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Records of Whitewater Monthly Meeting

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Richmond, Wayne Township, Wayne County, Indiana, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Quaker
This page has been accessed 480 times.

Records of the Whitewater Monthly Meeting

The records of the Whitewater Monthly Meeting are held by the Friends Collection and Earlham College Archives as part of the records of the Indiana Yearly Meeting. They are located in Series 186 and consist of 68 items and and one box containing the financial records of the Whitewater Monthly Meeting and North A Street Friends Church. Theses record are available are available by appointment, Friends Collection and Earlham College Archives
  1. Misc. Records, Treasurer, 1870 to 1922
  2. Property Committee, 10-23-1872 to 8-30-1878.
  3. Ministry and Oversight Minutes, 10-10-1925 to 5-11-1930.
  4. Library Record, 1830-1861.
  5. Marriages, 11-1-1809 to 7-29-1852.
  6. Marriages, Compiled Records
  7. Membership Record, 1925 to 1973.
  8. Christian Endeavor Minutes, 1925 to 1926.
  9. Missionary Society Treasurer’s Book.
  10. Membership Record, 1883 to 1920's.
  11. Book and Tract Committee, 11-12-1850 to 8-27-1879.
  12. Certificates Issued, 5-17-1823 to 1-28-1846.
  13. Certificates of Removal, 2-25-1846 to 6-23-1858 and 12-22-1858 to 2-16-1905
  14. Birth and Death Record: Book A, to approx. 1858.
  15. Birth and Death Record, 1905 to 1926, Compiled records
  16. Birth and Death Record, Circa 1905.
  17. Birth and Death Record: Book B, 1867 to 1905.
  18. Men's Minutes, 1-24-1855 to 12-25-1857.
  19. Men's Minutes, 11-25-1845 to 12-27-1854.
  20. Men's Minutes, 4-28-1830 to 10-11-1843.
  21. Men's Minutes, 9-30-1809 to 3-24-1830.
  22. Men's Minutes, 1-24-1855 to 12-24-1867. copy of original plus one more decade
  23. Men's Minutes, 1-22-1868 to 10-28-1874.
  24. Men's Minutes, 11-25-1874 to 8-23-1883 many joint
  25. Women's Minutes, 9-30-1809 to 4-27-1836.
  26. Women's Minutes, 5-25-1836 to 3-22-1857.
  27. Men's Minutes, 8-23-1883 to 10-28-1893. many joint
  28. Men's Minutes, 11-25-1893 to 10 -16-1902. Many joint
  29. Men's Minutes, 1-26-1895 to 12-23-1897. Some separate
  30. Men's Minutes, 1-27-1898 to 5-24-1900. Many joint
  31. Men's Minutes, 6-23-1881 to 12-22-1894. Some joint
  32. Men's Minutes, 5-27-1857 to 8-26-1881.
  33. Education Committee, 1-28-1848 to 7-27-1864.
  34. Bible School Records, 1900.
  35. Sunday School, 7-29-1900 to 4-6-1902.
  36. Sunday School Contribution Record, 5- 1903 to 4- 1907.
  37. Bible School Records, 1894 to 1896.
  38. Bible School Records, 1892-1894.
  39. Minutes, 1-19-1911 to 4-16-1925.
  40. Minutes, 1-15-1903 to 12-15-1910.
  41. Ladies Aid Society, 2-7-1906 to 7-30-1916.
  42. Women's Foreign Missionary Association, 2-1898 to 8-1901.
  43. Women's Foreign Missionary Association, 10-1892 to 2-1898.
  44. Women's Foreign Missionary Association, 12-6-1883 to 8-11-1892.
  45. Cash Book, 4-1-1929 to 7-1-1937. labeled First Friends
  46. Cash Record, 1931 to 1945.
  47. Athena Minutes, 9-21-1979 to 5-21-1982.
  48. First Friends Men’s Club Receipts.
  49. Finance Committee Minutes, 1944 to 1946.
  50. Minutes, 1-15-1925 to 6-16-1927.
  51. Minutes, 10-18-1928 to12-19-1931.
  52. Minutes, 1-20-1932 to 12-20-1934.
  53. Minutes, 1-17-1935 to 6-17-1937.
  54. Minutes, 7-15-1937 to 6-15-1939.
  55. Ministry & Counsel, 10-1942 to 8-1952. labeled First Friends and in folder
  56. First Friends Men’s Club, 12-14-1931 to 3-15-1937.
  57. Minutes, 7-20-1939 to 2-16-1949.
  58. Minutes, 3-16-1949 to 4-14-1954.
  59. Minutes, 4-11-1954 to 12-17-1956.
  60. Minutes, 1-16-1957 to 4-15-1959.
  61. Minutes, 5-20-1959 to 12-12-1961.
  62. Minutes, 1-17-1962 to 6-15-1966.
  63. Minutes, 1927-1936. rough
  64. Minutes, 1951. rough
  65. Minutes, 1952. rough
  66. New Castle Scrapbooks.
  67. Minutes, 1-1971 to 12-1976.
  68. Minutes, 1-1966 to 12-1970.
Some of these are available on Ancestry.com. Listed there are 29 items:
  1. Births and Deaths (To 1858) (#14)
  2. Births and Deaths, 1905-1926 (#15)
  3. Certificates of Removal (#13)
  4. Certificates, 1829-1935 (#12)
  5. Marriages 4 May 1853-15 Jun 1911 (#6)
  6. Marriages, 1 Nov 1809-29 Jul 1852 (#5)
  7. Membership, 1883 (#10)
  8. Men's Minutes, 1830-1843 (#20)
  9. Men's Minutes, 22 Jan. 1868 - 28 Oct 1874 (#23)
  10. Men's Minutes, 23 Aug 1883 - 28 Oct 1893 (#27)
  11. Men's Minutes, 24 Jan 1855 - 25 Dec 1867 (#19)
  12. Men's Minutes, 25 Nov 1845 - 27 Dec 1854 (#22)
  13. Men's Minutes, 25 Nov 1874 - 23 Aug 1883 (#24)
  14. Men's Minutes, 25 Nov 1893 - 16 Oct 1902 (#28)
  15. Minutes From and After 22 Aug 1866 (#?)
  16. Minutes of Whitewater Monthly Meeting of Friends (#?)
  17. Minutes of Women Friends, 1836-1857 (#26)
  18. Minutes, 1866-1920 (#?)
  19. Minutes, 1867-1905 (#?)
  20. Minutes, 1881-1894 (#?)
  21. Minutes, 19 First 1911 (#?)
  22. Minutes, 1903-1910 (#?)
  23. Oversized Marriage Certificates (#?)
  24. Quaker Church, Meeting of Friends (#?)
  25. Women's Minutes (#?)
  26. Women's Minutes, 1809-1836 (#?)
  27. Women's Minutes, 1828-1852 (#?)
  28. Women's Minutes, 26 Jan 1895-23 Dec 1897 (#?)
  29. Women's Minutes, 27 May 1857-26 Aug 1881(#?)


  1. Men's Minutes 1809 - 1830 (#21)

History of the Whitewater Monthly Meeting

  • The Whitewater Monthly Meeting was set off from the West Branch Monthly Meeting by the authority of the Miami Quarterly Meeting. The first meeting was held 30 Sep 1809 and it was laid down 15 Jan 2005. Additional history of this meeting can be found in the Introduction of Birth and Death Records of Whitewater Monthly Meeting of Friends, Richmond, Indiana, which in turn can be found in the Ancestry.Com database U.S., Hinshaw Index to Selected Quaker Records, 1680 - 1940: Indiana, White Water Monthly Meeting, Images 2 - 193.

Source Citation

<span name='WWMMRecords'></span>[https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Space:Records_of_Whitewater_Monthly_Meeting Records of the Whitewater Monthly Meeting, Indiana Yearly Meeting, Series 186.]

In-Line Reference

<ref name='WWMMItemName'>[[#WWMMRecords|Whitewater Monthly Meeting Item name]]: Series 89, Item X, Page Y.</ref>


His sister removed from Grant County in 1844,<ref name='WWMMembership'>[[#WWMMRecords|Whitewater Monthly Meeting, Membership Record Vol 1]]: Series 186, Item 6, Page 34.</ref> after her brother removed to Randolph County.<ref name='WWMMembership'/>
<references />
Also see:
* <span name='WWMMRecords'></span>[https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Space:Records_of_Whitewater_Monthly_Meeting Records of the Mississinewa Monthly Meeting, Indiana Yearly Meeting, Series 89.]

His sister removed from Grant County in 1844,[1] after her brother removed to Randolph County.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Whitewater Monthly Meeting, Membership Record Vol 1: Series 186, Item 6, Page 34.
Also see:

Research Notes

  • Men's Minutes 30 Sep 1809 - 16 Oct 1902
  1. Men's Minutes, 30 Sep 1809 - 24 Mar 1830 (#21)
  2. Men's Minutes, 23 Apr 1830 - 11 Oct 1843 (#20)
  3. Men's Minutes, 25 Nov 1845 - 27 Dec 1854 (#22)
  4. Men's Minutes, 24 Jan 1855 - 25 Dec 1867 (#19)
  5. Men's Minutes, 22 Jan 1868 - 28 Oct 1874 (#23)
  6. Men's Minutes, 25 Nov 1874 - 23 Aug 1883 (#24)
  7. Men's Minutes, 23 Aug 1883 - 28 Oct 1893 (#27)
  8. Men's Minutes, 25 Nov 1893 - 16 Oct 1902 (#28)

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