This project falls under the purview of the Québec Team part of Canada Project
The goal of this project is to create a series of Google Spreadsheets to act as an Index of Years for the FamilySearch collection of Quebec Catholic Parish Registers.
Currently, the Quebec Catholic Parish Registers collection on FamilySearch (free to access, thus ideal for linking primary records to WikiTree profiles) is not fully indexed and searchable. If you know the date of a record, you have to search through a register containing multiple years, and multiple images per year.
The purpose of this project is to create a spreadsheet for each parish that will indicate the starting image for each year in the register as well as a direct link to it. Some parish registers also contain an Index of Names for people in a given year, and a link to that index image will also be recorded.
The two founding members of this project are Paul Chisarik and Greg Clarke based on advice from Danielle Liard, Karen Tobo and others who contributed to Paul's initial post on the G2G forum.
Contents |
Outline of Project
Here are the phases of the task that need to be done. Greg is doing the original spreadsheet creation and linking and Paul is coordinating the setup phase. We welcome all volunteers who would like to help out.
- Phase 0 : create Master Index spreadsheet and decide on Template for individual parish spreadsheets.
- Phase 1 : create individual parish spreadsheets and link to Master Index
- Phase 2 : setup parish spreadsheets with additional info and links so they function properly and are ready for data input
- Phase 3 : input data for starting image for years in parish spreadsheets
How You Can Help !
- Anyone can help out and add links to help us fill out the Index of Years. See below for Detailed Description (Phase 3), but the short version is this:
- Open up an individual parish spreadsheet from the Master Index
- When you are on the FamilySearch website, and find the beginning of a year (any year),
- Click the COPY CITATION button (at the bottom of the Information pane)
- Switch to the parish spreadsheet, and in the appropriate row, find the StartCitation column and paste the citation (CTRL + V or something similar)
- Rinse, lather, repeat.
- If you are very comfortable with using Google Spreadsheets, and would like to help with the setup of the individual parish spreadsheets, contact Paul Chisarik .
Detailed Descriptions of Phases
Phase 0 : create Master Index
- Phase 0 : create Master Index spreadsheet and decide on Template for individual parish spreadsheets.
- Status : DONE
Phase 1 : create individual parish spreadsheets
- Phase 1 : create individual parish spreadsheets and link to Master Index
- for each parish:
- copy template to create unique parish spreadsheet
- substitute parish name for template text,
- add years in column A for those included in register records
- link to Master Index
- fill out parish name beside town as it is written in FamilySearch collection (even if that is technically incorrect - so that it can be found by those who only know it by that name),
- add URL,
- add WikiTree category if exists
- if town associated with parish is different from FamilySearch name for it, create duplicate row in Master Index with proper town name (so it can be found by those who search for the true name).
- Status : Beginning. 82 of 800 created.
- Who: Greg
- for each parish:
Phase 2 : setup parish spreadsheets
- Phase 2 : setup parish spreadsheets with additional info and links so they function properly and are ready for data input
- for each parish:
- verify parish name and town are accurate
- update URL for Map from LaFrance (edit number at end after /map/)
- add proper link to for parish information
- link to Master Index
- apply formatting (use paint icon to copy format) for parish register headings in column A.
- delete formulas in those heading rows in columns B, C, D so register heading can be read in its entirety, if needed
- verify formulas in columns B,C,D,E exist to bottom of years as needed. IF there are more than 400 rows in spreadsheet, copy formulas from row 400 down to bottom of file
- setup the Jump To quick links to allow easy navigation (adjust years for jumps as needed)
- add a link for the first register (at least)
- once setup steps are complete, fill out entry in Master Index
- add AKA (also known as) entries for parish, alternatives parish was renamed over the years, and/or the sometimes incorrect name used for it in FamilySearch collection
- add Record Years, and Index Years if applicable
- add Y to the Setup column of Master Index for this parish
- if the parish row was duplicated (because of proper town name vs FamilySearch town name) - do the same thing for duplicate so info is complete there as well
- Status : Very Beginning. 42 of 800 setup and ready for data input.
- Who: Paul & his volunteers
- for each parish:
Phase 3 : populate parish spreadsheets
- Phase 3 : input data for starting image for years in parish spreadsheets
- open up parish spreadsheet by clicking on Google Sheet link in Master Index spreadsheet
- open up FamilySearch register by clicking on link in parish spreadsheet if you don't already have FamilySearch open
- add an entry for a year that doesn't have a Starting Image entry
- navigate to that image in the register. (Note - some years start in the middle or even at the end of a page - we want that image URL, even if the beginning entries on the page are for the previous year)
- at the bottom of the FamilySearch page, open up the Information pane if it's not already open, and scroll down to click on the COPY CITATION button
- switch to the parish spreadsheet - and PASTE the citation exactly as is in the column marked StartCitation for the appropriate year's row
- immediately, the columns to the left for Starting Image and URL should be populated
- open up parish spreadsheet by clicking on Google Sheet link in Master Index spreadsheet
- if you find a page that begins an Index for a year (sometimes called the Repetoire, or Directory), follow a similar process
- go to bottom of page where Index begins, click on COPY CITATION from Information pane
- paste the citation in the column marked IndexCitation for the appropriate year's row
- if you find a page that begins an Index for a year (sometimes called the Repetoire, or Directory), follow a similar process
- some registers organize their index by last name and not by year. (e.g. an index for all those whose surname starts with A and were baptised in the parish over a range of years).
- use the same process as described above, but enter this information on the second tab in the spreadsheet titled "Letter Index"
- some registers organize their index by last name and not by year. (e.g. an index for all those whose surname starts with A and were baptised in the parish over a range of years).
- Suggestion: Start off by adding links for Starting Images at strategic places, always put in the first starting image per register, then a quarter through the register, half way, three-quarters. As time permits, sub-divide the task further until eventually every year is covered.
- If you finish ALL the years for a parish spreadsheet, and all the indexes (if they exist) - then update the Master Index by adding a Y in the Complete column for that parish.
- Status : Very Beginning. 42 of 800 setup and ready for data input.
- Who: Every WikiTreer is welcome to contribute to this resource! Please help.
Will you join us? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send Greg a private message. Thanks!
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
Anyone else out there interested? Leave a message here, or send me a personal message.