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Rehoboth Time Line

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Date: 1636 to 1689
Location: Rehoboth, Plymouth Colony / Massachusetts Bay Colony / Bristol County Massachusetts and East Providence, Rhode Islandmap
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Rehoboth Time Line:

This time line has been compiled primarily using The History of Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts by Leonard Bliss, Jr. as the source.

The inhabitant and participant lists included do not reflect all Rehoboth residents. Lists of the time often just included the head of the household or in many cases the men who had been listed as "Freemen". As in the case of the War of Revolution participants some had relocated to Providence, Rhode Island or other locations before they served. Further research may be necessary to prove habitation or relationships.

Names often varied from document to document and are included as the source documents spelled them. (e.g. George Kendrick was often spelled as Kendricke)

Names starting with an upper case letter F were often written with a double f and this has been maintained where it had been used. (e.g. Robert Fuller was more commonly spelled as ffuller)

Quick Time Line:

  • Seacunk, Plymouth Colony (1636 - 1645)
  • Rehoboth, Plymouth Colony (1645 - 6/1/1685)
  • Rehoboth, Bristol, Plymouth Colony (6/2/1685 – 10/3/1691)
  • Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts Bay Colony (10/4/1691 - 1776)
  • Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States (1776 - )

Detailed Time Line:

Before 1636, William Blackstone settles above Pawtucket. “The first white settler within the original limits of Rehoboth was William Blackstone, He lived in what is now Cumberland, R.I., on the river which was named after him.

Seaconk / Seekonk


About 1636 Roger Williams obtains land grant from Ousamequin which included the town of Seekonk, Received letter that Plymouth Colony was in control and to move west across the river where he settled and called the place Providence.


1641 John Brown and Edward Winslow were appointed by Plymouth Colony to purchase a tract of land eight miles square from Ousamequin, which included the present town of Seekonk, Rehoboth, and Pawtucket. This land was granted to Alexander Winchester, Richard Wright, Henry Smith, Joseph Pecke, Stephen Paine, and “divers others” for settling the town. It does not appear that anyone actually settled there.

The first purchase of land for the settlement of the town was made of Massassoit, in 1641; and was, according to the measurement of those times, “a tract eight miles square,: and embraced what now constitutes the towns of Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Pawtucket.


1642 John Hasell was residing at Seacunk according to Plymouth Records.


1643, Rev. Samuel Newman and his congregation from Weymouth, Massachusetts had the first meeting of the original planters of Seacunk. It appears that moved from Weymouth to Seacunk in Spring of 1643/4.

'During the year 1643, and probably before any other division of land had been made other than for house-lots, the proprietors were required individually to give in the value of their estates, in order that the allotments of land might be made accordingly, as appears from the Proprietors' Records: “About the year 1643,a joynt agreement was made by the inhabitants of Sea-conk alias Rehoboth, for the bringing in of their estates; that soe men's lotments might be taken up according to person and estate, as alsoe for the carrieing on of all publick chardges both for present and future; furtheremore the means and interest of what is heare expressed is that by which lands, now granted by the Court of Plymouth to the towne, is to be divided according to person and estate, as is expressed in this following list.”' (Bliss pp 25-26}

£. £.
  1.Mrs. Bur, Ruth Ingram accepted in her place.100 30,James Walker, now John ffitche’s.   50
  2.Widdow Walker  50 31.Thomas Blyss 153
  3.John Read300 32.The Governor's lot, now Richard Bullock's.200
  4.John Cooke which still is in the town's hands. 33.Isaack Martin, now Thomas Wilmot's.  50
  5.The Schoolmaster  50 34.Robert Morris   94
  6.Will Cheesbrook450 35.Edward Bennet, now Rich. Bowen's, Jr.134
  7.Mr. Winchester 195 36.The Pastor 100
  8.Richard Wright 834 37.Mr. Henry Smith 260
  9.Mr. Newman 330 38.Mathew Pratt 239
10.Will. Smith 196 39.John Megg's 120
11.Walter Palmer 419 40.Thomas Clifton, now Stephen Payne's Jr 160
12.James Clark, now John Perrum's.   71 41.Joseph Torry, now John Peck's.134
13.Ralph Shephard, now James Redevaye's.121 42.Tho. Cooper 367
14.Zachariah Roads   50 43 Robert ffullor 150
15.John Mathewes   40 44.John Allen 156
16.John Perrum   67 45.Ralph Allen 270
17.John Millar   69 46.Edward Gillman, now Joseph Peck's.306
18.Samuel Butterworth   50 47.Tho. Houlbrook 186
19.George Kendrick   50 48.Will. Carpenter 254
20.Abram Martin   60 49.John Houlbrook. now Nicholas Ide's.186
21.The Teacher 100 50.Robert Titus, now Robert Jones's. 156
22.Edward Seale   81 51.Will. Sabin   53
23.John Browne   50 52.Stephen Payne 535
24.Mr. Howward 250 53.Mr. Browne 600
25.Mr. Peck 535 54.Edward Patteson, now John Woodcock's.  50
26.Mr. Obediah Holmes, now Robert Wheaton's.100 55.Peter Hunt 327
27.Edward Smith 252 56.Robert Martin 228
28.Job Lane, now Robert Abell's.   50 57.Robert Sharp, but now Rice Leonard's. 106
29.Thomas Hitt 101 58.Richard Bowen 270



By June 1644, 58 lots were drawn for a division of the woodland, the plain, and the town.

1644, although the residents of Seekunk consider themselves independent of any jurisdiction, both Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies claimed them.



1645, they submitted themselves to the jurisdiction of the Plymouth Court, or were assigned to Plymouth by the Commissioners of the United Colonies. The town was incorporated as Rehoboth.

“The town of Old Rehoboth comprised, in its greatest extent, the present town, together with Seekonk, Pawtucket, Attleborough, Cumberland, R.I., and that part of Swanwey and Barrington, which was called by the Indians Wanamoiset.”

Inhabitants listed as:
John Allin, John Matthews,
Ralph Allin, John Meggs,
Edward Bennett, John Miller,
Thomas Bliss, The Pastor, Robert Morris,
Richard Bowen, Mr. Samuel Newman,
James Browne, Stephen Paine,
John Browne, Edward Patteson,
Samuel Butterworth, Mr. Peck,
William Carpenter, John Peram, Schoolmaster,
William Cheeseborough, Matthew Pratt,
James Clarke, John Reade,
Thomas Clifton, Zachary Roades,
Thomas Cooper, William Sabin,
John Fitch, Robert Sharp,
Robert Fuller (added in Baylies Memoir of Plymouth Colony)
Edward Gilman, senior, Ralph Shepherd,
Thomas Hett, Edward Smith,
John Holbrooke, Henry Smith,
Thomas Holbrooke, William Smith, The Governor,
Obadiah Holmes, John Sutton,
Mr. Howard, Robert Titus,
Peter Hunt, Joseph Torrey,
Richard Ingram (Ingraham), The Teacher, Widow Walker,
George Kendrick, Alexander Winchester,
Thomas Loring, Richard Wright,
Abraham Martin,
Rehoboth Ring of the Green Map

Ring of the Green – Inhabitants listed as Governor – William Smith; Pastor, Stephen Paine; ”John Peram, Schoolmaster; Richard Ingram (Ingraham), teacher

1645 - The second purchase was the tract called by the Indians, and after them by the English, Wannamoiset, and forms a part of Swansey and Barrington.


22 Jun 1658, Meadow on the North Side of town lots were allotted. (This is the first mention of Richard Bowen, Jr. and Obadiah Bowen) (Bliss, pp 48-49) “At a town-meeting lawfully warned, lots were drawn for the meadows that lie on the north side of the town, in order as followeth, according to person and estate:”

  1. John Peck,
  2. George Robinson,
  3. Robert Abell,
  4. Nicholas Ide,
  5. James Reddeway,
  6. Jonathan Bliss,
  7. Mr. Winchester’s children,
  8. Mr. Newman,
  9. George Kendrick,
  10. Stephen Payne, sen.
  11. John Butterworth,
  12. John Read,
  13. Thomas Wilmoth,
  14. John Fitch,
  15. Henry Smith,
  16. Will. Carpenter, sen.
  17. John Millard, jun.
  18. Robert Wheaton,
  19. Richard Bullock,
  20. Robert Martin,
  21. John Perrum,
  22. Richard Bowen, sen.
  23. Obadiah Bowen,
  24. Anthony Perry,
  25. Joseph Peck,
  26. John Matthews,
  27. John Allin,
  28. John Sutton,
  29. Peter Hunt,
  30. Tho. Cooper, jr.
  31. Will. Sabin,
  32. Philip Walker,
  33. Daniel Smith,
  34. John Dogget,
  35. Nicholas Peck,
  36. Rice Leonard,
  37. Robert Jones,
  38. Francis Stevens,
  39. Thomas Cooper, sen.
  40. John Woodcock,
  41. Edward Hall,
  42. Stephen Payne, jun.
  43. Roger Amadowne,
  44. Richard Bowen, jr.
  45. Robert Fuller,
  46. Will. Bucklin,
  47. Mr. Peck,
  48. John Willard, sen.
  49. Will. Carpenter, jun.


5 Jul 1663 – death of Rev. Samuel Newman

Bristol County


1665 – Plymouth created Bristol District / County



1667 – Baptists incorporated the town of Swansey. The town originally comprised within its limits the present town, together with Somerset, Mass., Barrington, and the greater part of Warren, R.I.



1667 - Attleborough Gore, Massachusetts Bay became Cumberland, Rhode Island.

Rehoboth North Purchase


1668 -The third and last purchase was the “North Purchase,” forming now Attleborough, Mass. And Cumberland, R.I. The last was formerly called “Attleborough Gore.

May 26, 1668. : Rehoboth – “lots were drawn for the meadow lands in the North Purchase by the following persons:” (Bliss, pp 67-68)

Preserved Abell, Sampson Mason,
John Allin, sen. Ichabod Miller, jun.
John Allin, jun. John Miller, sen.
Jonathan Bliss, Robert Miller,
Jonathan Bosworth, Mr. Myles,
Obadiah Bowen, Mr. Newman,
Richard Bowen, jun. Samuel Newman,
Gilbert Brooks, John Ormsby,
Mr. Browne, Jacob & Thomas Ormsby,
Benjamin Buckland, Nathaniel Paine, sen.
Joseph Buckland, Nathaniel Paine, jun.
William Buckland, Stephen Paine, sen
Ovid Bullock, Stephen Paine, jun.
John Butterworth, Jonathan Palmer,
Joseph Carpenter, Israel Peck,
Samuel Carpenter, Joseph Peck,
Widow Carpenter, Nathaniel Peck,
William Carpenter, Nicholas Peck,
Deacon Cooper, Samuel Peck,
Thomas Cooper, jun. John Peren, sen.
John Doggett, Anthony Perry,
John Fitch,. John Reade, sen.
Jonathan Fuller, John Readé, jun
Robert Fuller, Thomas Reade,
James Gilson, James Redeway,
Thomas Grant, George Robinson,
Edward Hall, William Sabin,
Goody Hide Children’s lands, John Savage,
Lieutenant Hunt, Mr. Daniel Smith,
Nicholas Ide, Henry Smith,
Jaret Ingraham, Francis Stephens,
Robert Jones, Mr. Tanner,
George Kendricke, John Titus,
Eldad Kinsly, Philip Walker,
John Kinslye, Robert Wheaton,
Rice Leonard, Richard Whitaker,
John Lowell, Captain Willet,
Samuel Luther, Thomas Willmot,
Abraham Martin, John Woodcock,

Plymouth Colony Court List of Freemen for Rehoboth and Swansea


29 May 1670 - “ An exact List of all the Names of the Freemen of the Jurisdiction of New Plymouth, transcribed by Nathaniell Morton, Secretary of the Court for the said Jurisdiction, the 29 May, Ann Domini 1670.” (Bowen pp 37)

Captaine,Thomas Willett Hugh Cole
Mr. James BrowneSacaryah Eedey
John AllinSamuel Luther
Mr Nicholas TannerMr John Myles Junir
William Blanding Samuel Peck
Nathaniel Peck
Mr. Daniel Smith John Pecke
Mr. Noah NewmanAnthony Perrey
Mr. Stephen PaineJohn Woodcocke
Mr. Thomas CooperSamuel Carpenter
Richard BowenSamuel Pecke
Lieutenant Peter HuntJohn Titus
Nicholas Hyde Jonathan Blisse
William SabineRobert Fuller
Nicholas PeckeGeorge Kendricke
Phillip WalkerSteven Paine, Junir
Nathaniel PainePreserved Able
Ensign Henry SmithJohn Read, Junir
John ReadPeter Hunt, Junir
Samuel NewmanJohn Ormsbye
William CarpenterNathaniel Cooper
Gilbert Brookes
[Plymouth Colony Records, vol. V. pp. 278, 9]

King Phillip's War


1675-1676 - “Phillip's War” - Garrison houses in Rehoboth North Purchase (now Attleborough) - “Woodcock's Garrison” ; The South end of Seekonk Plain (Sekonk Common); Northern part of Swansey near Mile's Bridge - “Mille's Garrison”. Bliss (pp 117-118)

The names of the Rehoboth soldiers who served in Philip's war have been preserved, and are as follows: Those engaged in the Narraganset expedition, were:

John Fitch, Sampson Mason, Jun.
John Carpenter, John Miller, Jun.
Joseph Doggett, Jasiel Perry,
John Hall, John Redeway,
John Ide, Jonathan Sabin,
Thomas Kendrick, Jonathan Wilmarth,
John Martin,

Those who served under Major Bradford, were,

Preserved Abell, Samuel Walker,
Samuel Perry, Nicholas Ide,
Stephen Paine, Jun. Noah Mason,
Samuel Miller, Samuel Sabin,
Silas T. Alin, Thomas Read,
Samuel Palmer, Israel Read,
James Redevay, George Robinson,
Enoch Hunt, Nathaniel Wilmarth.

Following are the names of those who made advances of money to support the war:

Preserved Abell, Wid. Mason,
Daniel Allen, Jo. Miller, sen.
John Allen, jun. Robert Miller,
Eben. Amidown, Samuel Newman,
David Beers, John Ormsby,
William Blanding, Wid. Nathaniel Paine,
Obadiah Bowen, Stephen Paine, jun.
Richard Bowen, Josiah Palmer,
Gilbert Brooks, John Peck,
Benjamin Buckland, Joseph Peck,
Joseph Buckland, Samuel Peck,
William Buckland, Abraham Perem,
Samuel Bullock, John Perem,
John Butterworth, jun. An. Perry,
John Carpenter, Wid. Rachael Read,
Samuel Carpenter, Thomas Read,
William Carpenter, John Reade, sen.
Wid. Carpenter, Moses Reade,
Joseph Chaffee, Samuel Reade,
Nathaniel Chaffee. James Redeway, sen.
Deacon Nathaniel Cooper, James Redevay, jun.
John Crossman, George Robinson,
John Dogget, Benjamin Sabin,
John Fitch, Joseph Sabin,
Nathaniel Foulsom, Samuel Sabin,
Jonathan Fuller, Widow Sabin,
Robert Fuller, William Sabin,
James Gilson, John Savage,
Thomas Grant, Daniel Smith,
John Hall, David Smith,
Samuel Homes, Francis Stephens,
Rebecca Hunt, John Titus, sen.
John Jonson, John Titus, jun.
George Kendrick, Deacon Walker,
Eldad Kingsley, Jeremiah Wheaton,
John Kingsley, John Willmarth,
Rice Leonard, Thomas Willmarth, sen.
Richard Martin, Thomas Willmarth, jun.
Noah Mason,


Dominion of New England


1686 – New England combined into the Dominion of New England.


1688 – Glorious Revolution in UK, President of New England Dominion, Edmund Andros was unpopular and arrested when news of the Glorious Revolution reached Boston in April, 1689 he was arrested and when this news reached Plymouth, it's magistrate reclaimed power.

Rehoboth Inhabitants in 1689


1689: Rehoboth (Bliss, pg 128)

“A list of the names of the inhabitants and proprietors of the Towne of Rehoboth having Rights and Titles to the Meas uages, Tenements and Lands contained in the above written Instrument hereunto annexed and affixed, which hath been reade and allowed in a full Towne meeting, ffebruary the 7th, 1689.”

Serj. Preserved Able, Joseph Millerd,
Isack Allen, Sam’l Millerd, sen'r.
Mr. Samuel Angier, Sam'l Millerd, jr.
John Bartlet's heires. Samuel Blise, David Newman,
Jonathan Blise, Samuel Newman, jr.
Joseph Browne, John Ormsby,
Joseph Borsworth, Thomas Ormsby,
John Bowen, Nath. Paine, jun'r.
Richard Bowen, jun'r. Samuell Paine,
Richard Bowen, Jonah Palmer, sen’r.
Sam’l Bowen, Jonah Palmer, jun'r.
Thomas Bowen, sen'r. Samuell Palmer,
Baruk Buckland, Jathniell Peck,
Joseph Buckland, Joseph Peck, sen'r.
Joseph Buckland, jun'r. Joseph Peck, jun'r.
John Bullock, Hezekiah Pecke,
Samuel Bullock, John Peren,
Sam'l Butterworth, Nathaniell Perry,
John Callender, Daniell Reade,
Abiah Carpenter, Israll Reade,
James Carpenter, Mosses Reade,
John Carpenter, Serj. Thomas Reade,
Josiah Carpenter, John Redway,
Sam’l Carpenter, Benjamin Robinson,
William Carpenter, jr. George Robinson, sen'r.
Nathaniel Chaffee, Samuel Robinson,
Samuel Cooper, William Robenson,
Decon Thomas Cooper, James Sabin,
Thomas Cooper, John Sabin,
John Daggett, Noah Sabin,
Joseph Daggett,Samuel Sabin,
Nathaniel Daggett, Joseph Sabine,
Richard Evens, Mr. Christopher Sanders,
John ffitch, John Shawe,
David ffreeman, Daniell Shepard, sen.
John ffrench, John Smith,
David ffuller, Joshua Smith,
Jonathan ffuller,sen'r. ffrancis Stevens, sen'r.
Jonathan ffuller,jun. ffrancis Stevens, jun'r.
Thomas Grant, Mr. Henry Sweeting,
Johe Hall, John Tittus,
John Hunt, Joseph Tittus,
Enoch Hunt, Samuell Tittus,
Ephrahim Hunt, Sillas Titus,
Nichollas Ide, sen'r. James Thurber,
Nicholas Ide, jun'r. Philip Walker,
Timothy Ide, James Welch,
John Jenkings, Eprahim Wheaton,
John Jonson, Jeremiah Wheaton,
George Kenricke, Robert Wheaton,
The Hieres of Thomas Kenrick, Richard Whiteaker,
John Kinsley, Nathaniell Whitaker,
Rice Leonard, John Willmath,
Thomas Man, Jonathan Willmath,
John Marten, Thomas Willmath, jr
Richard Martin, James Wilson,
Joseph Mason, John Woodcok, jun'r.
Noah Mason, Jonathan Woodcok,
Samson Mason, Iserall Woodcok,
Samuell Mason, Thomas Woodcok,
Benjamin Millerd,
The Heires of William Allen, The Heires of Eldad Kinsley,
Philip Amidowne, Isake Mason,
Henry Ammidowne, James Myles and Nathaniel Myles,
Thomas Bowen, Sons of Mr. John Myles,
The Heires of Benjamin Buckland, Jacob Ormsby’s daughter.
Abraham Carpenter, Mary Ormsby
David Carpenter, Benjamin Paine,
Eliphellet Carpenter, The Heires of Mr. Pilebeame,
Jonathan Carpenter, John Reade and Thomas Reade,
Rebeka Carpenter, The Heires of John Reade, jun’r.
Daughter of Abiah Carpenter, George Robinson, jr.
Sollomon Carpenter, Daniell Sabin,
Zacheriah Carpenter, Son of Nehemiah Sabin,
Thomas Cooper and Nathaniell Cooper, The Heires of John Savage,
Sons of Nath. Cooper. Thomas Smith,
Abiall ffuller, Henry Smith,
John ffuller, Abiall Smith,
Samuell fuller, Ebennezar Walker,
The Heires of Robert Joanes, Mary Walker
Proprietors not inhabitants.
Daniell Allen, William Ingraham,
Mr. John Allen, sen'r. John Lovell,
John Allen, jun'r. Thomas Patey,
Thomas Barnes, Elizabeth Patey,
John Blakstone, John Paine,
Obidiah Bowen, sen'r. Mr. Nathaniell Paine,
Obadiah Bowen, jun'r. Iserail Peck,
James Browne, Esq. Mr. Samuel Myles,
Decon John Butterworth, Mr. Henry Newman,
John Carpenter, jun'r. Anthony Sprague,
Joseph Carpenter, Mr. Phillip Squire,
Benjamin Carpenter, Henry Sweet,
Joseph Chaffee, Mr. Nichollas Taner,
Thomas Daggett, The Heirs of Humphrey Tiffany,
Esq. Richard Dagerworth, Mrs. Elizabeth Viall,
Ens. Tho. Estabrooks, Samuell Viall,
Mr. Noah ffloaide, George Webb,
Benjamin ffuller, Mr. Andrew Willet,
William Howard, Thomas Wood,
Jarett Ingraham, Joseph Woodward,


Plymouth Colony Merged into Massachusetts Bay Colony


1691 - Plymouth Colony was merged with Massachusetts Bay Colony and Rehoboth, became Massachusetts Bay Colony

1691 – a group New Englanders led by Increase Mather went to England to negotiate a return of the colonial charters that had been nullified during the Dominion years. Plymouth never had a formal charter and rather than granting them a charter, they were Combined into Massachusetts Bay colony on 4 Oct 1691.

Palmer's River


Names of the families who constituted the neighbourhood of Palmer's river: (Bliss 135-136)

Lennox Beverly, Ephraim Millard,
Jacob Bliss, The mark + of Solomon Millard,
Samuel Bliss, Ichabod Peck,
Thomas Bliss, Jethanial Peck,
William Blanding, Samuel Peck,
Daniel Blanding, Solomon Peck,
Abraham Carpenter, Joshua Smith,
Benjamin Willson, Joshua Smith, jun'r.
William Marten,Nathaniel Smith,




1746 - The “North Purchase” was incorporated into a separate town as Attleborough, and the “Gore” become Cumberland, Rhode Island.

War of the Revolution

“We have now, in our survey of the history of the town, ap proached the eventful period of the war of the Revolution. Our materials for the history of this period are scanty, as Rehoboth can claim the honour of having been the theatre of no interesting event connected with this war; but, as exhibiting the feelings of the people at large, and disclosing the secret but powerful workings of that spirit which achieved our independence . . .” (Bliss pp 141-142)


      “July 25, 1774. Voted by a great majority, that the sum of £5 3s. 8d. be drawn out of the town treasury, for the use of the committee of this province, that are to meet in the General Congress; it being Rehoboth's proportionable part of the money to be ordered out of the treasury by the selectmen.”
      “Voted not to purchase any goods, imported from Great Britain, after the 31st day of August next, until the act for blocking up the harbour of Boston be repealed, and the government be restored to its former privileges.”
    “Likewise voted that the town clerk transmit a copy of the transactions of this meeting to the clerk of the Corresponding Committee in Boston . . . . “
    “September 19, 1774. The town chose Maj. Timothy Walker and Capt. John Wheeler delegates to attend the proposed Provincial Congress, on the second Tuesday of October next, at Concord, or any other time or place that the major part of the delegates of said province may agree upon.” (Bliss pp 145)


      “May 26, 1775. Voted to raise two companies in this town to be ready on any special alarm; one company to be raised in the westerly part, and the other in the easterly part of said town. Likewise voted that every soldier, enlisting to be a minute man, on alarm shall have three shillings a day, he finding himself, if called into service, until they come to draw provisions out of the provision stores, ; and then to have two shillings a day, for each day, until they return home again except they shall be paid by the province.”
      “Also voted that the selectmen divide the town stock of ammunition, the one half for the west part of the town, the other half for the east part.” (Bliss pp 146)
      'November 6, 1775. The town “voted to borrow four pieces of cannon of Capt. John Lyon and Mr. Nathan Daggett; ” and voted “the sum of £60 to defray the charges of mounting said cannon, and providing ammunition and other utensils that shall be needful for the same.” Also chose “a committee, to wait on a committee of the town of Providence, to consult on fortifying Hog-pen Point.”
      “November 13, 1775. Voted it expedient to fortify Hog pen Point, and chose a committee to oversee the business.” This point is in Seekonk, and traces of the fortification are still: to be seen.
      “January 1, 1776. The town voted to raise the sum of £118 11s. to procure a town stock of powder and small arms.”
      “February 12, 1776. Voted to encourage the manufacturing of saltpetre in private families, by affording them the materials they can get without doing damage.”' (Bliss pp 147)
   “A muster roll of Capt. Samuel Bliss's company of minute men, from Rehoboth, from the 19th of April to the 27th, each eight days service : “(Bliss pp 149)

Samuel Bliss, Capt. Nathan Turner,
Aaron Walker, Lieut. Nathaniel Turner,
Joseph Allen, Ensign, Ephraim Bliss,
Aaron Read, Sergeant, Levi Lewis,
James Bullock, Valentine Wheeler,
Noah Allen, Jonathan Macomber,
Christopher Ormsbee, Abel Hix,
Nathan Wheeler, Preserved Bullock,
Jonathan Nash, Laben Lake,
Elijah Perry, Jonathan Drowne,
Peter Read, Ezekiel Hix,
John Brown, Joseph Allen,
Samuel Munroe, Jacob Fuller,
William Fairbrother, Comfort Stanley,
Benjamin Comer, Oliver Peck,
William Allen, Amos Bliss,
Oliver Jones, Philip Peck,
Samuel Allen, Solomon Peck,
Joseph Ingals, Elnathan Lake,
Thomas Campbell, Josiah Perry,
John Dryer, Ichabod Wade.
Christopher Blanding, ”

“The following is a list of the officers in Col. Timothy Walker's regiment, enlisted for eight months from April and May of 1775. Col. Walker belonged to Rehoboth, and also a part of his officers: “ (Bliss pp 150)

Staff Officers
Timothy Walker, Esq. Col. Abiel Mitchell, Major.
Nathaniel Leonard, Lieut. Col.
John Perry, Peter Pitts,Mason Shaw,
Samuel Bliss,Caleb Richardson,Jacob Fuller,
Silas Cobb,John King,Daniel Parker.
Francis Liscomb,Oliver Soper,
Marcy Williams,Samuel Tubbs, jun.
John Paine,Samuel Lane,Simeon Cobb,
Aaron Walker,Zebedee Raiden,John Shaw.
Isaac Smith,Enoch Robinson,
Matthew Randall,Noah Hall.
Thomas Bucklin, John Cook, Thomas Williams,
Joseph Allen, Henry Briggs, Joel Tubbs,
Isaac Fisher, Solomon Stanley,
Seth Pratt, Abraham Hathaway.

  “The following are lists of two companies in this regiment from Rehoboth : “A list of men under Capt. Samuel Bliss, who enlisted for eight months from April and May, 1775, in Colonel Timothy Walker's regiment. “ (Bliss 150-151)

Samuel Bliss, Capt. Eliphalet Corbin,
Aaron Wheeler, Lieut James Cole,
Joseph Allen, Ensign,Thomas Campbell,
Aaron Read, Sergeant, John Dryer,
James Bullock,William Fairbrother,
Noah Allen, Simon Goff,
Christopher Ormsbee, Abel Hix,
Nathaniel Bliss, Corporal, Joseph Ingals,
Nathan Wheeler, ______* Ide,
Jonathan Macomber, Oliver Jones,
Elijah Perry, Labin Lake,
James Wheeler, drummer, Levi Lewis,
Cyriel Smith, fifer, Samuel Munroe,
Joseph Allen, Jonathan Nash,
Samuel Allen, David Perry,
William Allen, Sylvester Peck,
Ephraim Bliss, Peter Read,
Charles Bliss, Nathaniel Round,
David Bliss, Richard Round,
Levi Baldwin, Comfort Robinson,
Thomas Baldwin, David Turner,
Preserved Bullock, Nathan Turner,
Isaac Burr, Valentine Willmot,
Samuel Baker, Jonathan Drown.
Christopher Blanding,

   '“This roll,” says a note appended to it, “was made up to the 1st of August, 1775, and paid by the State, and afterwards was paid by the United States for the other five months.”
   Samuel Allen was the only one that deserted from this company: he deserted June 27, 1775.
“A muster roll of the company, under command of Capt. John Perry, in Col. Timothy Walker's regiment [torn off] to the first of August, 1775, enlisted for eight months:' (Bliss 151-152)

John Perry, Capt.John Willson, Serg't.
John Paine, Lieut.John Smith,
James Bucklin, Ensign,Miles Shorey,
Robert Sutton, Shubel Chaffee,
Amos Goff Corp’l. William Daggett,
Lemuel Perrin, Richard Fairbrother,
James Hill, Isaac Fuller,
David Lawrence, Wm. Fuller,
John Williams, drummer, Jonathan French,
James Bly, fifer, Sylvester Fuller,
Preserved Abell, Jonathan Hays,
James Alger, Stephen Hill,
George Allen, Comfort Hill,
Squire Allen, Wm. Ingraham,
William Bridgham, Samuel Jones,
Demos Bishop, Aaron Lyon,
Isaac Bowers, John Medbury,
Charles Bowers, John McMullen,
Asa Bowers, Amos Richardson,
Gideon Brown, Ezra Read,
Sylvester Bowers, Enos Walker,
Jonathan Barney, Peter Whitaker,
Rufus Bucklin, Joseph Wheaton,
Josiah Blake, John Walker,
Barzilla Bowen, Peter Walker,
Barzaleel Bowen, Caleb Walker,
James Campbell, Ephraim Whitaker.
Thomas Cole,

      “The following is a list of the officers in Col. Timothy Walker's regiment, enlisted for eight months from April and May of 1775. Col. Walker belonged to Rehoboth, and also a part of his officers: ” (Bowen pp 37)

Captaine,Thomas Willett Hugh Cole
Mr. James BrowneSacaryah Eedey
John AllinSamuel Luther
Mr Nicholas TannerMr John Myles Junir
William Blanding Samuel Peck
Nathaniel Peck
Mr. Daniel Smith John Pecke
Mr. Noah NewmanAnthony Perrey
Mr. Stephen PaineJohn Woodcocke
Mr. Thomas CooperSamuel Carpenter
Richard BowenSamuel Pecke
Lieutenant Peter HuntJohn Titus
Nicholas Hyde Jonathan Blisse
William SabineRobert Fuller
Nicholas PeckeGeorge Kendricke
Phillip WalkerSteven Paine, Junir
Nathaniiel PainePreserved Able
Ensigne Henry SmithJohn Read, Junir
John ReadPeter Hunt, Junir
Samuel NewmanJohn Ormsbye
William CarpenterNathaniel Cooper
Gilbert Brookew

[Plymouth Colony Records, vol. V. pp. 278, 9]


      'In September of 1776, a regiment was raised in this town and some of the adjoining towns, and marched under the command of Col. Thomas Carpenter of Rehoboth, to join the army of Washington at White Plains. They arrived there some time before the battle; but I have been informed by one of the regiment, that they were not present in the action, but distant a few miles, drawn up under arms, in momentary expectation of orders to march to the scene of battle.' (Bliss 152)


      “Of the 4,726 men voted to be raised by Massachusetts, June 1780, for three months, for re-enforcing the continental army, the proportion of Rehoboth was 60. “ (Bliss pp 148)



1812 – Rehoboth was divided and the west part was incorporated into the separate township of Seakonk.



1828 – North-West part of Seekonk was, by an act of the Legislature was incorporated into the township of Pawtucket by request of a majority of residents in that part of Seekonk.


1836 - Swansey incorporated and included Wannomoiset, including besides the present town besides the present town, Sommersett, Mass., and Barrington, and the greater part of Warren, R.I.


1862, 1 March – Pawtucket, East Providence included Rumford, Cumberland transferred from Massachusetts to Rhode Island, ending a 225 year old border dispute.



1889 - Rumford, Rhode Island was known as East Providence Center and was the location of the original “ring of the Green” town site.


Bliss Jr., Leonard. The History of Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts: Comprising A History of the Present Towns of Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Pawtcket, From their Settlement to the Present Time, Together with Sketches of Attleborough, Cumberland, and a part of Swansey and Barrinigton (Otis, Broaders, & Co., Pawtucket, R.I., 1836)

Bowen, Richard LeBaron. Early Rehoboth, Documented Historical Studies of Families and Events in this Plymouth Colony Township (Rumford Press, Concord, N.H., 1945-)

See Also

Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War (Wright & Potter Printing Co., Boston, 1896)

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