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Records of the Reformed Dutch Church at Wawarsing Vol I Surnames Dewitt to DuBois

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Records of the Reformed Dutch Church at Wawarsing Vol I, surnames Dewitt to DuBois
source #N1 event date #N2 by #N3 role surname #N4 given name birth/wedding date father/male/husband mother/female/wife from site #N5 to/res site #N6 death date
M50 1754 09 09 III confession Dewitt Maria
B161 1770 04 15 VI baptized Dewitt Maria 1770 03 17 Garten De Witt Phebe Waterman
M91 1775 10 27 VI confession Dewitt Maria
B654 1799 † IIV baptized Dewitt Maria 1799 08 14 William Dewitt Jr Rachel Decker
B760 1803 05 01 IIIV baptized Dewitt Maria 1803 04 03 Eli De Witt Neeltye Newkirk
B1068 1815 † XI baptized Dewitt Maria 1815 06 22 Cornelius N Dewitt Elizabeth Frear
M236 1827 10 27 X certificate Dewitt Maria Rochester
W90 1831 11 05 IIX wife Dewitt Maria 1831 11 05 Charles S Garrett
B192 1773 07 04 VI baptized Dewitt Maria Ruben DeWitt Elizabeth DePuy
B943 1810 08 12 baptized Dewitt Maria Elisabeth 1810 03 27 Stephen Dewitt Anne Newkerk
W79 1830 04 03 IIX wife Dewitt Maria 1830 04 03 Hendrick Oosterhoudt
W37 1774 11 28 VI wife Dewitt Maria single Samuel Kirkpatrick (blank) Wawarsing
B467 1792 03 05 IV baptized Dewitt Mariah 1792 02 29 Cornelius D DeWitt Maragreta Cantine
B209 1774 09 18 VI baptized Dewitt Mary Stephen De Witt Wyntje Brodhead
B854 1807 05 08 IIIV baptized Dewitt Mary Ann 1807 04 18 John De Witt Maria Vernooy
M421 1843 03 04 VX confession Dewitt Mary Ann Johnathan Brundage Napanoch
B877 1808 02 28 IIIV baptized Dewitt Mary Hunt 1807 10 James Dewitt Jr wife unbaptized
B902 1809 07 08 baptized Dewitt Milton 1809 05 06 Thomas Dewitt Rachel Dewitt
W99 1832 11 10 IIX husband Dewitt Milton 1832 11 10 Margaret Depuy
B185 1772 06 28 VI baptized Dewitt Moses Andries A DeWitt Maria DePuy
M158 1805 04 12 IIIV confession Dewitt Moses
B786 1804 05 13 IIIV baptized Dewitt Nathan 1804 04 17 John Dewitt Mary Vernooy
B121 1766 10 16 VI baptized Dewitt Neeltje John De Wit Catharina Nieuwkerk
B379 1787 12 22 baptized Dewitt Petrus 1787 10 28 Cornelis Depue Dewitt Margrita Cantine
B330 1784 05 16 V baptized Dewitt Philip 1784 03 09 Johannes Dewitt Magdalena Bavier
B343 1785 11 06 V baptized Dewitt Rachel 1785 09 16 Stephen DeWit Weyntje Broadhead
B351 1786 02 30 V baptized Dewitt Rachel 1786 03 07 Johannes A Dewitt Magdalena Bovier
M165 1806 05 02 IIIV confession Dewitt Rachel
B1177 1820 † XI baptized Dewitt Rachel 1819 11 23 Andrew J De Witt Jane De Witt
M320 1842 05 25 VX roster Dewitt Rachel Mrs D Thomas Dewit 1847 08 21
B1256 1823 † XI baptized Dewitt Rachel Boggs 1823 01 05 Moses D De Witt Jane Hosack
B803 1804 12 25 IIIV baptized Dewitt Rachel Margaret 1804 10 22 Stephen De Witt Jr Anne Newkirk
B1 1745 10 20 I baptized Dewitt Ruben Egbert De Witt Maria Nottingham
B90 1763 04 26 baptized Dewitt Ruben Willaim de Witt Susanna Chambers
B90 1763 04 26 witness Dewitt Ruben de Witt Maria de Witt
W35 1772 11 11 VI husband Dewitt Ruben single Elizabeth De Puy Wawarsing Wawarsing
M84 1774 11 11 VI confession Dewitt Reuben
B653 1799 † IIV witness Dewitt Reuben DW Elizabeth Depuy
B1347 1828 † X baptized Dewitt Reuben 1827 12 26 Moses D De Witt Jane Hosack
B1208 1821 † XI baptized Dewitt Reuben Cornelius 1821 03 28 James C De Witt Elizabeth De Puy
B761 1803 05 01 IIIV baptized Dewitt Reuby 1803 03 31 Egbert W Dewitt Jerusha Allen
B347 1786 01 07 V baptized Dewitt Samuel Dubois 1785 12 28 William A Dewitt Lea Dibois
B124 1767 02 22 VI baptized Dewitt Sarah Andries De Witt Jenneke Vernoy
B186 1772 06 28 VI baptized Dewitt Sarah Gartin DeWitt Phebe Waterman
B423 1790 01 31 IV baptized Dewitt Sarah 1789 12 16 Ruben Dewitt Elizabeth Depue
B1062 1815 † XI baptized Dewitt Sarah 1815 03 22 James C De Witt Elizabeth Dupuy
B1138 1818 † XI baptized Dewitt Sarah 1818 02 19 Thomas D Witt Rachel D Witt
B1287 1824 † XI baptized Dewitt Sarah Bevier 1824 07 25 Moses D De Witt Jane Hosack
W172 1848 07 06 VX wife Dewitt Sarah B 1848 07 06 Conrad Shealy Lackawack
B1116 1817 † XI baptized Dewitt Sarah Du Bois 1817 04 14 Moses De Witt Elizabeth De Yoe
B1180 1820 † XI baptized Dewitt Sarah D puy 1819 12 18 Egbert R DeWitt Maia Brown
B980 1812 02 09 baptized Dewitt Sarah Elisabeth 1811 11 19 Andrew J Dewitt Jennike Dewitt
B1106 1816 † XI baptized Dewitt Sarah Elizabeth 1815 11 08 John De Witt Mary Vernooy
B1211 1821 † XI baptized Dewitt Sarah Elizabeth 1821 05 18 Tjerck De Witt Maria Schoonmaker
B927 1810 02 25 baptized Dewitt Sarah Jemima 1809 09 02 James De Witt Jr Hannah Wood
B1341 1827 † X baptized Dewitt Sarah rosina 1827 12 30 James C De Witt Elizabeth Depuy
W169 1847 09 23 VX wife Dewitt Sarah R 1847 09 23 John A Freer Wawarsing
B908 1809 07 08 baptized Dewitt Simeon 1809 06 24 John Dewitt Mary Vernoy
B1336 1827 † X baptized Dewitt Simeon 1826 11 07 Cornelius N Dewitt Elizabeth Freer
M57 1758 05 06 certificate Dewitt Stephen
W32 1770 12 08 VI husband Dewitt Stephen Wyntje Brodhead
B237 1776 06 30 witness Dewitt Stephen Dewit Weyntye Broadhead
B237 1776 06 30 baptized Dewitt Stephen William Dewit Susannah Chambers
B545 1795 11 14 IV witness Dewitt Stephen Dewitt Wyntje Broadhead
B898 1809 05 14 baptized Dewitt Stephen 1809 02 18 Egbert W DeWitt Jerusha Allen
B1067 1815 † XI baptized Dewitt Stephen Egbert 1815 06 07 John S Dewitt Sarah Hoornbeck
B891 1808 08 38 IIIV baptized Dewitt Susanna 1808 08 15 Stephen DeWitt Jr Ann Newkirk
B762 1803 05 01 IIIV baptized Dewitt Sylvina 1803 01 29 James De Witt Hannah Wood
B99 1764 04 01 witness Dewitt Thorn' DeWitt Brechje Nott
B131 1767 11 29 VI witness Dewitt Thomas De Witt Maria De Witt
B155 1769 09 24 VI witness Dewitt Thomas De Witt Maria De Witt
B257 1777 01 19 baptized Dewitt Thomas DeWitt Tjerck De Witt Elssie Depuy
B257 1777 01 19 witness Dewitt Thomas DeWitt Sarah Depuy
B307 1781 11 17 baptized Dewitt Thomas 1781 09 04 Andrias A Dewit Maria Depui
B310 1781 11 17 witness Dewitt Thomas Dewit Elizabeth Dewit
M319 1842 05 25 VX roster Dewitt Thomas Rachel Mrs D 1844 01
M225 1824 07 18 XI confession Dewitt Thomas D
W40 1776 11 17 husband Dewitt Tjerck widower Elssie Dupuy Marbletown, below Wawarsing
B331 1784 08 14 V baptized Dewitt Tyerk 1784 05 24 Tyark Dewitt Elsje Depue
M191 1818 06 14 XI confession Dewitt Tjerck
M74 1772 02 03 VI confession Dewitt Tjerck J
B221 1775 10 27 VI witness Dewitt Tjerk J DeWitt Elsje DuPuy
B26 1752 04 28 witness Dewitt William De Witt Jenneke Vernooy
M47 1754 09 09 III confession Dewitt William
W24 1762 05 30 iii husband Dewitt William single 1762 06 13 Susanna Chambers Napanoch Napanoch
B153 1769 05 14 VI baptized Dewitt William 1769 04 03 William DeWitt Susanna Chambers
B170 1771 04 01 VI witness Dewitt William De Witt Susana Chambers
B286 1778 04 19 witness Dewitt William A De Witt Catharina De Witt
M129 1796 11 19 confession Dewitt William Jr
B626 1798 † IIV witness Dewitt William Dewitt
B820 1805 08 11 IIIV baptized Dewitt William Allen 1805 06 19 Egbert De Witt Jerutia Allen
B598 1797 † IIV witness Dewitt William Dewitt single Catrina Dewitt single
B1285 1824 † XI baptized Dewitt William Henry 1823 12 31 Stephen De Witt Anne Newkirk
B1327 1827 † X baptized Dewitt Wm N McDonald 1826 09 02 Moses D Dewitt Jane Hosack
B1080 1815 † XI baptized Dewitt Wyntje 1815 09 02 Stephen De Witt Anne Newkirk
W130 1839 01 01 IIIX wife Dewitt blank 1839 01 01 Henry Russell
M459 1844 03 01 VX confession Dexter Olevia Maria Henry G Shook
B346 1786 01 07 V witness Doio Moses Doio Maria Doio
M266 1840 07 03 VIX certificate Doio Nancy New Paltz
W52 1786 05 28 V husband Doio Simeon 1786 05 28 Maria Depue
M440 1843 06 02 VX confession Doll Ann Christina Azariah Salpaugh deceased
B1060 1815 † XI baptized Doll John Tremper 1815 03 01 Wm Doll Sopheia C Bauman
M260 1830 06 20 IIX confession Doll Julua Jacob S Van Wagoner
M316 1842 05 25 VX roster Doll Julia Jacob S Van Wagenen
M259 1830 06 05 IIX confession Doll Sarah Saml N Rockwell
M258 1830 06 05 IIX confession Doll Sophia
M361 1842 05 25 VX roster Doll Sophia
W117 1834 11 15 IIX husband Doll William 1834 11 15 Elizabeth Van Kleeck
B945 1810 08 12 baptized Doll William Henry 1810 07 31 William Doll Sophia C Bowman
M514 1848 05 05 VX confession Doll William Henry
M235 1827 04 29 X confession Dorsey Peter
B9 1748 02 15 I baptized DuBois Abraham Benjamin DuBois Maria Bevier
B1584 1851 04 04 IVX baptized DuBois Alvan Preston 1846 08 19 Gilbert DuBois Maria Dill
B103 1765 05 2 witness DuBois Benjamin Dubois Maria Bovier
B1207 1821 † XI baptized DuBois Brodhead 1820 07 24 Johnathen W Du Bois Sarah Catherin Brodhead
B1586 1851 04 04 IVX baptized DuBois Catharine Winfield 1849 07 27 Gilbert DuBois Maria Dill
B105 1765 08 15 witness DuBois Cornelius Dubois Jr Sarah Du Bois
B150 1769 05 14 VI witness DuBois Cornelius DuBoys Margrieta Hoogteling
B336 1784 09 28 V witness DuBois Esther Dubois
B92 1763 10 01 witness DuBois Fatejt DuBois
M199 1821 05 27 XI confession DuBois Gertrude J Hoornbeck
M309 1842 05 25 VX roster DuBois Gertrude wife Johannes Hornbeck
B1632 1851 04 04 IVX baptized DuBois Gilbert Du Bois
B1587 1851 07 05 IVX baptized DuBois James Dill 1850 09 15 Gilbert DuBois Maria Dill
B275 1777 11 12 witness DuBois Johannes DuBois Jakomyntje DuBois
B1498 1842 11 20 VX baptized DuBois Johnathan 1842 03 11 Wessel Dubois Polly Shealy
B52 1756 10 30 III witness DuBois Josaphat du Boy Fyatge wife
B1585 1851 04 04 IVX baptized DuBois Margaret Jansen 1848 04 12 Gilbert DuBois Maria Dill
Table Notes
Note: N1 Source is given as (B) baptism, (W) marriage, or (M) membership, and the entry number.
Note: N2 Dates are given as YYYY MM DD. † or blue text; Are not in the manuscript.
Note: N3 Roman numerals in caps are for the minister of record from another source unless in bold. Lower case roman numerals are other ministers, and letters are for justices of the peace. A key can be found here.
Note: N4 The surnames in this column are not part of the manuscript. They are randomly selected names to optimize the sort function and should not be misconstrued for having any other significance.
Note: N5 For marriages (W#) this is the place of birth. For memberships (M#) this is the origin of the certificate.
Note: N6 For marriages (W#) this is the place of residence. For memberships (M#) this is the place they were dismissed to.

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