
Rötter by The Federation of Swedish Genealogical Societies

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The website of The Federation of Swedish Genealogical Societies has the address There is a special section in English:

Quite naturally there is a broader selection of information in the Swedish language part of the site. Using Google Translate may or may not be useful.

There is an associated discussion forum, Anbytarforum, with a dedicated section for discussions in English. The forum is free of charge, but you will need to set up an account.

  • Anbytarforum - you will have to choose English in the top right corner of the window. There are subforums for geography, history, language, names and customs.

Since few people in Sweden are total strangers to the English language, it is not unheard of that questions posed in English in the Swedish parts of the forum get helpful answers. Most people will understand the question - and if someone is reluctant to practice their written English, others will probably step in and help. Just be careful to ask your question in the right subforum

  • Landskap = Provinces. Contains subsections for the old provinces of Sweden and under them subsections for the parishes in each province. Please do not ask your question here unless you know you are in the right parish.
  • Släktnamn = Family names. Not for the patronymics or very common names. There are subsections for royalty (kungliga) and nobility (adel).

Although there is naturally a much wider participation of Swedish genealogists at Anbytarforum, you are always welcome to ask your questions in the G2G forum with the tag SWEDEN

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