Location: Massachusetts, United States

Surname/tag: war_of_1812
Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia
Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia called out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the war of 1812-14.
- by Massachusetts Adjutant General's Office.
- published by Boston, Wright & Potter Printing Co. Boston, 1913.
- Worldcat:index of editions and formats.
Historical document that includes the name, rank and company of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia from the years 1812-1814.
During the war of 1812-1814 the militia was simply called "Massachusetts Militia".
pp. 315-446. Index of names:
pp. 447-448 Index of "Home Stations of Companies, Detachments, and Guards who responded to the Call of the Governor. Each listed locale (for Massachusetts and Maine) has page number(s) of associated people.
- Source Example:
- <span id='MAGO'></span>Massachusetts Adjutant General's Office. ''[[Space:Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia|Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia]]'' (Wright & Potter Printing Co. Boston, 1913)
- Inline Citation Example:
- <ref>[[#MAGO|MAGO]]: Page 134.</ref>
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