
Quakers in Ohio

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Quakers
This page has been accessed 1,209 times.

This is a space created to supply information and links about meetings, burial grounds, and resources, in order to organize the data for Quakers in Ohio.

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Meeting County Town Started Laid Down Category Information
Center Clinton Wilmington 1806 1921 Category
Chesterfield Morgan Chesterhill 1837 active Category Info
Chestnut Ridge aka Somerset Belmont Barnesville 1820 active Category
Cincinnati Hamilton Cincinnati 1815 active Category
Clear Creek Highland Leesburg 1812 active Category
Community Cuyahoga Cleveland 1903 active none Info
Concord Belmont Colerain 1801 1919 Category
Dover Clinton Wilmington 1824 active Category
Fairfield Highland Leesburg 1807 1961 Category Info
Fall Creek Hillsboro Paint 1811 active Category
Flushing Belmont Flushing 1818 1960 Category
Green Plain Clark Selma 1821 2017 Category Info
Ludlow Falls aka Union Miami Ludlow Falls 1812 1972 Category Info
Miami Warren Waynesville 1803 active Category Info
Middleton Columbiana Middleton 1803 active Category
Mill Creek Montgomery Dayton 1811 1860 Category
New Garden Columbiana Hanover 1808 1866 Category
Plainfield Belmont Richland 1808 1902 Category
Plymouth-Smithfield Jefferson Smithfield 1808 active Category
Salem Columbiana Salem 1805 active Category Info
Sandy Spring Columbiana Hanoverton 1820 1873 Category Info
Short Creek Jefferson Harrisville 1804 active Category
Stillwater Belmont Barnesville 1808 active Category Info
Upper Springfield Columbiana Damascus 1825 1975 Category Info
West Branch Miami West Milton 1806 unknown Category
Westland Morgan Westland 1827 1898 none Info
Wilmington Clinton Wilmington 1868 activenoneInfo

Burial Grounds

Name County Category Cemetery Link
Adena Jefferson Category Find a Grave
Alum Creek Morrow none Find a Grave
Caesar Creek Warren Category Find a Grave
Center, Clinton Clinton Category Find a Grave
Center, West Milton Miami none Find a Grave
Chester Clinton Category Find a Grave
Chesterhill Morgan Category Find a Grave
Chestnut Ridge Belmont none Find a Grave
Concord, Berry Belmont Category Find a Grave
Deer Creek, Quaker Hill Stark Category Find a Grave
Dillon Muskingum none Find a Grave
Dover Clinton Category Find a Grave
East Huron none Find a Grave
East Fork, New Vienna Clinton Category Find a Grave
East Goshen Mahoning none Find a Grave
Elk, Pleasant Hill Preble none Find a Grave
Elkrun Columbiana Category Find a Grave
Ellis Greene none Find a Grave
Emerson Jefferson Category Find a Grave
Fairfield Highland Category Find a Grave
Fairmount Stark none Find a Grave
Fillmore Washington none Find a Grave
Flushing Belmont none Find a Grave
Fredericktown Knox Category Find a Grave
Friends, Bucyrus Crawford none Find a Grave
Friends, Clarksville Clinton none Find a Grave
Friends, Crists Perry none Find a Grave
Friends, Lapham-Ryan, Old Mount Tabor Champaign none Find a Grave
Friends, Morgan Morgan none Find a Grave
Friends, North Lewisburg Champaign none Find a Grave
Friends, Salem Columbiana none Find a Grave
Friends, Washington Washington none Find a Grave
Friends Chapel Mercer none Find a Grave
Friends Township Belmont Category Find a Grave
Goshen Logan none Find a Grave
Grange, Concord, Negus Belmont Category Find a Grave
Green Plain, Little Brick Clark Category Find a Grave
Harveysburg Warren none Find a Grave
Hopewell, Roachester Warren none Find a Grave
Lexington Stark none Find a Grave
Londonderry Ross Category Find a Grave
Martinsville, Newberry Clinton Category Find a Grave
Miami, Waynesville Warren Category Find a Grave
Middleton Columbiana Category Find a Grave
Mill Creek, Frederick Miami none Find a Grave
New Grassy Run Clinton Category Find a Grave
New Hope, Paintersville Greene Category Find a Grave
Old Grassy Run, Bloomington, Gallemore Clinton Category Find a Grave
Old Quaker, Massillon Stark Category Find a Grave
Old Quaker, Saint Clairsville Belmont Category Find a Grave
Old Stringtown, Lower Fall Creek Highland none Find a Grave
Quaker City Guernsey Category Find a Grave
Quaker Hill, Belle Vernon Wyandot Category Find a Grave Info
Quaker Hill, Sebring Mahoning Category Find a Grave
Quaker Ridge Carroll Category Find a Grave
Quakerdom, Gilead Morrow Category Find a Grave
Randolph, Vandalia Montgomery none Find a Grave
Richmond Jefferson Category Find a Grave
Rush Creek Union none Find a Grave
Seneca, Moorman Greene none Find a Grave
Short Creek Jefferson Category Find a Grave
Smithfield Jefferson Category Find a Grave
Somerton Southern Belmont Category Find a Grave
Springboro Warren none Find a Grave
Springboro Orthodox Warren none Find a Grave
Springfield Clinton Category Find a Grave
Stillwater, Olney Belmont Category Find a Grave
Stringtown Highland Category Find a Grave
Sunsbury Monroe none Find a Grave
Turtle Creek Warren none Find a Grave
Walnut Creek Fayette none Find a Grave
West Unity Williams none Find a Grave
Westboro Clinton Category Find a Grave
West Grove Harrison Category Find a Grave
Westfield Preble none Find a Grave
Wilson Jefferson none Find a Grave
Winona, Wilbur Columbiana none Find a Grave

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  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: David Wilson and Religious Society of Friends Project WikiTree. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
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Comments: 2

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David, this page is quite an accomplishment -- it took a lot of work to put it together.

I'm wondering if a couple changes could be made and if I could make them or not.

I started to place the text in the profiles of some of my relatives. But stopped because none of them ever belonged to the Upper Springfield Monthly Meeting at Damascus, Ohio nor did they ever belong to Salem, Upper Springfield MM in Salem. They belonged to the Salem MM at Salem.

Until 1975 there were two separate monthly meetings: Upper Springfield MM (established in 1825) and Salem MM established in 1805). The two meetings merged in 1975.

The same thing applies to the New Garden MM. From 1808 until 1828 it was located near Hanoverton but in 1828 it was transferred to Winona. In 1884 the Hicksites changed the name to the Winona MM.

The New Garden meeting at Hanoverton or the village of Hanover, I believe, merged with Sandy Spring MM about 1820.

Regards, Bob Test

posted by Robert Test
Greetings Bob, Thanks for finding the error in the MM chart above. The now Salem Upper Sprinfield meeting has been separated and the correct category for Salem is displayed. The schism and then following mergers of meetings is a bit confusing. The Upper Springfield meeting is in Damascus and the date of grant has been corrected. The category page for Salem documents the merge in 1975. According to the research of Thomas C. Hill, the New Garden MM held its last meeting in 1866 and is now noted above. Help improving these help pages is appreciated!
posted by David Wilson