Location: Leslie County, Kentucky, United States

Surnames/tags: Kentucky Nursing
Main page for the Frontier Nursing Service
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The Frontier Nursing Service was founded in 1925 in Leslie County, Kentucky. The following links point to quarterly service bulletins in the years 1925-1929. The FNS was founded as The Kentucky Committee for Mothers and Babies.
Contents |
Vol. I, No. 1, June, 1925 Contains an Introduction and details about the first meeting to form The Kentucky Committee for Mothers and Babies, including names of Board members and others involved in starting and fund raising for the group. Members/Donors List: Frontier Nursing Service Members
Vol. 1, No. 2, October, 1925 Nurses mentioned are:
- Mary Carson Breckinridge (abt.1881-1965) - Founder
- Edna Caroline Rockstroh (1897-1982)
- Freda M Caffin (1892-1972)
Vol. 1, No. 3, February, 1926] Updates various services provided by the Doctors and Nurses involved with the Frontier Nursing Service. No new nurses are named.
Vol. II, No. 1, June 1926 Includes financial updates and donor lists on the one-year anniversary of the group. No new nurses are named,
Vol. II, No. 2, October 1926 Contains updates on the three nursing centers then in operation. Nurses mentioned:
- Ellen Halsall (1893-)
- Gladys Peacock - from England
- Mary Willeford (1900-1941) - from Texas
Vol. II, No. 3, January 1927 No new nurses mentioned.
Vol. III, No. 1, May 1927 Financial Report. No new nurses named.
Vol. III, No. 2, August 1927 New nurses:
- Lois Harris
- Alice Logan
- Doris Park
- Frances van Nostrand
- Emily Williams - from England
Vol. III, No. 3, November 1927 New nurses:
- Rose McNaught
- Ellen Marsh - from England
Vol. III, No. 4, February 1928 The legal process was begun to the change the organization's name to "Frontier Nursing Service". No new nurses are named.
Vol. IV, No. 1, June 1928 Third Annual Financial Report. No new nurses are named.
Vol. IV, No. 2, September 1928 New nurses:
- Edith Batten (1890-)
- Doris Beaumont
- Betty Lester - from England
- Annie MacKinnon
- Edith Matthams
- Katherine Stiles
- Dorothy White
Vol. IV, No. 3, September 1928 No new nurses named
Vol. IV, No. 4, March 1929 No new nurses named.
Vol. V, No. 1, June 1929 Fourth Annual Financial Report. No nurses named.
Vol. V, No. 2, September 1929 FNS now has a total of 19 nurses on staff. No new nurses are named.
Vol. V, No. 3, December 1929 No new nurses named.
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