Location: [unknown]
Queensland State Archives Catalogue Search
The Queensland State Archives has a range of records useful to Family history research. The Queensland State Archives are located at 435 Compton Road, Runcorn, Qld where many indexes and records can be found in their viewing room. Online, the Queensland State Archives website has two very different searches (The results are almost 100% different.):-
- Search the Catalogue - searches the entire catalogue of items in one go.
- Search the Indexes - searches only one index of names at a time.
The Search the Indexes function is split into categories and further into sub-categories. The Index search leads to partial or complete records online and some records have images available online.
- Links to Wikitree Categories correlating to the QSA searches:-
- Catalogue Searches matches up to catalogue item search results
- Index Searches matches up to the various name indexes search results
The Queensland State Archives has a Catalogue of items that they have archived. These items may contain a person's name in it's title or it may not (it may be about a place or thing and not about a person). Their Basic Search can be used to search a single word, group of words, exact phrase or numbers. It will search for Agencies, Series and Items. It is often the best place to start a search. The search can be refined by using the drop down boxes. This search is best used where there is likely to be a limited number of results, eg a name, a small place or locality or a specific term. If you wish to perform a more complex search use Advanced Search. [1]
This category page is part of Category: Queensland State Archives and is used as an aid to the study of early Queensland inhabitants, allowing for a clearer connection of early Queensland wikitree profiles and the sources from which they reference their facts. When sourcing profiles with records from Queensland State Archives always visit the source for complete record information. NOTE - This page is only an index to whether or not there are matching wikitree profiles to people mentioned in the index search and records in the source and does not contain the full information available about any record in the source. Visit the source via the QSA Index search. An example citation for details sourced from the Queensland State Archives Catalogue search would be <ref>State Archives Search the Catalogue; © The State of Queensland 1995-2013; Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Queensland Government; [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/au/ Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY 3.0 AU)] ; Online Repository http://www.archivessearch.qld.gov.au/Search/BasicSearch.aspx Accessed (today's date) ; See also https://www.qld.gov.au/dsiti/qsa/search</ref>
- ↑ State Archives Search the Catalogue; © The State of Queensland 1995-2013; Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Queensland Government; Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY 3.0 AU) ; Online Repository http://www.archivessearch.qld.gov.au/Search/BasicSearch.aspx Accessed 12Oct2017 ; See also https://www.qld.gov.au/dsiti/qsa/search
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