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Prussia Team

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Germany Prussia German_Roots
This page has been accessed 4,062 times.


Welcome to the Prussia Team Page

This team is managed by the Germany Project.

Today part of Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Switzerland.

Prussia (German: Preußen) was a historically significant German state that originated in 1525.

Team Goals

This Team was created to offer a place to collaborate on Prussia genealogy research. You can ask questions in the comments below or offer suggestions on new resources to attach to our resources list.
How Can You Help the Prussia Team?
  • There are extensive profile improvements that need to be done for this topic and we could really use your help. See Profile Improvements, below.
  • Members with knowledge of this topic can answer questions and offer guidance on this page, our Google Group and on G2G.
  • Ensure the information and links on this page are up-to-date (especially for archival and research site information)
  • Create new Space pages for region-specific geographical, topical, or other, that include images, history, and anything helpful for collaborating and helping other researchers.
  • Add the Prussia sticker template by province to each profile of a person born in Prussia. See more about the Prussia sticker and how to add it here: Stickers and Templates.

Team Members

Team Leader: Steve Thomas. I am most interested in emigrants to South Australia in the mid-19th Century from Königreich Preußen, Königreich Hannover and Großherzogtum Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Prussian families include Heinrich, Pfeiffer and Schäfer.
Team members:
  • Anderson, Thom Connect with Thom:
  • Barron, Charlette Connect with Charlette:
  • Bartholome, Vernalee Connect with Vernalee:
  • Cartier, Miranda Connect with Miranda:
  • Cook, Margaret Connect with Margaret :
  • Franks, Linda Connect with Linda:
  • Frye, Daniel Connect with Daniel:
  • Greenwood, Steven Connect with Steven: It appears that Pomerania is the origin of some of my paternal ancestors, particularly the Klitzke line, of which I also manage a One Name Study. Places that are of interest in association with that surname include Pauzerin (Panzels?), Ueckermünde, Bärwalde (Barwice) in Kreis Neustettin, and whatever "Boratia" was (Borntin? also in Neustettin?). Other surnames are Schiefelbein (likely from Schievelbein, Pommern), as well as Kroll, Gleash, Wiatrok, Mittelsteadt, Post, Rädel and most recently Schmeer.
  • Gunther, Deb Connect with Deb:
  • Gürth, Andy Connect with Andy: I am German (i.e. native speaker) and have ancestors from Preußen (Prussia), Pommern (Pomerania), Posen (Poznan), Schlesien (Silesia), Sachsen (Saxony), Galizien (Galicia), Wolhynien (Volhynia, Volyn) as well as from Pfalz (Palatinate). To list them all by name here, would clearly go beyond the scope. Many of these ancestors emigrated in the 18th and 19th century to Canada and USA, a few to South America. Among the families who did not emigrate overseas, there were always shifts in European regions.
  • Haese, Kylie Connect with Kylie: I am interested in researching the surname Haese in Pomerania, Prussia. Also interested in Prussian emigration to South Australia.
  • Lemen, Mark Connect with Mark:
  • Lippincott, Carrie Connect with Carrie:
  • Lomax, Terence Connect with Terence:
  • Martin, Lilly Connect with Lilly:
  • Miller, Wes Connect with Wes:
  • Nickerson, Lou Connect with Lou:
  • Penner, Kathryn Connect with Kathryn:
  • Semes-Bogya, Eszter |Connect with Eszter:
  • Shortland, Veronica |Connect with Veronica: A descendent of vine dressers from Prussia & the Rheingau region who immigrated to the Colony of New South Wales between 1849 and 1855. Surnames of interest: Schoeneck / Schöneck / Schipp / Mohr. Ships: Beulah (arr. 1849). Reiherstieg (arr. 1852). Cateaux Wattel (arr. 1855)
  • Thomas, Steve TEAM LEADER
  • Wagner, Melissa Connect with Melissa:
  • Walker, Patricia Connect with Patricia:
  • Wiemer, Amy Connect with Amy:

How to Join

You must be a member of the Germany Project to join.

Add your name to the list of team members.

Make sure you ask to be on the trusted list of this page.

Profile Improvements

We'd appreciate your help with sourcing, connecting, merging and fixing database errors on the profiles in this region. Click the LINKS below to get lists of profiles from Prussia that need some love (click "get profiles" in the left column to generate a list):

Stickers and Templates

You can add the Prussia sticker to relevant profiles.

Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker}}

Preferrably add the province sticker

See the Template:Prussia Sticker Page for more information on province stickers
Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in the Province of Brandenburg, Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker|Brandenburg}}

Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in the Province of East Prussia, Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker|East Prussia}}

Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in the Province of Jülich-Cleves-Berg, Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker|Jülich-Cleves-Berg}}

Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in the Grand Duchy of the Lower Rhine, Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker|Lower Rhine}}

Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in the Province of Pomerania, Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker|Pomerania}}

Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in the Grand Duchy of Posen, Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker|Posen}}

Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in the Province of Saxony, Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker|Saxony}}

Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in the Province of Silesia, Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker|Silesia}}

Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in the Province of West Prussia, Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker|West Prussia}}

Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in the Province of Westphalia, Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker|Westphalia}}

Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in the Rhine Province, Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker|Rhine}}

Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in the Province of Prussia, Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker|Prussia}}

Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in the Province of Hohenzollern, Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker|Hohenzollern}}

Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in the Province of Hanover, Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker|Hanover}}

Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in the Province of Hesse-Nassau, Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker|Hesse-Nassau}}

Flag of Prussia
... ... ... was born in the Province of Schleswig-Holstein, Prussia

{{Prussia Sticker|Schleswig-Holstein}}

Overview of Prussia

Flag of Prussia.

The Kingdom of Prussia included the following provinces:

  • Brandenburg, 1415 (Today in Germany and Poland)
  • Hannover, 1866 (Today in Germany)
  • Hessen-Nassau, 1867 (Today in Germany)
  • Hohenzollern, 1415 (Today in Germany)
  • Ostpreußen / East Prussia, 1813 (Today in Poland and former USSR)
  • Pommern / Pomerania, 1648, 1720 (Swedish Pommern 1815) (Today some in Germany, but most in Poland)
  • Posen, 1793 (Today in Poland)
  • Rheinland / Rheinprovinz, 1814/1824 (Today in Germany and some in Belgium)
  • Provinz Sachsen / Province of Saxony, 1816 (Today in Germany)
  • Schlesien / Silesia, 1742 (Today in Poland and Czech Republic)
  • Schleswig-Holstein, 1864 (Today in Germany and Denmark)
  • Westfalen / Westphalia, 1815 (Today in Germany)
  • Westpreußen / West Prussia, 1772, 1793 (Today in Poland)

Ideally, we would like to see pages for these provinces eventually created by team members who are interested in specific areas.


The Prussia team is intended for anyone who is interested in Prussian genealogy, history and WikiTree.

The word Prussia (German: Preussen or Preußen; Polish: Prusy) for wikitree purposes and the purposes of this team, is referring to the Prussia in European history, which came under German rule.

Prussia came under German and Polish rule in the middle ages. The Kingdom of Prussia ruled from 1701 by the German royal dynasty House of Hohenzollern. However Prussia was at different times throughout history a duchy, kingdom, region. These classifications and divisions can be confusing and distracting. Therefore this Prussia team is important to help create some clarity.

It is therefore the mission of this team, to create pages to help understand Prussian history. To create profiles for people who were born, married and or died in Prussia. Finally, work towards a unified set of guidelines for the Prussia team, Germany project, and whole wikitree community to follow and refer to when adding and editing Prussian profiles.


Historical Map of Prussia
Prussia Political map before 1905


Prussia from Duchy (Electorate) of Brandenburg to Kingdom of Prussia and Republic

Table: Die brandenburgisch-preußischen Herrscher - The Brandenburg-Prussian sovereigns

Kurfürsten - Electors
Name Reign
Friedrich I. 1415-1440
Friedrich II., Eisenzahn 1440-1470
Albrecht Achilles 1470-1486
Johann Cicero 1486-1499
Joachim I., Nestor 1499-1535
Joachim II. 1535-1571
Johann Georg 1571-1598
Joachim Friedrich 1598-1608
Johann Sigismund 1608-1619
Georg Wilhelm 1619-1640
Friedrich Wilhelm, der Große Kurfürst 1640-1688
Friedrich III. 1688-1701
Könige - Kings
Name Reign
Friedrich (III.) I. 1701-1713
Friedrich Wilhelm I. 1713-1740
Friedrich II., der Große 1740-1786
Friedrich Wilhelm II. 1786-1797
Friedrich Wilhelm III. 1797-1840
Friedrich Wilhelm IV. 1840-1861
Wilhelm I. 1861-1888
Friedrich III. 9.3.-15.6.1888
Wilhelm II. 1888-1918

(the years of reign of the regents listed in the brackets)

Burggraf (Castle count) Friedrich VI. von Nürnberg, as Elector of Brandenburg Friedrich I. from 1415 until his death in 1440, broke the power of the nobility, Friedrich II. Eisenzahn (†1470) that of the cities, he won the Neumark and part of Lausitz (Lusatia). Johann Cicero (†1499) and Joachim I., Nestor (†1535) formed the sovereignty of the country.

Joachim II. (†1571) made Brandenburg Protestant in 1539 and was enfeoffed Prussia by Poland in 1569.

Johann Sigismund (†1620) acquired Kleve in 1614 and Ost-Preußen (East Prussia) in 1618.

Friedrich Wilhelm, der Große Kurfürst (the Great Elector) from 1640-1688, acquired Hinter-Pommern, Halberstadt and Minden in 1648, won Prussia's sovereignty in the Swedish-Polish War (1655-60), pioneered state unity, left behind an orderly state of 110.000 qkm with 1.5 million inhabitants.

In 1701, under Elector Friedrich III. (1688-1701) and later King Friedrich I. (1701-1713), the Duchy of Prussia became a kingdom outside the German Empire and he gave the name Preußen to the Hohenzollern total state.

King Friedrich Wilhelm I. (1713-40) filled the state treasury, created the Generaldirektorium (General Directorate) as a central financial authority in 1723, increased the army and acquired Geldern and Limburg in 1713, Stettin and Vor-Pommern up to the Peene River in 1720.

Friedrich II., der Große, called Friedrich der Große (the Great) (1740-86) won Schlesien (Silesia) through the 1st Silesian War (1740-42), claimed it in the 2nd Silesian War (1744-45) and in the Seven Years' War (1756-63), acquired Ost-Friesland (East Frisia) in 1744, West-Preußen (West Prussia) without Danzig and Thorn and the Netzedistrikt in 1772.

Under Friedrich Wilhelm II. (1786-97) campaign against Holland in 1787 and France (1792-95). In the special peace of Basel in 1795 Prussia lost the territories on the left bank of the Rhine, acquired in 1793 Greater Poland with Danzig and Thorn, in 1795 Süd-Preußen (South Prussia), Neuost-Preußen (New East Prussia) and Neu-Schlesien (New Silesia) and in 1791 the Frankish principalities of Ansbach and Bayreuth.

Friedrich Wilhelm III. (1797-1840) was defeated by Napoleon at the Battle of Jena and Auerstedt in 1806 and lost the lands west of the Elbe and the last Polish acquisitions in the Peace of Tilsit in 1807.

On February 28, 1813, Prussia formed an alliance with Russia against Napoleon at Kalisch. This was followed by the wars of liberation against Napoleon I. from 1813 to 1815 with the Battle of the Nations at Leipzig with its heavy losses and the final victory over Napoleon Bonaparte at Waterloo. Through the 1st Peace of Paris in 1814, the Congress of Vienna and the 2nd Peace of Paris in 1815, Prussia was able to expand significantly in terms of territory and had 278.000 qkm and 10,4 million inhabitants.

Germany's defeat in World War I in 1918 led to the German Revolution. The Hohenzollerns were overthrown and the Weimar Republic was established, thus bringing an end to the German monarchy and Prussian monarchy.

With the Nazis in 1933, the darkest chapter of Prussian and German history began in the land of poets and thinkers. It ends with the senseless deaths of millions of people, an enormous movement of refugees within and from Europe, a state reorganization in Europe and the end of Prussia.

February 25, 1947: The Allies Decide on the Final Dissolution of Prussia
The State of Prussia was finally dissolved by the four victorious powers of the Second World War by Act of the Allied Control Council No. 46 of February 25, 1947.
Prussia is now only a historical term.

(to be continued)


If high and state culture is taken as representative of a general Prussian cultural history, then this is characterized in Prussia by different phases of flourishing and stagnation. On the whole, however, Prussia, especially in the beginnings of its history in the 17th century, belongs comparatively rather to the cultural desert areas in Central Europe.

It is true that the Mark Brandenburg and East Prussia, the two core areas of the Brandenburg-Prussian state in the 17th century, already have an independent, regional cultural history, which in this context certainly produces sights worth seeing, such as the Cistercian monastery architecture in Brandenburg with Zinna, Lehnin and Chorin or the fascinating ensemble of the Marienburg on the Nogat in West Prussia as the residence of the Deutscher Orden (Teutonic Order). In terms of intellectual history, both territories also boast outstanding institutions as early as the 16th century, which certainly attained supra-regional significance with the founding of the university in Frankfurt an der Oder in 1506 as the Brandenburg state university and the University of Königsberg, founded in 1544 for the Duchy of Prussia.

But for a long time in the 17th century, when the fusion of the core region of the Mark Brandenburg with the two territorial outposts in the west with Kleve, Mark and Ravensberg and in the east with East Prussia has long been completed in terms of state law, the emerging German middle power culturally represents rather a territory with few outstanding achievements.

These include the garden city of Kleve, laid out in the 1650s by the Electorate of Brandenburg's governor in Kleve, Prince Johann Moritz von Nassau-Siegen (1604-79), the first German attempt at a landscape-forming park creation based on the Dutch model, with which the rising territorial power wanted to prove its claim to power in the west of the empire. After the Thirty Years' War, Friedrich Wilhelm, der Große Kurfürst (the Great Elector) initiates the development of the Berlin-Potsdam residential and cultural landscape, which, however, is only gradually to become one of the most outstanding ruling landscapes in the world.

Of lasting importance for the cultural development of the "scattered land bush of the Holy Roman Empire" is the admission of French Huguenots to Brandenburg-Prussia. Although they were brought to the Hohenzollern state primarily for reasons of economic revitalization of the war-torn country, the French ferment had an impact not only on language development in Berlin, but also through numerous important artists and intellectuals such as the academy secretary Jean Henri Samuel Formey, the Ancillon family of writers and civil servants, the Erman family of scholars, the master builders David and Friedrich Gilly, and the Huguenot descendant Theodor Fontane.

Although a systematic art and cultural collection policy already began under the Great Elector, Prussia only began to gain cultural importance during the reign of Friedrich I. (1657-1713), who otherwise came off less well in historiography. Friedrich I., who had just been crowned the first king of Prussia, tried to systematically expand Prussia's cultural influence, not least to emphasize his own claim to power. Under his reign, Prussia began its cultural ascent, and in the 18th century it began to replace Electoral Saxony, which had been the leader until then, in the cultural hegemony of northern Germany.

The list of intellectuals and scholars who moved to the Prussian court in Berlin is revealing. Strikingly, many of them were scholars who were ostracized elsewhere as innovators of thought and can only be presented here in a selection that includes the most important personalities: In 1686, during the reign of the Great Elector, Samuel Pufendorf (1632-1694) came to Berlin from Stockholm as Brandenburg court historiographer, after all the founder of German natural law as well as the most important teacher of constitutional and international law in the age of the early Enlightenment in Germany. In 1690, the philosopher Christian Thomasius (1655-1728), who came from Leipzig, was one of the intellectual founding fathers of the University of Halle, established in 1690-94, which was not only to become the central university for the Prussian state and its need for capable, legally trained state officials, but was also to become one of the most progressive universities of the Age of Enlightenment in Germany in general.

In 1707, Christian Wolff (1679-1754), expelled from Leipzig, an even more important philosopher, succeeds Thomasius as a professor at the University of Halle. In 1691, the pietist preacher and theologian Philipp Jakob Spener (1635-1705) moves from Dresden to Berlin, where his reform program ensures a pietistic overcoming of orthodox Lutheranism. In 1692, the scholar, court official and first chancellor of the newly founded University of Halle, Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff (1626-92), arrived from Altenburg. In the same year, Spener's student and Protestant-Pietist theologian and educator August Hermann Francke (1663-1727) came from Leipzig to establish in Halle, beginning in 1698, the Franckeschen Stiftungen (Francke Foundations), an exemplary institution for the education and training of boys and (revolutionary for the time) girls as well.

In 1694, Andreas Schlüter (ca.1660-1714), a native of Danzig and probably the most important German architect of the turn of the century, moved from Warsaw to Berlin around 1700, not least to work on the expansion of the Prussian residence and capital Berlin and Potsdam. With the construction of the Berliner Stadtschloss (City Palace), one of the most important buildings of its kind north of the Alps in the Baroque era, which was overdimensioned in view of the political and economic strength of Prussia at that time, he set a first cultural-historical sign beyond the borders of the young kingdom.

In the same year, the eminent chemist and physician and later personal physician to the soldier king, Georg Ernst Stahl (1660-1734), was drawn from Hanover to Prussia. In 1700, one of the greatest universal geniuses of his time, the philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716), is attracted from Hanover to the Prussian court and to the conception of a contemporary Prussian Academy of Sciences, which will be extremely important for the Prussian-German history of science and will become one of the great European academies.

Some of these cultural institutions of the early Kingdom of Prussia were initiated by the wife of the first Prussian king, Sophie Charlotte (1668-1705), a native of Hanover. In contrast to her husband, she was interested in art and culture beyond the state's need for representation and established an ambitious court theater and a stimulating musical culture with composers such as Giuseppe Torelli (1658-1709) in her Charlottenburg Palace, the first Prussian seat of the arts.

The accession to power of the soldier king Friedrich Wilhelm I. (1688-1740) meant a severe slump for culture and the promotion of art in Prussia as a whole. Due to his father's complete over-indebtedness of the young monarchy, the Hohenzollern king, who was one-sidedly oriented toward economic "making a profit" and the military strengthening of his state, reduced all institutions in the areas of art and culture that he considered unnecessary. In contrast, the soldier king supported other scientific institutions that were important for the economic advancement of the state, such as the first German university chair for economics in 1727.

Research Help and Regional Resources

  • ManyRoads (you'll need to sign up for a free account and log in)
  • Westdeutsche Gesellschaft für Familienkunde - West German Society for Family Studies) WGFF.de: this site has resources for research in the former Prussian Rhine Province; today North Rhine-Westphalia (admin districts Dusseldorf and Cologne) and Rhineland-Palatinate (admin districts Koblenz and Trier)
  • Kartenmeister.com: Prussia map database with 108,000+ locations with over 45,000 name changes once, and 5,500 twice and more. All locations are EAST of the Oder and Neisse rivers and are based on the borders of the eastern provinces in Spring 1918. Included in this database are the following provinces: Eastprussia, including Memel, Westprussia, Brandenburg, Posen, Pomerania, and Silesia.
  • The Historic Gazetteer Another system to find German place names. Gives a good summary of historic changes of government districts,

WikiTree Free Space Pages and One-Place Studies

Team Pages

Resource Pages

WikiTree Categories

Translation Aides

In Germany a number of different written languages and dialects were used. Below are some links to sites which may help you with old documents.

This is an active Germany Project page with up-to-date information.
Reviewed: Haese-1111 Feb 2021
Last updated by Kylie Haese: 09 May 2022

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Steve Thomas, Germany Project WikiTree, and Kylie Haese. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)

Comments: 54

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My great-grandfather, Heinrich (Hans) Bruno Brahne (Braune?) arrived in Sydney, Australia on ELIZABETH, from Hamburg via Adelaide, 30 March, 1880. (on his way to Tonga).

Born 20 Dec 1846 Leipsig, Germany. I have nothing prior to his arrival in Australia. Bruno Brähme in the Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934 Name: Bruno Brähme Departure Date: 15 Nov 1879 Birth Date: abt 1847 Age: 32 Gender: männlich (Male) Residence: Leipzig Occupation: Schriftsetzer

Ship Name: Elisabeth Captain: Kessal Shipping Clerk: Aug. Bolten Wm. Miller`s Nachfolger Ship Type: Segelschiff Accommodation: ohne Angabe Ship Flag: Deutschland Port of Departure: Hamburg Port of Arrival: Port Adelaide; Sidney

posted by Gary Little
I found some information about the ELIZABETH. https://passengers.history.sa.gov.au/voyage-passengers-all/943768/15/11/1879%20-%2026/02/1880.

Your great-grandfather is not in this list. I assume the list only contains passengers who disembarked at Port Adelaide.

posted by Steve Thomas
I have these details:

Name: Heinrich Braune Event Type: Taufe (Baptism) Birth Date: 29 Dez 1846 (29 Dec 1846) Baptism Date: 3 Jan 1847 Baptism Place: Altenweddingen, Sachsen (Saxony), Deutschland (Germany) Father: Christian Jacob Braune Mother: Marie Elisabeth Braune Legitimacy: Ehelich Parish as it Appears: Altenweddingen City or District: Altenweddingen Page Number: 131 Author: Evangelische Kirche Altenweddingen (Kr. Wanzleben)

Lutherische Kirchenbücher, 1760-1890. Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, Magdeburg, Deutschland. answered Mar 15, 2018 by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.5m points) selected Jun 22, 2021 by Kylie Haese

Bruno Brähme in the Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934 Name: Bruno Brähme Departure Date: 15 Nov 1879 Birth Date: abt 1847 Age: 32 Gender: männlich (Male) Residence: Leipzig Occupation: Schriftsetzer

Ship Name: Elisabeth Captain: Kessal Shipping Clerk: Aug. Bolten Wm. Miller`s Nachfolger Ship Type: Segelschiff Accommodation: ohne Angabe Ship Flag: Deutschland Port of Departure: Hamburg Port of Arrival: Port Adelaide; Sidney

Volume: 373-7 I, VIII A 3 Band 001 Household Members: Name Age Bruno Brähme 32

posted by Gary Little
If you are looking for records in Germany then I suggest you use the name Brähme.
posted by Steve Thomas
My maternal line has a number of Lemmermann and Gerdes (and all variants of both) ancestors. While I was researching the Lemmermann line I found a German language web site "http://lemmermann-genealogie.de"

It claims to have identified almost 1,000 emigrants to the Americas. Follow the link to read more. I have NOT added this information to WikiTree for a number of reasons, among them the existence of this project and the 1700's project. I have some time to begin adding profiles, but want to be sure I follow the rules. Any comments/suggestions? Thanks! /s/jr

posted by Jerry Regan
Hi guys, we have a Prussian Settlement in Australia Team. I actually started that team and am very proud of it. It really brought members together to work on their specific ancestors. And it also is very active in setting up shipping categories and shipping passenger list pages. And many of us work on adding profiles to wikitree that haven't yet been adding by looking at those ship passenger ship pages.

I've noticed by member interests that prussians also migrated to Canada and America. And I know of migration to South Africa also.

Would people be interested in working on migrational teams, like the Prussian Settlement in Australia Team?

I'm more than happy to help set those up if there is member interest?

Kylie :)

posted by Kylie Haese
I would be interested in a Pomerania, Prussia to the USA team. Jack
posted by Jack Schaffer Ph.D.
Okay thank you. Hopefully we get some more interest from other members. I will brainstorm some ideas. I am wondering if it would be best to have a Prussian migration to United States team and a sub-team for Pomerania to USA or a sub-team under the Pomerania, Prussia team, or both.

What do you think Jack? Or perhaps we could start a Prussian migration to USA and then link the pomerania migration to USA team under both promerania team and the migration to USA team?

All thoughts and suggestions would be helpful :)

posted by Kylie Haese
I would start broad to attract as many WikiTreers as possible. So, Prussia to the US. If we get a lot, we could divide into sub-teams.
posted by Jack Schaffer Ph.D.
I agree with you Jack. I don't think that there are enough active members to create sub-teams. Too many sub-sections become traps and hard to maintain.

I support starting at Prussian migration to USA. Most of the existing migration categories sit underneath Category:Prussia,_Emigrants_to_United_States.

posted by Steve Thomas
edited by Steve Thomas
Fantastic! I will begin by posting in G2G and seeing how much support we gain from the community and any feedback. And start a free space team page. :)
posted by Kylie Haese
I've looked at the categorization project under migration category structure at country division, there is not even Germany with the different regions listed.

And Austria is also missing all the k.u.k. countries like e.g. Galicia.

At least Australia is listed. The data protection is also so limited that no additions/corrections are possible. Do I have to participate in all kinds of projects to be able to achieve something? Oh that makes so all no joy .... Andy

posted by Andy Gürth
Yep, there's a lot of confusion about locations.

I have posted a summary of migration structures to try and understand. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:German_Diaspora:_Emigration_during_the_mid-19th_Century

I do get some joy from connecting families about once a month...... Steve,

posted by Steve Thomas
Hi Steve - many thanks for this very helpful and useful tool! I haven't discovered that yet. There are so many hidden helps here.

Slowly I understand that some - especially older users who are not very PC affine - are simply overwhelmed and do not even mill through the long long help pages, but simply muddle along at will and thus constantly provide for new content to be corrected.

Yes, the joyful moments you mentioned I've to call to mind again more clearly. Andy :)

posted by Andy Gürth
Hi Prussia Team Members,

Would anyone like to contribute some information on the history and culture of Prussia for the new sub-headings that I have added to this page please?

It would be most helpful.

Kind regards, Kylie - Prussia Team Coordinator

posted by Kylie Haese
I'll be the first to start with a brief historical summary. - please check my wording

regards - Andy

posted by Andy Gürth
Awesome thanks Andy! Can't wait to read over your summary :)
posted by Kylie Haese
Perfect! Thats fantastic Andy thank you :)
posted by Kylie Haese
Awesome job, Andy! Thanks for all your work on this!

One suggestion to do eventually (to anyone on the Prussia Team who wants to do this): maybe replace the italicized names in the history/culture sections with links to the individuals WikiTree profiles. If those profiles are not managed by the Germany project, let me know and I'll add them to the project's managed profiles. Best, Traci

posted by Traci Thiessen
I have made the first WikiTree links to existing profiles. None of them is managed by the Germany project, I will send you a list of profiles. And there are unfortunately inaccurate or wrong information in these profiles. And unfortunately I can't correct anything there as DataDoctor, because I fail at this pre-1500 determination. There I would be very happy about hints and help, how I get that, I don't really understand the requirements for that. Thanks - Andy
posted by Andy Gürth
Hi Kylie,

I would like to have a table that gives more information about team members interests.

Scroll down to the bottom of https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:County_Cavan_Team to see a team members list.

Does this look OK to you? Cheers, Steve.

posted by Steve Thomas
I like that idea. I can provide my areas of interest once the table is created.
posted by Steven Greenwood
Hi Steve,

I think the table is a great idea!

If you would like to create that, please feel free.

My only comment on this would be that perhaps creating a separate free space page for it might be an idea. Especially as the Prussia team gets more members. Just an idea. What do you Think?



posted by Kylie Haese
Thanks Kylie,

I will create a separate free space page when this home page gets too big. For the moment I prefer to avoid links that involve jumping back and forth. I get lost very easily. :-)

Regards, Steve.

posted by Steve Thomas
edited by Steve Thomas
Sounds like a plan Steve! 😊 it actually doesn't clutter the page as much as I imagined.
posted by Kylie Haese
Hi Steve and Kylie. FYI, I changed the table to a list as tables are a pain for most members to edit (including myself and I add new members to this list all the time). Simplicity is best. Also, if you could format this page like the regional pages are set up, that would be great. Thanks, Traci
posted by Traci Thiessen
Cheers Traci. Fair comment. I like the appearance, but I agree with you that the table wasn't easy to add new members.
posted by Steve Thomas
Hi Tracey, I will work on reformatting the page asap 😊
posted by Kylie Haese
off-the-wall question. Wikipedia says Prussia existed until 1947, which would mean that an active WikiTree member could have been born in Prussia, but I don't see any dates that late on this page (except about records, but Germany is listed also).

From Wikipedia's article on Prussia: "It was de facto dissolved by an emergency decree transferring powers of the Prussian government to German Chancellor Franz von Papen in 1932 and de jure by an Allied decree in 1947." ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prussia

I'm asking because I added then removed (then added again... dithering a bit) {{Prussia Sticker} from a list I'm compiling that WikiTree members could use on their profiles. Could they?


posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Certainly not an off the wall question.

If an active Wikitree member thinks of themselves as being born in Prussia before 1947, then that sounds fair to me.

My family connections and personal interests all come from Königreich Preußen in the nineteenth century. I am only speaking for myself, but I'm not looking for any family connections after 1866.

I don't know if anyone else in the Prussia Team of the Germany Project has a different view.

posted by Steve Thomas
edited by Steve Thomas
Thanks! I'll leave the sticker in my list. Appreciate the quick reply :D
posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
Hello, I am researching Anton Boleslaw Zaremba born April 1815 in Prussia. He was ethnically POLISH, and the Zaremba name is Polish. But in census records in USA he always calls his birthplace Prussia. At a young age he joined the Prussian Army and rose to the rank of Captain. Then He left to join the French Army where he rose to the rank of Major. He was stationed in Algeria. He had some political dispute with the French Army, or his superiors, and was deported to USA in about 1852. I know all of his life in USA, but I am interested in finding more about his early life in Prussia. His parents married in the Catholic parish Sulmierzyce [Sulmirschütz]. I assume he was born and raised there. Maybe someone has some ideas for further research? Zaremba-65 Best regards, Lilly Martin
posted by Lilly Martin
Hi Lilly, This was answered in our project's Google Group by Dieter Lewerenz (thank you DIeter!):

Sulmirschütz belongs today to the Woijewodschaft Großpolen ( wielkopolskie). I had a look into geneteka. There are some Zarembas in Sulmirschütz but not Anton Boleslaw:


There are two possibiliies to find him. The first is tosearch the polish archives online, but without knowledge of the polish language it will be hard. The other is: I found a remark that the church books from that town are copied by the LDS and the have films of them from 1695-1946. But I don't know how to get access there.

Regards Dieter

posted by Traci Thiessen
Man, I wish I could. I don't have any background in the Hohenzollern or Prussian nobility.
posted by Steven Greenwood
Hi guys, how is everyone going? As you may see above, I have created a page for Pomerania and Steven Greenwood has created a page for Posen.

Pomerania needs a lot of work done to it, probably Posen too. If anyone has an interest in either of those areas, be sure to request to be on the trusted list of the page.

Remember lets all work together and chat on here, using this comment function. How can the Prussia team help you work more on wikitree?

posted by Kylie Haese
Thanks Kylie. I've been added to the Posen page. I know a number of families from Posen settled around Tanunda in South Australia around 1850.

There's a very interesting page, https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Pripkowo_to_Honey_Creek_in_1857, inside the Posen page. It tells the story of many families travelling together on one ship to Wisconsin. The story is very similar to ones I know of German emigrants to Australia.

posted by Steve Thomas
edited by Steve Thomas
I had already linked to the Pripkowo page from the Posen page. Some of my people are effectively from that location.
posted by Steven Greenwood
Yes, I know that you linked Pripkowo page from the Posen page.

My aim was make more people aware of these good pages.

posted by Steve Thomas
Of course! Good on ya then! Should David Alwin then be considered for this project?
posted by Steven Greenwood
I wouldn't say 'Should be'. I don't expect that this is going to become a major project needing a lot of volunteers to support it.

On the other hand I think David should know about it, and become a team member if he interested. My interest is to keep an eye out for family connections, the structural changes in Wikitree and answer any questions put to me.

Can you contact him?

posted by Steve Thomas
edited by Steve Thomas
I'll see what I can do. I think I also have a connection to him on social media.
posted by Steven Greenwood
Please add me Veronica Shortland to the Prussian Team, my family is from Pommern, Prussia. I don’t see my name on the list. Thank you.
You are all added now Veronica!
posted by Kylie Haese
I am most focused on Posen (Poznan) right now, so I would like to create a space page for it.
posted by Steven Greenwood
Interesting comment. I don't see any limit for creating a space page for Posen if you want to. My ancestors from Schlesien sailed with emigrants from Posen and settled in South Australia.
posted by Steve Thomas
And to clarify I mean the region not just the city particularly. The villages in this region are the origins of multiple lines I'm following.
posted by Steven Greenwood
I added a page for Pomerania, it needs a lot of work but you should see up above where I have added the link. Have you created the page yet or would you like me to do it for you?
posted by Kylie Haese
I will make the Posen (Poznan) page.
posted by Steven Greenwood
Hi guys! Welcome to the Prussia Team! Post comments and reply to comments to communicate with other team members. What information, pages etc should we work on within this team to make it easier for you? I am seeking your ideas right now :-)
posted by Kylie Haese
I am trying to find birth or any certificates for my following family.

Herman PaulBrietzke born Grosmillen Pomerania,Germany June 7, 1855 His Parents were William Brietzke born 1822 Germany Henrietta Foth born 1828 Germany His wife was Fredrika Suckow born 1856 Germany

These names have been handed down thruhistory, but I can’t find any documentation or even the town. I only speak English. Thank you to anyone who can help I would also like join the Prussia part of the Germany Project.

posted by Veronica (Brietzke) Shortland
edited by Veronica (Brietzke) Shortland
Hi Veronica,

Have you put this question about Brietzke family onto G2G? I've looked but it is beyond me. Some of the Wikitree users are amazing.

posted by Steve Thomas
Hi Kylie, I added a new item under Resources (ManyRoads). Feel free to remove it if you don't think it's useful.
posted by Traci Thiessen

Categories: German Projects