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Quick Reference for Ashkenazi Jewish Given Names

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Date: 2022
Surnames/tags: Ashkenazi Jewish Names
This page has been accessed 276 times.

This is not meant to be a comprehensive reference, but a listing of the most common names you might encounter on a tombstone (matseva), in a vital record in Europe, or a passenger list. Much of this is background material, but I also consulted Beider's book for Yiddish variants. [1]

Hebrew Name Transliterated Hebrew English Meaning/Derivation Yiddish and Variants Common Double Names Common Anglicized Variants
Aharon אהרון Aaron, Aron, Oren Biblical, Brother of Moses Oren, Aron, Urele Arnold, Adolph, Albert
Aryeh אריה Ari Hebrew, "lion," symbol of the tribe of Judah Aryeh Leib
Avraham אברהם Abraham Biblical, patriarch Avram, Avi Abe, Arnold, Adolph, Albert
Bentsion כיפוף Hebrew, "son of Zion" Bents, Bentske, Tsiyen Benny
Binyamin בנימין Benjamin Biblical, son of Jacob Wolf, Wulf, Bunem, Ze'ev, Vulf Benjamin Wolf, Ze'ev Wolf William, Ben
Chaim חיים Hebrew, "life" Khayim Hyman, Hymie, Herman, Harry
David דוד David Biblical, a king of Israel Duvid, Dovid, Tevel, Tevye
Dov דוב Hebrew, "bear" Ben, Bernard
Eliezer אליעזר Biblical, son of Aaron Lazer, Leyzor, Leizor Eli, Louis,
Elijah אליהו Elias Biblical, a prophet Elya, Elyash, Ilye Eli
Emanuel עמנואל Emanuel Biblical, son of Isaiah Man, Manel, Mendel, Mandel Menachem Mendel Manny
Ishaye ישאיי Isaiah Biblical, a prophet Shaye, Izayas, Zayas
Issachar יששכר Biblical, son of Jacob and Leah Isokher, Sakhar, Ber, Dov Dov Ber
Menachem מנחם Biblical, a king of Israel Menke, Menkl, Nochim Menachem Mendel
Meyer מאיר Hebrew, "illuminated" Maier, Mayer, Meier Max, Martin, Marcus, Mark
Mordechai מרדכי Biblical, cousin of Queen Esther Mordtke, Motel, Model, Motek Max, Martin, Marcus, Mark
Moshe משה Moses Biblical Maishie, Moyshe, Moishe, Moshek, Movshe, Maushe Morris, Morton
Nachum נחום Biblical, a prophet Nokhum Nate, Nathan
Naftali נפתלי Naphtali Biblical, son of Jacob Hirs(c)h, Her(t)z, Cerf, Naftule Naftali Hirsch, Tsvi Hirsch Henry, Harry
Natan נתן Nathan Biblical, a prophet Nute, Nossen, Nota, Notek, Nusen Nate, Nathan
Pinchus פינצ'וס Biblical, grandson of Aaron Pinkhas, Pinkhos Philip
Rafael רפאל Raphael Hebrew, "God has healed" Refael, Refoel, Rafal, Rofl, Raf, Fole
Reuven ראובן Reuben Biblical, son of Jacob Ruvn, Rubin, Rubl, Rubinek
Shimon שמעון Simon Biblical, Judah, son of Jacob and Leah Shimen, Ziman, Shime, Shimek, Zimek
Shimshon שמשון Sampson Biblical, hero known for his strength Shimshn, Shamshl Sam, Simon
Shlomo שלמה Solomon Biblical, King of Israel Shloyme, Shlaman, Shlome, Zalman, Zelman Sol
Shmuel שמואל Samuel Biblical, a prophet Shemuel, Shmiel, Zanuel, Zanvel, Zabel Sam
Tsvi צבי Hebrew, "deer," symbol of the tribe of Naftali Hirs(c)h, Her(t)z, Cerf Naftali Hirsch, Tsvi Hirsch Henry, Harry,
Yakov יעקב Jacob Biblical, patriarch Yankel, Akiva, Koppel Jack, Jake
Yehuda יהודה Judah Biblical, Judah, son of Jacob and Leah Leib, Leyb, Judel, Yudel, Yude, Yidel, Yudke Aryeh Leib, Yehuda Leib Louis, Leo, Leon, Julius
Yisrael ישראל Israel Biblical, name of Jacob after wrestling with angel Yisroel, Izrael, Iser, Srul, Sroel, Isserl Isadore, Izzy, Ignatz
Yitzhak יצחק Isaac Biblical, patriarch Itzig, Itsik, Ayzik, Itske Ike, Isadore,
Yosef יוסף Joseph Biblical, son of Jacob and Rachel Yossel, Yossi, Jossel Joe
Yoshue יושע Joshua Biblical, leader after Moses' death Yehoshue, Heoshue, Heshel, Heshke, Ovsey, Ishie Haskell


  1. Beider, A. (2009). Handbook of Ashkenazic Given Names and Their Variants. Avotaynu, Inc.

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In the Netherlands Meyer-variants are common as Jewish surnames.
posted by W Koster
edited by W Koster

Categories: Jewish Genealogy