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Records of the Reformed Dutch Church at Wawarsing, Vol I Surnames Brodhead to Burlingham

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Records of the Reformed Dutch Church at Wawarsing Vol I, surnames Brodhead to Burlingham
source #N1 event date #N2 by #N3 role surname #N4 given name birth/wedding date father/male/husband mother/female/wife from site #N5 to/res site #N6 death date
B40 1754 05 3 III baptized Brodhead Henry John Brodhead Ann Nothingham
B267 1777 06 21 witness Brodhead Henry Brodhead Anna Brodhead
B448 1791 † IV baptized Brodhead Henry 1791 02 21 Richerd Broedhed Jannetie Nukerken
B1145 1818 † XI baptized Brodhead Henry 1817 11 27 John Brodhead Jr Rachel Le Fever
B834 1806 03 23 IIIV baptized Brodhead Isaac Newton 1806 03 John Brodhead Jr Rachel Lefevre
B294 1779 10 02 baptized Brodhead Jacob 1779 10 17 blank Maria Brodhead
B972 1811/2 † baptized Brodhead Jacob 1811 10 15 John Brodhead Jr Rachel Lefever
M176 1812 08 23 confession Brodhead Jacob
W126 1838 09 18 IIIX wife Brodhead Jane 1838 09 18 Moses P Lefevre Wawarsing
B997 1812 08 23 baptized Brodhead Jemima 1812 07 06 Cornelius Broadhead Mary Cantine
B697 1801 † IIV baptized Brodhead Yennekie 1801 06 30 Wessel Broadhead Antie Hardenbergh
B782 1804 04 22 IIIV baptized Brodhead Jannetye 1804 03 20 John Broadhead Rachel Lefever
B754 1803 01 06 IIIV baptized Brodhead Johannes Hardengergh 1800 10 29 Wessel Broadhad widower ? Mary Hardenbergh
B39 1754 03 20 III witness Brodhead John Broadhead Ann Nottingham wife
B141 1768 06 19 VI witness Brodhead John Brodhead Nanny Nothingham
B175 1771 09 22 VI witness Brodhead John Brodhead Ann Nothingham
M76 1773 09 10 VI confession Brodhead John Ann Nottingham
B211 1774 11 11 VI witness Brodhead John Brodhead Ann Nothingham
B211 1774 11 11 VI baptized Brodhead John Richard Brodhead Jannetje Nieuwkerk
B294 1779 10 02 witness Brodhead John Broadhead Ann Broadhead
B299 1780 02 02 witness Brodhead John Brodhead Ann Nothingham
M185 1816/7 † XI confession Brodhead John
B1313 1825 † XI baptized Brodhead John 1825 04 23 Wm Brodhead Susan Lemoree
B1480 1838 10 16 IIIX baptized Brodhead John 1836 01 06 Charles Broadhead Ann Eliza Van Kuren
B1085 1815 † XI baptized Brodhead John Newkirk 1815 11 10 Cornelius Brodhead Mary Contine
B895 1808 11 28 IIIV baptized Brodhead Magdalene 1808 11 24 Cornelius Broadhead Mary Cantine
B1534 1844 10 06 VX baptized Brodhead Margaretta 1843 09 20 Charles Brodhead Ann Eliza Van Keuren
M96 1777 11 22 confession Brodhead Margariet
W42 1777 09 07 wife Brodhead Margrieta single Benjamen Nukerck Jr Marbletown Wawarsing
B667 1800 † IIV baptized Brodhead Maria 1800 04 25 John Brodhead Rachel Lefevre
M122 1791 07 22 IV confession Brodhead mary
B1434 1832 10 28 IIX baptized Brodhead Mary Jane 1832 06 12 William Brodhead Susan Lamoree
B874 1808 02 07 IIIV baptized Brodhead Nelly 1807 11 08 John Brodhead Jr Rachel Lefevre
B687 1801 05 10 IIV baptized Brodhead Peter Cantine 1801 02 09 Cornelius Brodhead Mary Cantineb
B1380 1829 † IIX baptized Brodhead Rachel Ann 1829 03 01 Wm Brodhead Susan Lumaree wife
M119 1791 07 22 IV confession Brodhead Richard Jannetie
B690 1801 06 13 IIV witness Brodhead Richard Broadhead
B805 1805 01 13 IIIV baptized Brodhead Richard 1804 12 20 Cornelius Brodhead Mary Cantine
B924 1810 02 24 baptized Brodhead Richard Harvey 1810 01 09 John Broadhead Jr Rachel Lefever
W36 1774 02 20 VI husband Brodhead Richard single Jannetje Nieuwkerk Marbletown Wawarsing, below
B347 1786 01 07 V witness Brodhead Samuel Broadhead Dina Dubois
B1083 1815 † XI baptized Brodhead Sarah Anne 1815 10 02 John Brodhead Jr Rachel Lefever
B582 1796 11 20 witness Brodhead Wessel B Broadhead Maria Hardenberg
B209 1774 09 18 VI witness Brodhead William Brodhead Peggy Brodhead
B382 1788 01 25 witness Brodhead William Broadhead Margrietje Dewitt
M118 1791 07 22 IV confession Brodhead William
B541 1795 11 14 IV witness Brodhead William Broadhead Rachal Cox
B700 1801 10 25 IIV witness Brodhead William Broadhead Eleanor Broadhead
B700 1801 10 25 IIV baptized Brodhead William 1801 10 03 John Broadhead Rachel Lafever
W32 1770 12 08 VI wife Brodhead Wyntje Stephen DeWitt
M448 1843 09 01 VX confession Bruce Elisha Wealthy Ann
M449 1843 09 01 VX confession Bruce Wealthy Ann Elisha Bruce
W127 1838 11 15 IIIX husband Brundage David 1838 11 15 Hellena Crumb Port Benjamin
M427 1843 03 04 VX confession Brundage Jonathan Napanoch
B1611 1843 03 05 VX baptized Brundage Johnathan
B1579 1850 10 04 IVX baptized Brundage Julia 1850 06 25 Johnathan Brundage Mary Ann De Witt
B1539 1845 05 30 VX baptized Brundage Mary Alice 1844 12 09 Johnathan Brundage Mary Ann De Witt
B1343 1828 † X baptized Bruyn Andrew De Witt 1828 03 31 James Brown Jane Hornbeck
B436 1790 11 IV baptized Bruyn Andris Dewitt 1790 11 18 Jacobus Bruyn Janneke Dewitt
B342 1785 10 20 V baptized Bruyn Ann 1785 07 23 Jacobus Bruyn Janneka Dewitt
B522 1795 01 07 IV baptized Bruyn Ann 1794 12 07 Jacobus Bruyn Janeke Dewitt
M243 1829 06 13 IIX confession Bruyn Ann Jacob E Bogardus
B43 1754 08 07 III baptized Bruyn Benjamin Johannes Bruyn Maria Schomaker
W163 1845 07 10 VX husband Bruyn Benjamin 1845 07 10 Elizabeth R Blanshaw Port Hixon
B229 1776 03 10 baptized Bruyn Blandina 1776 02 18 Jacobus Bruyn Janneke DeWitt
M249 1839 05 30 IIIX letter Bruyn Blandina J J Hardenbergh
M415 1843 03 04 VX confession Bruyn Catharine J Napanoch
B1568 1848 09 24 VX baptized Bruyn Charlotte 1848 04 28 Benjamin Bruyn Elizabeth R Blanshaw
M416 1843 03 04 VX confession Bruyn Eliza Crooks Napanoch
B1608 1843 03 05 VX baptized Bruyn Eliza Crooks Bryen
B808 1805 02 10 IIIV witness Bruyn Ja Bruyn
B641 1798 † IIV witness Bruyn Jac Bruyn Jen Dewitt wife
B670 1800 09 14 IIV witness Bruyn Jacb Bruyn Janneke Dewitt
B539 1795 08 22 IV witness Bruyn Jacobus Bruyn Jenneke Dewitt
B1479 1838 10 13 IIIX baptized Bruyn Jacobus 1833 07 03 James J Bruyn Jane Hornbeck
B271 1777 08 24 baptized Bruyn Jacobus DuPuy Benjamen Braun Sara Du Puy
M504 1848 04 03 VX confession Bruyn James J
B283 1778 04 05 baptized Bruyn Jane 1778 03 18 Jacobus Bruyn Jenneke Dewitt
B1195 1820 † XI baptized Bruyn Jane Jacobus 1820 01 30 Andrew D W Bruyn Abagail Champlin
M38 1753 10 25 II confession Bruyn Johannes Maria Schomaker
M34 1751 08 19 I confession Bruyn Maria Isaac Hasbrook
B314 1781 01 13 baptized Bruyn Maria 1781 10 19 Benjamin Bruyn Sara Depui
B390 1788 07 06 baptized Bruyn Maria 1788 05 26 Jacobus Bruin Jenneke Dewitt
M35 1751 08 19 I confession Bruyn Pieternellia Jacob Hardenbergh
M332 1842 05 25 VX roster Bruyn Sarah
B865 1807 09 27 IIIV witness Bruyn Th Bruyn
B881 1808 04 10 IIIV baptized Budd Albert 1807 08 28 Peter Budd Caty Houslander
B1199 1820 † XI baptized Budd Mary Elizabeth 1818 01 14 Guilbert Bud Maria Devens
W83 1830 10 14 IIX wife Budd Phebe 1830 10 14 James E Devens
B1197 1820 † XI baptized Bunten Brodhead 1820 08 25 Peter Bunten Jane Van Gorden
B1071 1815 † XI baptized Bunten Egbert De Witt 1815 06 25 Peter Bunten Jane Bogardus
B992 1812 08 22 baptized Bunten Elizabeth 1811 02 10 Peter Bunten Jane Bogardus
B1264 1823 † XI baptized Bunten Jacob S V Wanenen 1823 07 12 Brodhead W Bunten Margaret Vernooy
B883 1808 04 16 IIIV baptized Bunten John Caddington 1808 01 20 Peter Bunten Jenny Bogardus
B1299 1825 † XI baptized Bunten Maria Vernooy 1825 01 14 Brodhead Bunten Margaret Vernooy
B813 1805 05 19 IIIV baptized Burgher Abraham 1805 02 126 Peter P Burgher Elshe Courtright
B346 1786 01 07 V baptized Burgher Alida 1785 10 09 Coenraadt Burger Elizabeth Terwilger
B868 1807 11 08 IIIV baptized Burgher Annatye Scoughten 1807 08 02 Peter P Burgher Elshe Cortright
B255 1777 01 12 baptized Burgher Benjamin Jeronimus Burger Lena Sluyter
B989 1812 08 22 baptized Burgher Betsey 1812 04 02 Samuel Burgher Margaret Turner
B689 1801 05 10 IIV baptized Burgher Catharine 1800 12 25 Peter Burger Jr Elshe Kortregt
B903 1809 07 08 baptized Burgher Caty 1809 04 24 Samuel Burreger Grietyie Turner
M105 1786 06 18 V confession Burgher Coenraadt
W12 1751 11 03 A wife Burgher Elisabeth single 1751 11 22 Abraham Claerwater Catskill Wawarsing
B1039 1814 04 24 XI baptized Burgher Elsie 1814 03 14 Samuel Burger Margaret Turner
B925 1810 02 25 baptized Burgher Jane 1809 11 12 Petrus P Burger Elsie Kortreght
W19 1754 11 03 wife Burgher Maria single Johan Jacob Sax Albany Co Wawarsing
W147 1842 09 01 VX wife Burgher Martha 1842 09 01 Benjamin Churchwell Rochester
B254 1776 11 17 baptized Burgher Martinus Nicholas Burger Maria Krom
B745 1802 † IIIV baptized Burgher Peter Deas 1802 08 16 Peter Burgher Elshe Curtregt
B216 1775 05 14 VI baptized Burgher Simon Nicholaas Burger Maria Krom
M251 1840 10 18 VIX confession Burgy Harriet N Mr Burgy
M334 1842 05 25 VX roster Burgy Harriet N Mrs
B1521 1843 05 28 VX baptized Burgy Willm Jameson 1842 11 14 John James Burgy Harriet Newell Corwin
B1201 1820 † XI baptized Burhans Cornelius Dupey 1820 11 05 Wm Burhans Jane D Puy
B1422 1831 12 18 IIX baptized Burhans Egbert Hoornbeck 1831 03 25 William Burhans Jane Depuy
M190 1817 10 25 XI confession Burhans Elizabeth Abram A Van Steinbergh
M348 1842 05 25 VX roster Burhans Elizabeth wife Abm Van Steenburgh
M496 1848 04 03 VX confession Burhans Catharine
B1315 1825 † XI baptized Burhans Helen Elizabeth 1825 11 12 Wm Burhans Jane De Puy
B1084 1815 † XI baptized Burhans Jane 1815 10 29 Peter Burhance Helen Foland
W155 1843 09 28 VX wife Burhans jane 1843 09 28 Joseph Chambers Wawarsing
B1349 1828 † X baptized Burhans Moses Depuy 1828 09 14 Wm Burhens Jane Depuy
B1225 1821 † XI baptized Burhans Peter 1821 12 28 Wm Burhens Jane De Puy
B1406 1830 10 24 IIX baptized Burhans Samuel 1829 04 04 William Burhans Jane Depuy
B1281 1824 † XI baptized Burhans Sarah Maria 1824 01 29 Wm Burhans Jane De puy
W141 1840 12 02 VIX wife Burlingham Cathring 1840 12 02 Warren Hartshorn Ellenville
Table Notes
Note: N1 Source is given as (B) baptism, (W) marriage, or (M) membership, and the entry number.
Note: N2 Dates are given as YYYY MM DD. † or blue text; Are not in the manuscript.
Note: N3 Roman numerals in caps are for the minister of record from another source unless in bold. Lower case roman numerals are other ministers, and letters are for justices of the peace. A key can be found here.
Note: N4 The surnames in this column are not part of the manuscript. They are randomly selected names to optimize the sort function and should not be misconstrued for having any other significance.
Note: N5 For marriages (W#) this is the place of birth. For memberships (M#) this is the origin of the certificate.
Note: N6 For marriages (W#) this is the place of residence. For memberships (M#) this is the place they were dismissed to.

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