Location: Albany, Albany, New York Colony

Surname/tag: Albany
Records in Albany, New York beginning 1683.
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- Oct. 18, Magdalena, of Abraham van Trigt, by Maria van Esch
see Magdalena Van Tricht (bef.1683-1745)
- Nov 21, Helena, of Jacob Sandersz Glen. Wit: father, Robbert , Sandersz. By Jannetje Dongues.
see Helena (Glen) Lansing (bef.1683-aft.1725)
- march 8, Magdalena, of Jacob Cornelisz van den Bogaard. Wit.: father Wouter Pietrsz Quackelbosch. By Antje Pietersz Quakelbosch.
see Magdalena (Bogart) van Buren (1685-)
- may 3. Magdalena, of Melchert Abrahamsz van Deursz. Wit.: father Gysbert Cornelisz, Marten Cornelisz. By Caatje H. Ooothout.
see Magdalena Van Deursen (1685-)
- may 13. Magdalena, of Albert Rykman. Wit: father, Henderik Beekman, Jacob Cornelisz. By Lysbeth Quakelbosch.
see Magdalena Ryckman (bef.1685-aft.1723)
may 30. Helena, of Abraham van Trigt. Wit.: fathr, Arent Schuyler. By Jenneken Schuyler. see Helena van Trigt (bef.1686-)
- feb 13. Helena, of Jan Floddersz. Wit.: Jacob Abrahamsz, Maas Cornelisz. By Neeltje Martensz.
see Helena Gardenier (bef.1687-)
- jul 17. Magdalena, of Michiel Cailljer. Wit.: Gabriel T. Stridles. By Cornelia Caillier.
see Magdalena Cailljer (abt.1687-aft.1754)
- Jan 13. Helena, of Johannes Beekman. Wit.: father Jacob Schermerhoorn. By Wilmje Schermerhoorn.
see Helena (Beeckman) Ryckman (bef.1689-1744)
* Mar 28. Magdalene, among the heathen Koanadakkarie, i.e. who has left-or run away from-her castle 11 y.o, daughter of Moeset.'
- Feb. 14. Helena, of Samson Bensing and Tryntje Matheusz. Wit.: Thomas Harmensz, Engeltje Melcherts.
* Apr 11. Helena and Hester, twins of Joseph and Rachel.
* July 8. Helena, of a proselyte.
- June 16. Helena, of Tjerk Harmensz and Emmetje Jansz. Wit.: Cornelis Van Scherluyn, Sara Harmensz.
see Tjerk Harmense Visscher (abt.1652-bef.1725)
- Jan 7. Lena, of Mathys Hoes and Cornelia Vn Deusen. Wit.: Abraam Janssen, Marritje Van Deusen.
see Helena (Hoes) Vosburgh (bef.1700-)
From Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany, New York, 1683–1809, Excerpted from Year Books of the Holland Society of New York, Part 2 (1905), page 22/23 there are 2 more Magdalena's that may be of interest:
- Aug 31. Magdalena, or Robbert and Wyntje Berrith. Wit.: Lucas Lucasze Hoogkeerke, Racheltje Schuyler (maybe Berrith sounds like Baart - interestingly Dirk van de Karre's sister Ariantje is baptized the following week)
- 1701 Oct. 5. Magdalena, of Henrik and Annetje Matteuse. Wit.: Albert Rykman, Jr., Marytje Martense.
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