnfoot Dyke Valuation £66.11.0; Parkerstone Valuation £50.0.0; Carnsayth Valuation £40.16.0; Priestland Valuation £40.0.0; Dalquhairn Valuation £5.12.9; Over Newton Nicol Brown Esqre. £33.6.8; [7]
- 1803 Parish of Galston he paid tax Col. [Colonel] John Hughes Mayfields purchas from Greenholm (Millrig?)Valuation £87.3.4 (tax 3.4 Scots)
- 1811-1857 There had to have been tenants living on Greenholm. There was 483 burials between 1811-1857 registered for Loudoun Parish- that were for people said to be residing in Greenholm, many were weavers. These 93 surnames for families registered for Greenholm were: Aaron; Allan; Anderson; Arnot; Bennerman; Black; Blackwood; Bochbald; Borland; Bowie; Boyd; Braningan; Brown; Browning; Bryce; Burns; Cameron; Campbell; Clark; Connell; Cruikshanks; Cuthbertson; Dalziel; Dougall; Dykes; Findlay; Findleter; Fleming; Gibson; Gregg; Hills; Hollingsworth; Hood; Howie; Hutton; Jack; Jackson; Jamie; Johnston; King; Kirkland; Kyle; Lambie; Law; Loudoun; Love; Lyche; MacKay; Mair; Marshall; Martin; Matthews; McAdams; McCaddam; McLoad; Miller; Mitchell; Moore; Morrison; Morton; Nesbet; Nevin; Peden; Parker; Parsey; Paterson; Patten; Pollock; Pringle; Rankin; Rayborne; Reid; Richmond; Russel; Scouler; Shaw; Sinclair; Smith; Steel; Stencan; Stevenson; Stewart; Thomson; Torrance; Trench; Wagstaff; Walker; Wallace; Wilson; Wood; Woodburn; Wyllie; Young;
- 1442 Murdoch Nisbet [8]
- 1496 James Nisbet possibly/probably son of above Murdoch [9]
- ca 1514 inherited from his father ROBERT NISBET + abt 1518 Born ca 1480, x Margaret Blair +aft 1553 3 children: Margaret, Mariota and James
- 1519 James Sornhill 40s (like the whole) inherited from his father JAMES NISBET b between 1509 and 1519 died before 1550 without issue (sasine as heir to his father Nov 1519) His sisters inherited the property after him as heir
- is inherited by his sisters and split between the sisters Mariota 1/4 10s Sornhill and Margaret 3/4 30S of Sornhill
- 1578 Alexander Nisbet inherited 40s of Greenholm after his mother no buildings mentioned other than a grain mill[10]
- 1681 ROBERT Nisbet of Greenholme and BARBARA Nisbet his spouse 40s lands of Greenholm but theynow reside on Sornhill [11]
- Robert Nisbet
- 1724-1726 bound letterbook between Alexander Earl of Marchmont (superior??) and Mr Nisbet of Greenholm GD158/2515
- 1724 ARCH Nisbet of SORNHILL attorney
- 1739 Archibald Nisbet inherited from his father Robert [12]
- 1739 John Brown portioner of Greenholm witness to Sasine
- 1755 Window tax Sornhill not mentioned but Archibald Nisbet Greenholm had 19 windows 14sh 3d. (This is 9 more windows than listed in 1798 for Sornhill.) Does that mean he wasn't living at Sornhill? later blocked off windoes to save tax? window count was for Sornhill and also for tenants living on Greenholm?
- 1764 ROBERT of Greenholm 1730 -+ 5 Jul 1787 in Jamaica test England 1788
- 1774 19 July 1774 Ayr 1774 19 Jul ARCHIBALD Nisbet apothecary in LONDON and DAVID Nisbet surgeon in LONDON SORNHILL and GREENHOLM – NRS (RS14/24/10-11
- 1788 David Nisbett in London claimed bought leased? inheritence of Sornhill with the Manorplace on the death of his brother even though his brother had sons. [13]) (note 1788 -superior of the lands is Hugh Earl of Marchmont)
- 1798-1799 Archibald Nisbet Esq. Sornhil 10 Windows £1.12.0 1 Horse £1.4.0 3 Dogs £0.18.0 Consolidated Schedules of Assessed Taxes 1798-1799 vol 04 E326/15/4/60
- 1803 Archibald Nisbet Esq. Sornhill £44.3.4 Land tax rolls( rental value of their lands)
- 1829 East Sornhill on Thursday 11 June 1829 in Sornhill /Cecilia Nisbett Heir to her father Archibald Nisbett of East Sornhill. 1829 11 Jun 1829 registered 17 Jun 1823 (32) Cecilia Nisbett Heir in General cum benefiaio Inventarii to her father Archibald Nisbett of East Sornhill NAS/NRS index Services of heirs 1700-1859 11 Jun 1829 registered 17 Jun 1823 (32)
Residences main line owners Greenholm Nisbets
- 1660 James Nisbet of Greenholm and wife Marie Kennedy). with the date of 1660 on the lintel of the window above
- 1681 ROBERT Nisbet of Greenholme and BARBARA Nisbet his spouse 40s lands of Greenholm but they now reside on Sornhill
- JAMAICA - 1787 Milend in the Island of Jamaica. Robert Nisbett of Greenholm Ayrshire died at his house of Milend in the Island of Jamaica on the 3rd Jul He had a natural son Archibald but he did not take over so end of Progeniture lines inheritance of Greenholm.
The proprietor of a ploughgate, held of the Crown, had a parliamentary vote. In money terms a ploughgate was a forty-shilling land of auld extent. calculated at 104 Scots acres- 100 Scots acres (5.3 km2) also defined: The amount of land which a plough pulled by a team of eight oxen could till in a year, generally calculated at 104 Scots acres but varying probably according to the productive capacity of the land rather than its extent. (This definition is questioned by some authorities). Also called carrucate, or, in England hide.
Mayfield The burial place of the Campbells of Cessnock and their descendants, the Campbells of Mayfield, extends in front of this wall 12 feet by 8 feet. To perpetuate their remembrance, this plate is put up by Bruce Campbell of Mayfield, Anno 1809.
- ↑ Murdoch Nisbet Obtained a Charter of Alienation dates 28th July 1442 from David Tayt of Elynton of parts of the lands of Greenholm and others
- ↑ JAMES NESBIT (b ca 1457 - d. ca 1514) was granted sasine (as heir to his father) to Greenholme, Auchinruglane, Sornhill, Sorne in 1496 (Exchequer Rolls, Volume 10 (1488 - 1496)
- ↑ on Tuesday 25 November 1578 in Greenholm, Ayrshire, Scotland Alexander Nisbet 1578 Nisbitt heir of his mother Margreta oldest sister and one of the other heiress portioner. 25 Nov 1578 Extract-Alexander Nisbitt heir of his mother Margreta oldest sister and one of the other heiress portioner of the late Jacobus Nisbitt of Greinholme --- in 40 solidatis land of Greenholm with molendo granario et fullonario –40 solidatis lands of Mylnerig—20 solidatis land of Sorne—30 solidatis lands of Sornhill old lands of old extinct in the bailiary of Kylestewart Ayr lxxxviii 214 #703 Service of Heirs-Retours
- ↑ 2 Oct 1671 JAMES Nisbet and he had borrowed money from the Hamiltons of Machlinholl. On the 2 October 1671, 2 October 1671 Ayr 1681 20 Nov 1681 ROBERT Nisbet GREENHOLM Charter by the King to ROBERT Nisbet of Greenholme and BARBARA Nisbet his spouse which failing his nearest heirs 40s lands GREENHOLM-40s lands of MYLNERIG-20s lands of MYLNESYDE- 20s lands of SORNHILL that they now reside on
- ↑ The Caledonian Mercury Edinburgh, Scotland 25 Oct 1787, Thu Page 3
- ↑ NOTE: Greenholm is not real close to Riccarton. Is there an error in the newspaper? Was there a bridge called Riccarton bridge near Greenholm as the Riccarton road is the same road as road that goes by Greenholm but has different names today along the way. Some have thought this should be Greenhill. The reference could also be to Greenholm property near Riccarton that then would have been leased from NNs of Greenholm, see http://www.shelwin.com/e/ancestry/macadam/calico.htm
- ↑ Land tax rolls for Ayrshire, volume 05 E106/4/5/17
- ↑ Murdoch Nisbet Obtained a Charter of Alienation dates 28th July 1442 from David Tayt of Elynton of parts of the lands of Greenholm and others
- ↑ JAMES NESBIT (b ca 1457 - d. ca 1514) was granted sasine (as heir to his father) to Greenholme, Auchinruglane, Sornhill, Sorne in 1496 (Exchequer Rolls, Volume 10 (1488 - 1496)
- ↑ on Tuesday 25 November 1578 in Greenholm, Ayrshire, Scotland Alexander Nisbet 1578 Nisbitt heir of his mother Margreta oldest sister and one of the other heiress portioner. 25 Nov 1578 Extract-Alexander Nisbitt heir of his mother Margreta oldest sister and one of the other heiress portioner of the late Jacobus Nisbitt of Greinholme --- in 40 solidatis land of Greenholm with molendo granario et fullonario –40 solidatis lands of Mylnerig—20 solidatis land of Sorne—30 solidatis lands of Sornhill old lands of old extinct in the bailiary of Kylestewart Ayr lxxxviii 214 #703 Service of Heirs-Retours
- ↑ 2 Oct 1671 JAMES Nisbet and he had borrowed money from the Hamiltons of Machlinholl. On the 2 October 1671, 2 October 1671 Ayr 1681 20 Nov 1681 ROBERT Nisbet GREENHOLM Charter by the King to ROBERT Nisbet of Greenholme and BARBARA Nisbet his spouse which failing his nearest heirs 40s lands GREENHOLM-40s lands of MYLNERIG-20s lands of MYLNESYDE- 20s lands of SORNHILL that they now reside on
- ↑ Tuesday 9 January 1739 in Greenholm, Ayrshire, Scotland Archibald Nisbet 1739 Nisbet of Greenholme Heir Special to his father Robert Nisbet. 1739 9 Jan 1739 registered 12 Apr 1739 (3) Archibald Nisbet of Greenholme Heir Special in Greenholme, Milnrig, Milnside and Two Portions of Sornhill Ayrshire to his father Robert Nisbet of Greenholme who died Jan 1736 NAS/NRS index Services of heirs 1700-1859 9 Jan 1739 registered 12 Apr 1739 (3)
- ↑ on Monday 14 April 1788 in Greenholm, Ayrshire, Scotland David NN 1788 Nisbet Surgeon in London Heir Special in Greenholme Sornhill to his father Archibald Nisbet. 1788 14 Apr 1788 registered 9 May 1788 (19) David Nisbet Surgeon in London Heir Special in Greenholme Sornhill with Manorplace in The Bailiary Of Kyle Stewart Ayrshire to his father Archibald Nisbet of Greenholm who died Sep 1764 NAS/NRS index Services of heirs 1700-1859 14 Apr 1788 registered 9 May 1788 (19
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