Location: [unknown]
From The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) of Wednesday 19 July 1854, Page 3. NOTES AND QUERIES (but originally published in England in May of that year).
From the Government emigration returns we learn that 31,500 emi-grants left Liverpool during tho month of April for Canada, Australia, and the United States, being the greatest number ever known to have left the shores of the Mersey in one month; and the present month bids fair to exceed in numbers that of the present one. The new American clipper ship Red Jacket, Captain Reed, sailed from the Mersey on the 4th instant, for Melbourne, with 16 cabin and 438 second cabin passengers. The Red Jacket belongs to Messrs. Pilkington and Wilson's white star line, and is expected to make a very fast passage.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) of Saturday 15 July 1854, Page 1. Advertising
WHITE STAR LINE OF PACKETS - For Liverpool direct, the American built clipper ship RED JACKET, fully armed, and fitted with bullion safe.
This magnificent clipper, already far-famed for her unprecedented passage of 13 days from New York to Liverpool, and for her astonishing run of 417 miles In twenty-four hours, has just arrived from Liverpool, making the most rapid passage ever made under can-vass to this port.
We have not yet seen her log, but shall publish it the moment it comes to hand, as it will be eagerly read by all interested in mail communication with Aus-tralla.
The RED JACKET was built expressly for the Aus-tralian trade by Mr. Taylor, of New York, and her model combines capacity with the greatest possible despatch. Her registered tonnage Is 2160 tons, and her burthen 4000 tons Length over all, 265 feet ; depth of hold, 24 feet, height between decks, 8 feet. Her cabin accommodations are superb. The ladles' saloon is luxuriantly fitted up, being panelled with the richest cabinet woods, and carpeted. It contains three large staterooms, and a family cabin with four berths. The dining saloon is a commodious and chastely decorated apartment, fitted up in the style of the large sea going steamers.
For families there can be no better conveyance. The between decks are very spacious, and the whole amid ships are fitted up with second cabin berths. The dining tables, promenade deck, and general arrangement of the ship are planned for the comfort and convenience of the passengers.
Captain Reed has had 18 years' experience in the Eastern Seas, and his gentlemanly demeanor and kind attention to his passengers are well known. This splendid clipper packet will have immediate despatch for Liverpool, and as she is the largest and fastest ship in the world, offers great inducements to the shippers of gold or other colonial produce. The despatch given the Golden Era, which ship dis-charged a large cargo, and was got ready for sea inside of thirty days, is a guarantee that there will be no delay in getting off the Red Jacket. For plans of cabin and every Information apply to CALDWELL, TRAIN, and CO., 1 Queen street.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) of Monday 17 July 1854, Page 4. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE,
July 14. - Red Jacket, ship 1869 tons, Samuel Reed, from Liverpool 4th May. Passengers - cabin: Mrs. Hadley, Misses Hadley (2), Mr. and Miss S. Browning, Mrs. Foxall and child, Miss Bateman, Messrs. John Reid, T. Skilllng, Hickey, Hanbury, F. Romano, Kinna-han, Barnett, T. H. Hadley, John McNutt, W. Wylie, E. Garlick, George Bateman, and two hundred and fifty-six in the intermediate. Caldwell, Train and Co., agents.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) of Thursday 20 July 1854, Page 4. Family Notices
DIED. On the 4th inst., on board the ship Red Jacket, Mary, infant daughter of Mr. John Yoxall, aged six months.
1. The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) of Wednesday 19 July 1854, Page 3. NOTES AND QUERIES. [1]
2. The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) of Saturday 15 July 1854, Page 1. Advertising. [2]
3. The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) of Monday 17 July 1854, Page 4. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. [3]
4. The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) of Thursday 20 Jul 1854, Page 4. Family Notices. [4]
- A further Newspaper report is also worth reading:
The Banner (Melbourne, Vic. : 1853 - 1854) of Friday 21 July 1854, Page 10. THE RED JACKET MUTINY CASE. [5]
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