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Ramillies, Voyage to South Australia 1848/1849

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Date: 7 Nov 1848 to 25 Mar 1849
Location: [unknown]
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This space is linked to a landing category Ramillies, Arrived 25 Mar 1849


The Ramillies voyage from London November 7 1848 - arrived Port Adelaide March 25 1849

The Ramillies sailed from London; arriving in Port Adelaide on 25 March 1849. State Library of South Australia

The Ramillies, 757 tons, McLean, entered outwards at London for Adelaide with emigrants, on the 7th November. from SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. in The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser of Wednesday 14 March 1849, Page 2. TROVE


....March 25—The barque Ramilies 740 tons, Maclean, from London, 11th December. Passengers—James Trimble, Surgeon Superintendent, in the cabin ; Mr and Mrs Shaw, Mr and Mrs Baxter and two children, Mrs Scott. Mrs Thomp-son, Messrs Shaw, Howard, and Warren, in the intermediate; and the following Government immigrants in the steerage :—Edward Akehurst and wife, Alex Badendock, Wm Baker wife and four children, John Berry wife and four children, Isabella Bishop, John Bishop and wife, Samuel Boddington wife and two children, Samuel, William, Joseph, and Alfred Bonuin, Wm. Bott wife and three children, Eliza Bowyer, Mary Broad, Rosetta Brown, Charles Buckingham and wife, Mary Chamberlain, Richard, James, Robert, Isabella, and Margaret Clark, George and Jane Cooper, James Charlotte and Alfred Cowyner, Joseph Cotten wife and three children, Thomas Curl and wife, David Davey, Elizabeth Davis, J. Dowdy wife and three children, Edward Downer, James Dradge, Charles Dutch, Elizabeth, Reuben, and Simeon Durbridge, Maurice Edwards wife and child, Ellen Ellicks, Thomas and Jane Evans, Joseph Fennell, Marker Fisher wife and two children, Jeremiah Ford and wife, Adam Foster wife and six children, Robert and Jane Foster, Charles Gall wife and three children, Eliza Gardiner, James Geering, Mary Gellingham, Harriet Gilbert, Alfred Glasscock, James Goedier wife and two chil-dren, Eber Goulten, Robert Graham and wife, L. Grivell, Wm. Gum(?) wife and two children, Wesley Hayes and wife, Robert Henderson, Thomas Hill wife and five children, Emily and Mary Hopkings, Eliza Huckle, Wm Hutchins, George Isarde, S. Jeffery and wife, Elvira Joliffe, Rebecca Kearnes, and two children, James Kippist wife and child, George and Thomas Ruights, Thomas Lapcock and wife, Nelson Leake wife and three children, John Life wife and child, James Loyd wife and three children, James McCarty, Alex. McKenzie and wife, Peter and C. McFarlane, Elizabeth McIver, Henry March wife and six children, John Martin wife and three children, Harriot Moore, W. Morgan wife and child, Dryden Morris, Thomas Nottage wife and seven children, Richard Oliver and wife, Wm. Page wife and child, T. Phillips and wife, Frederick Provis, John Quayle wife and two children, Edward Rhodes, Elizabeth Rogers, Elizabeth Roos, James Samuels wife and two children Anne Shephard, Thomas Shugar, David Simpson and wife, Thomas Smith wife and three children, George Sorell wife and child, Jane Spreckley, Harriet Stead, Martha Taylor, John Trowse, Joseph Vigars, George Walker wife and child, Hugh Wallace wife and child, James Wallace wife and two children, Jane Ward, J. Whitmore wife and two children, Eliza Wiles, Fred. Wilkins wife and child, Margaret Wilson, John Winter, Eliza Adams, Jane Downey, Emma Frances, Matilda Graham, Ellen Harris, Margaret Higgins, Jane Hodstowe, Elizabeth and Emma Lipscombe, Ellen and Ruthe Morgan, Mary Peacock, Phoebe Spooner, Elizabeth Beard, Mary Ann Chandler, Mary Fitz, Esther Heath, Emma Hutchinson, Anne Knight, Eliza Lynch, Mary Meack(?), Catherine Searchfield, Caroline Spring, Elizabeth Hackerg, Caroline Walker, and Emma Webb. Two births and nine deaths, during the voyage —children. Twenty-four female orphans on board.

from SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. in the South Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1844 - 1851) of Tuesday 27 March 1849, Page 2. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/71623377?



—We have seen and heard complaints of the treatment of the sailors and passengers on board the above vessel, which, however, we did not notice, as it was understood steps were to be taken by the parties concerned. Disagreements so frequently arise on a voyage that they attract little attention until legal redress is sought. But the present case assuming a very important character, and no charge having been as yet preferred, we have felt it our duty to make close inquiries. As to the general treatment of the passengers, we receive various accounts; but this is not the object of our present notice. All are agreed in the fact that four female emigrants were flogged during the passage. Their names are Catherine Morgan, Phoebe Spooner, Jane Downey, and Margaret Mack. Of their conduct we hear conflicting accounts, but this is of no material consequence. The fact is known that fully-grown girls—seventeen or eighteen years old—were flogged by the surgeon with his own hands, a rope's-end being the instrument of torture used. Besides the surgeon and captain we cannot learn that any persons were present but two men, who acted as constables or surgeon's assistants.

The particulars of what passed in the Chamber of the Question" we cannot give, but we have spoken with several, both male and female—one a married, and apparently respectable woman—who examined the girls' backs, and found them scored with wails of red and blue as large as the finger, and one was bleeding. The mind can hardly dwell on the revolting idea of men holding a half-naked girl, and flogging her till the blood starts from her skin. We read of such horrors in Russian dungeons, but scarcely give them credit.

Of all the charges made against the slave system, the flogging of women was perhaps the most popular. Exertions are yearly making in Parliament, and are seconded by almost every paper, to abolish flogging in the army and navy—yet in 1849, in a ship sailing under Government guarantee is the system commenced in its worst form. It may be alleged that the young women had misconducted themselves. We cannot learn that they did so to any serious extent; but whether they did or not is nothing to the purpose. It is not denied that soldiers or slaves may have been guilty and deserved punishment, but does this lessen the feeling against the lash It is likely the young women themselves have been Induced to make no complaint—and we think it is so ; there are indignities which many would rather suffer than make public ; but the fact is now sufficiently known to have a very bad effect in England. Emigrants of no kind, especially the better sort, will be obtained, if there is the slightest fear of corporal punishment. The vessel is about to leave; but the fact— the only one of importance—that the women were flogged, is undoubted; and it is against the recurrence of such an outrage that the Local Government is bound to protest — [We are informed that the above statement is untrue in many respects, and greatly exaggerated in others. But the main truth—flogging the women—is not denied, and is in itself horrible enough, if everything else was false. We are informed that no communication of the circumstances had been made to the Government up to yesterday afternoon—a matter which falls to the province of the Emigration Agent to explain, especially as the surgeon who thus forgot decency and humanity has been paid his gratuity for the care, good treatment, and safe delivery of the emigrants entrusted to his care.—ED.]

from LOCAL NEWS the South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1847 - 1852) of Saturday 28 April 1849, Page 3. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/195937565?




Our attention has been called to the alleged ill-treatment experienced by a number of the Go-vernment emigrants recently arrived in the barque Ramillies. The officers in command appear to have had a very arduous task in keep-ing in order a certain portion of the single young women, and from all we can learn of the facts we certainly think the authorities at home had better, in future, keep back such exportations. We are happy to say, that this remark applies only to a few incorrigible ones.

It seems to have been no uncommon thing to place women as well as men (among the latter one of the constables) in irons, and to leave them thus for days to feed on biscuit and water, and on one occasion four unhappy young women were publicly lashed on the bare back by the Surgeon superintendent, receiving seven stripes each with a rope's end. Their ages range from sixteen to nineteen. Of the facts, we have satisfied our selves, and they are sufficiently serious to demand the immediate investigation of the Government, as we are quite sure that so un-English, so monstrously illegal an act of usurped authority can never pass unpunished or unrebuked.

Until we see the steps which the colonial legis-lature takes in this painful matter, we forbear further observation but this; we have in view in publishing this paper the protection of all classes from tyranny and imposition, and so large a number of poor exiles from kindred and home shall not want a medium through which to vent their complaints when well founded, however exalted the position of the parties complained of.

We have had complaints made to us of some extraordinary acts on the part of the Captain and Surgeon of the emigrant-ship Ramillies towards some of the passengers. It appears that on one occasion two women were locked up for three days in the water-closet, and fed on biscuit and water for some offence real or imaginary. At another time, a married man with a wife and three children on board was put into irons for several days, manacled at the feet, and his hands tied behind his back, and not suffered to be at large for any purpose whatever, and all for having used language which displeased the authorities. We merely give publicity to these lamentable facts, and for the present refrain from comment upon them.

from SOUTH AUSTRALIA. in The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas. : 1835 - 1880) of Saturday 12 May 1849, Page 571. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/65979085?


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