
Regan/Morehouse Family History (Blue/Red Book)

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Location: Multiple copies in the possession of Gerald Lawrence Regan and other family membersmap
Surname/tag: Regan, Morehouse, O_Regan, Gerdes, Lemmermann
Profile manager: Jerry Regan private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 359 times.



To document O'Regan/Regan and Morehouse Family History in the Red Book - formerly Blue Book - prepared by Mary Kathleen Regan Jones, released 4 September, 2000. Several copies of the Blue Book were distributed to descendants of the Regan/Morehouse family including to the creator of this profile. Because of the physical nature of the Blue Book binding, This owner chose to remove the original binding and replace it with a red notebook cover, thus the Red Book. The order of pages may also differ.

As a PRIVATE profile, there will be things that don't strictly meet WikiTree's guidelines. Similary, any use of potentially coprighted material is being used to educate those who have access to this profile and is intended to meet the "Fair Use" excetions in US copyright law.


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Hattie Georgiana Regan with Her and Lawrence E. Regan's Children

Primarily extracted from the family history book, The 'blue book' (now a 'Red' book in my possesion[2] ) has primary, secondary and tertiary sources, much not allowed on WikiTree because of copyright or sourcing issues.Some pages like the Family Bible, Dodge County Marriage Certificate, Wisconsin Custody Order have been scanned and added as images.

Family Bible

The Family Bible may be the most authorative source of the births of Anna Regan's children[2]

Date Father Mother Child

and also the marriages in the Morehouse family [2]

July 2, 2023 update

Additional information received from Mary Kathleen Jones provides some new information about the family and confirmation of other information. In particular, the name of Lawrence Edward's first wife. Includes family interviews (J. Donald Regan) Images, “Marriages” and "Births" pages copied from family bible, Family Group Sheets, Family Trees, letters from earlier generations providing firsthand family history. There is also a copy of a Wisconsin court order granting custody of her children to Anna Regan following the death of her husband, Lawrence Edward Regan.

Research Notes

A search of google maps shows the boundaries of Rochester Township to include land south of Colgate and just west of Page, North Dakota. [3] The map at shows Cooperstown near Page, Hope, Colgate.


Year Event
1849 Minnesota Territory, including what became the Dakota Territories split from Wisconsin Territory when Wisconsin became a state
1854 Minnesota became a state
1861 Dakota Territories created. Beginning of Civil War.
1867 End of Civil War. Canada became a country
1880 Dennis O'Regan lived in Winona, Minnesota.
1880-1885 O'Regan family migrates in this period, Likely Ayr, Cass, North Dakota Territories.
1881 Hope, Steele County , North Dakota Territories founded
1883 Territorial Legislature created Steele County, North Dakota
1885 Lawrence Edward (Ed) Regan lived in Ayr, Cass, Dakota, Territory, United States
1895 Mary B Whisnand , first wife of Lawrence Edward (Ed) Regan died.
1889 Dakota Territories split into the States of North and South Dakota
1911 Dennis O'Regan died in Hope, Steele County, North Dakota


  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Personal possesions

=== Bibliography ===


  • Mary Kathleen (Regan) Jones;
  • Braun Jones.



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