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Queensland State Archives, Assisted Immigration 1848-1912

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This page has been accessed 71 times.

The Queensland State Archives describes this search, Category: Immigration | Index: Assisted Immigration 1848-1912 as listing "the names of assisted passengers, with surnames beginning A, arriving in Queensland from the United Kingdom and Europe between 1848 and 1912. Information includes the age of the passenger, name of the ship, date of arrival and Queensland State Archives' catalogue details. Passenger lists of immigrant ships with departure and arrival dates and ports, surgeons and masters on board and types of passage; includes links to scans of the registers"

This category page is part of Category: Queensland State Archives and is used as an aid to the study of early Queensland inhabitants, allowing for a clearer connection of early Queensland wikitree profiles and the sources from which they reference their facts. When sourcing profiles with records from Queensland State Archives always visit the source for complete record information. NOTE - This page is only an index to whether or not there are matching wikitree profiles to people mentioned in the index search and records in the source and does not contain the full information available about any record in the source. Visit the source via the QSA Index search. An example citation for details sourced from this Queensland State Archives Index search would be State Archives Index Search; © The State of Queensland 1995-2013; Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Queensland Government; [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/au/ Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY 3.0 AU)] ; Online Repository https://www.qld.gov.au/dsiti/qsa/search Accessed (today's date); Category: Immigration | Index: Assisted Immigration 1848-1912

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