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Records of the Reformed Dutch Church at Wawarsing Vol I Surnames Vernoy to Watson

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Records of the Reformed Dutch Church at Wawarsing Vol I, surnames Vernoy to Watson
source #N1 event date #N2 by #N3 role surname #N4 given name birth/wedding date father/male/husband mother/female/wife from site #N5 to/res site #N6 death date
B939 1810 08 12 baptized Vernoy James Alexander 1810 03 07 John Vernoy Jr Caty Black
B1531 1844 08 30 VX baptized Vernoy James Bruyn 1840 06 24 Reuben Vernooy Harriet E Hoornbeck
M204 1821 10 27 XI confession Vernoy Jane Wm Hixon
M330 1842 05 25 VX roster Vernoy Jane William Hixon
B683 1801 † IIV baptized Vernoy Jane Hornbeek 1801 01 13 Jacob Van Nooy Anneca Terwilliger
B1104 1816 † XI baptized Vernoy Jane Hixson 1816 11 17 Charles Vernooy Sarah Du Bois
B1118 1817 † XI baptized Vernoy Jemima V Waggener 1817 06 21 Edward Vernooy Catherine Clearwater
W3 1748 04 24 I wife Vernoy Jenneke single 1748 05 17 Andries de Witt Wawarsing Wawarsing
M19 1748 09 12 I confession Vernoy Jenneke Andries Dewitt
M70 1766 10 16 VI certificate Vernoy Jenneke Andries De Witt
B180 1771 12 22 VI baptized Vernoy Jenneke 1771 10 11 Nathan Vernoy Jenneke Hoornbeek
B298 1780 02 02 baptized Vernoy Jenneke Cornelius VarNoye Maria Bevier
B858 1807 06 12 IIIV baptized Vernoy Janneky 1807 05 21 Jacob Vernooy Catharine Courtright
M217 1823 07 19 XI confession Vernoy Janeke Abraham J Bevier
M219 1823 07 19 XI confession Vernoy Janneke widow
M18 1748 09 12 I certificate Vernoy Johannes
B25 1752 01 16 witness Vernoy Johannes Vernooy Jenneke Louw
B34 1753 11 27 II witness Vernoy Johannes Vernoy Jenneke Low
B116 1766 † VI baptized Vernoy Johannis Cornelius Johannesse VerNooy Mary Bovier
B180 1771 12 22 VI witness Vernoy Johannes Vernoy Jenke Hoornbeek
B303 1780 04 23 baptized Vernoy Johannis 1780 02 12 Nathan Vernoy Elizabeth Vernoy
B917 1810 01 16 baptized Vernoy Johannes 1810 01 10 Charles Vernoy Sarah Dubois
B979 1812 02 09 baptized Vernoy Johannes Hornbek 1811 12 14 Jacob Vernoy Jr Catrina Kortreght
B212 1774 11 11 VI witness Vernoy Johathan Vernoy Margariet LaFaver
B13 1749 05 23 I baptized Vernoy Jonathan Coenraad Vernooy Margriet Le Fever
M92 1776 04 20 confession Vernoy Jonathan Margarieta Le Favre
B825 1805 10 27 IIIV baptized Vernoy Johnathan Dubois 1805 10 06 Charles Vernooy Sarah Dubois
B1219 1821 † XI baptized Vernoy Johnathan Lambert 1821 08 10 Simon Vernooy Catherine Jenkins
B350 1786 02 30 V baptized Vernoy Joseph 1786 04 07 Piter Vernoy Maria Klaarwater
B928 1810 05 06 baptized Vernoy Joseph 1810 04 14 Cornelius P Vernooy Gitty Green
B1559 1847 11 28 VX baptized Vernoy Leah Maria 1846 11 06 Melford Vernooy Martha Decker
B1310 1825 † XI baptized Vernoy Lena 1825 07 27 Wessel Vernooy Rachel Mack
B1257 1823 † XI baptized Vernoy Levina 1823 05 28 Charles Vernooy Sarah Du Bois
M27 1749 09 25 I confession Vernoy Lisabeth
B1427 1832 07 01 IIX baptized Vernoy Lydia Ann 1832 04 02 Cornelius Vernooy Gertrude Green
B1242 1822 † XI baptized Vernoy Magdalen 1822 10 31 Cornelius Vernooy Gertrude Green
W151 1843 03 04 VX wife Vernoy Magdalen 1843 03 04 Cornelius B Vernooy Wawarsing
M503 1848 04 03 VX confession Vernoy Magdalen Cornl Vernooy
B1293 1824 † XI baptized Vernoy Magdalena 1824 11 12 Simon Vernooy Catherine Jenkens
B1172 1819 † XI baptized Vernoy Malford 1819 10 25 Joseph Vernooy Mary D Puy
B383 1788 02 06 baptized Vernoy Maragrietie 1788 02 02 Peter V Nooy Maria Claarwater
M213 1822 11 03 XI confession Vernoy Margaret
M51 1754 09 09 III confession Vernoy Maria
W26 1765 10 F wife Vernoy maria single 1765 09 13 Johannis horenbeek Wawarsing Wawarsing
B226 1776 01 09 baptized Vernoy Maria 1776 01 02 Nathan VarNoye Jenneke Hoornbeek
B297 1778 09 02 baptized Vernoy Maria Petrus Vernoy Maria Klaerwater
B590 1797 04 11 IIV baptized Vernoy Maria 1797 04 03 Abram Vernoy Maria Dewitt
B769 1803 09 17 IIIV baptized Vernoy Maria 1803 08 29 Samuel Vernooy Anna Vernooy
M162 1806 05 02 IIIV confession Vernoy Maria John De Witt
B873 1808 01 22 IIIV baptized Vernoy Maria 1807 12 20 Jacob Vernooy Annaky Terwilleger
B1073 1815 † XI baptized Vernoy Maria 1815 08 11 Edward Vernooy Catherine Claurwater
M184 1816 05 12 XI confession Vernoy Maria Benj Du Puy
B1221 1821 † XI baptized Vernoy Maria 1821 09 26 Joseph Vernooy Mary De Puy
M239 1828 06 21 X confession Vernoy Maria single
W82 1830 09 30 IIX wife Vernoy Maria 1830 09 30 Abraham T E D W Hardenbergh
W94 1832 03 17 IIX wife Vernoy Maria 1832 03 17 Isaiah G Frost
M315 1842 05 25 VX roster Vernoy Maria wife Benjamin Depuy 1844 10
M345 1842 05 25 VX roster Vernoy Maria
W170 1848 03 09 VX wife Vernoy Maria 1848 03 09 Joel B Miller Wawarsing
B995 1812 08 23 baptized Vernoy Mary 1812 03 25 Cornelius P Ver Nooy Gertrude Green
B1004 1812 10 04 baptized Vernoy Mary 1812 09 16 Charles Vernooy Sarah Dubois
M198 1820 05 07 XI confession Vernoy Mary
B1077 1815 † XI baptized Vernoy Mathias 1815 09 15 Cornelius P Vernooy Gertrye Green
W159 1844 06 04 VX husband Vernoy Melford 1844 06 04 Martha Decker Middle Port
B985 1812 08 22 baptized Vernoy Nancy TenEyck 1812 06 09 Jacob VerNooy Jenecke Terwillger
B140 1768 05 22 VI baptized Vernoy Nathan 1768 05 04 Cornelius J Vernoy Maria Bevier
B424 1790 05 2 IV baptized Vernoy Nathan 1790 04 04 Nathan Vernoy Jenneke Hornbeek
M117 1791 07 22 IV confession Vernoy Nathan
B520 1794 11 16 IV witness Vernoy Nathan Vernooy Jenneke Hoornbeek
B618 1798 03 08 IIV witness Vernoy Nathan Vernoy Jenneke Hornbek
B736 1802 09 12 IIIV witness Vernoy Nathan Vernooy Janneky wife
B786 1804 05 13 IIIV witness Vernoy Nathan Vernooy Janneky Hornbeek
B800 1804 10 21 IIIV baptized Vernoy Nathan 1804 09 05 Johannis Vernooy Jr Caty Black
B684 1801 † IIV baptized Vernoy Nathaniel Kelsey 1800 11 23 Coenraet Vernooy Jr Lucretia Kelsey
B1053 1814 † XI baptized Vernoy Peter 1814 10 07 Joseph Vernooy Mary Du Puy
B367 1787 02 18 witness Vernoy Petrus VerNoy Maria VerNoy
B889 1808 08 26 IIIV baptized Vernoy Rachel 1808 07 28 Cornelius P Varnoy Getty Green
B1291 1824 † XI baptized Vernoy Rachel 1824 09 19 Joseph Vernooy Mary De puy
W81 1830 06 19 IIX wife Vernoy Rachel spinster 1830 06 19 Amos Andrews
M505 1848 04 03 VX confession Vernoy Reuben
B815 1805 07 14 IIIV baptized Vernoy Robert R Livingston 1805 04 02 Saml Vernooy Anne Vernooy
B527 1795 01 † IV baptized Vernoy Ruben Abraham Vernooy Maria De Witt
B191 1773 03 14 VI baptized Vernoy Samuel 1773 03 03 Cornelius Johannesse VerNooy Maria Bevier
B1217 1821 † XI baptized Vernoy Samuel 1821 05 27 Wessell Vernooy Rachel Mack
M26 1749 09 25 I confession Vernoy Sara
M32 1750 08 27 I confession Vernoy Sara
W11 1751 09 01 B wife Vernoy Sara single 1751 09 21 Jonathan Hoornbeeck Marylant Lackawack
M56 1755 10 31 III certificate Vernoy Sara Petrus Louw
B160 1770 04 15 VI baptized Vernoy Sarah 1770 03 25 Cornelius VerNoy Maria Bevier
B225 1775 12 26 VI baptized Vernoy Sarah Petrus VerNoye Maria KlaerWater
B323 1783 08 31 V baptized Vernoy Sara 1783 07 13 Nathan Vernoy Jeneke Hoornbeek
W59 1786 06 24 V wife Vernoy Sara single 1786 08 23 Cornelius Depuy
B1054 1814 † XI baptized Vernoy Sarah 1814 12 04 Charles Vernooy Sarah Du Bois
M182 1815 05 06 XI confession Vernoy Sarah Cornelius Du Puy
W101 1832 12 13 IIX wife Vernoy Sarah 1832 12 13 Samuel Reynolds
W14 1752 05 03 I wife Vernoy Sarah single 1752 05 29 Johannes Le Fever Wawarsing Wawarsing
B904 1809 07 08 baptized Vernoy Sarah Ann 1809 06 01 Jacob Vernoy Jr Catrina Cortreght
B1090 1816 † XI baptized Vernoy Sarah Elizabeth 1816 02 18 Joseph Vernooy Mary Du Puy
W148 1842 09 14 VX wife Vernoy Sarah Elizabeth 1842 09 14 Benjamin D Hornbeck Wawaring
B1472 1837 12 05 IIIX baptized Vernoy Sarah Jane 1832 01 15 blank Ann Vanooy
W183 1850 01 15 IVX wife Vernoy Sarah Jane 1850 01 15 De Witt C Gregory Wawarsing
B1078 1815 † XI baptized Vernoy Sarah Maria 1815 09 06 Simon Vernooy Catherine Jenkens
B1107 1816 † XI baptized Vernoy Sarah Maria 1816 12 08 Wessel Vernooy Jr Rechel Mack
B1297 1825 † XI baptized Vernoy Sarah Maria 1825 01 08 Jacob Vernooy Caty Kortright
B1329 1827 † X baptized Vernoy Silas 1827 01 30 Joseph Vernooy Mary Depuy
B276 1777 11 12 baptized Vernoy Simeon Jonathan Vernoy Margarieta L Fever
B4 1746 11 18 I baptized Vernoy Simon Conrad VerNooy Margrietaje Le Fever
B1358 1828 † X baptized Vernoy Simon 1828 02 08 Simon Vernooy Cathrin Jenkins
B1020 1813 12 03 baptized Vernoy Simon John 1813 06 10 Simon Vernooy Catherine Jenkins
B855 1807 06 07 IIIV baptized Vernoy Sylvanus 1807 05 08 Charles Vernooy Sarah Dubois
B414 1789 10 31 IV baptized Vernoy Wessel 1789 09 11 Petrus Vernoy Maria Klaerwater
B414 1789 10 31 IV witness Vernoy Wessel Vernoy Annetje Wood
B1162 1819 † XI baptized Vernoy Wessel 1819 06 18 Edward Vernooy Caty Cearwater
B321 1783 05 18 V baptized Vernoy Wyntje 1783 03 18 Peter Vernoy Maria Klaarwater
M524 1848 08 04 VX certificate Viergever Catharina Johannes Hendrickse Holland Grand Rapids
M298 1839 12 27 IIIX letter Ward Charlotte J W Ward
B1319 1825 † XI baptized Washburn Elsie McClean Frost 1826 02 11 John Washbun Mary York
B1099 1816 † XI baptized Washburn Sarah Elizabeth 1815 10 25 John Washburn Mary York
M357 1842 05 25 VX roster Waters John wife
M358 1842 05 25 VX roster Waters wife John Waters
M357 1846 03 VX dismissed Waters John wife
M358 1846 03 VX dismissed Waters wife John Waters
M205 1821 10 27 XI certificate Watkins Submit Mrs
M519 1848 05 05 VX certificate Watson Alexander West Pres NYC
B402 1789 01 18 IV witness Watson Willm Watson Susana Miller
Table Notes
Note: N1 Source is given as (B) baptism, (W) marriage, or (M) membership, and the entry number.
Note: N2 Dates are given as YYYY MM DD. † or blue text; Are not in the manuscript.
Note: N3 Roman numerals in caps are for the minister of record from another source unless in bold. Lower case roman numerals are other ministers, and letters are for justices of the peace. A key can be found here.
Note: N4 The surnames in this column are not part of the manuscript. They are randomly selected names to optimize the sort function and should not be misconstrued for having any other significance.
Note: N5 For marriages (W#) this is the place of birth. For memberships (M#) this is the origin of the certificate.
Note: N6 For marriages (W#) this is the place of residence. For memberships (M#) this is the place they were dismissed to.

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