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Proposed Haplogroup Tracking

Privacy Level: Open (White)

Surname/tag: DNA
This page has been accessed 63 times.

The goal of this project is to be able to add a unique Haplogroup number to a historic Wikitree Profile,


Here are the proposed tasks that I think need to be done.

  1. Create a new DNA Test option for adding a Haplogroup to a profile (Only those with the DNA Badge can see it in the create a new test) the Haplogroup would be entered into the Optional section.
    1. This test would not show up under DNA Connections on any Profile
    2. Create a new section above DNA Connections to show the Haplogroup that was entered into the Optional section of the test for that profile only.
  2. Add the Haplogroup after each name that has a test, to the DNA Descendants and DNA Ancestors reports.
  3. Add a "Copy Wiki Link with Haplogroup" that changes when the Haplogroup changes. (This is a nice to have option and could be the Haplogroup option only)
  4. Set up a review system to check for duplicates and relationships of Haplogroups,
    1. Create an app to automate this with data from a Big Y site.
  5. Set up requirements and sources for assigning a Haplogroup to a profile.
  6. Create a presentation to educate people on what Haplogroups are, how they are created, how they are assigned to historic people, why they change and how we can use them in Wikitree.

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