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Randolph Casey Will 1814

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Date: 1814 [unknown]
Location: Smith County, TNmap
Surnames/tags: Smith County, TN Casey
This page has been accessed 120 times.

This is a transcription of the 1814 will of Randolph Casey in Smith County, TN

"G.S.F. 5766, Smith Co, Tenn. Wills, page 161
In the name of God amen I Randolph Casey being of usual mind & memory calling to mind the mortality of the body and that it is appointed for all men once to die, commit my soul to God who gave it and my body to be decently burred [sic] at the discretion of my executors and I hereby ordain and appoint my sons Abram P. Casey and Saml. Casey executors of this my last will and Testament & such goods and chattles as it hath pleased God to bless me with I do dispose of in the following manner as
I bequeath to my son Levi 2 dollers
I leave and bequeath to my son Isaac 2 dollers
I leave and bequeath to my son Abraham 2 dollers
I leave and bequeath to my son Saml two dollers
I leave and bequeath to my son Randolph 2 dollers
I leave and bequeath to my son Hiram 2 dollers
I leave and bequeath to my daughter Rebecca 2 dollers
which several sums are to be paid to the said legatees after the decease of my beloved wife Charity all the lands horses cattle hogs & house hold furniture even all the goods chattles that I am now in possession of during her life and at her decease I leave and bequeath my lands stock of all the several kinds together with all my goods chattles & household furniture to my son Zadok after paying all my just debts he also paying the above several sums to the rest of the legatees when legally demanded
in Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 3rd day of August A.D. one thousand eight hundred & fourteen. [8/3/1814]
Randolph Casey (seal)
witnesses: Henry & Ginny McWhorter"
Nov. Term 1814 will of R. Casey was exhibited in open court and proven by oaths.

An actual photocopy of the original will [1]

Samuel Casey took inventory of Randolph's estate on 25 March 1815, which was recorded in the May Term, 1815.[2]


  1. "Tennessee Probate Court Books, 1795-1927," images, FamilySearch (22 May 2014), Smith > Wills, 1812-1814 > image 94 of 97; county courthouses, Tennessee.
  2. "Tennessee Probate Court Books, 1795-1927," images, FamilySearch (22 May 2014), Smith > Wills, 1809-1816, Vol. 02 > image 38 of 142; county courthouses, Tennessee.

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