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Renfrew County, Ontario Cemeteries

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Surnames/tags: Cemeteries Ontario
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The current list of municipalities within Renfrew County are as follows: See: Renfrew County, Ontario at Wikipedia

The City of Pembroke.
Towns of:
Deep River
Laurentian Hills (includes former townships of Buchanan, McKay, Rolph, and Wylie)
Petawawa (formerly the Township of Petawawa)
Townships of:
Formerly separate townships of Admaston and Bromley
Admaston Township includes the communities of Admaston, Shamrock, and Northcote Map of Admaston Township
Bromley Township includes the communities of Douglas and Osceola Map of Bromley Township
Bonnechere Valley
Includes former townships of Grattan, Sebastopol, and South Algona
Grattan Township includes the communities of Dacre and Eganville Map of Grattan Township
Sebastopol Township includes the communities of Vanbrugh and Clontarf Map of Sebastopol Township
South Algona includes the community of Golden Lake Map of South Algona Township
Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan
Formerly separate townships of Brudenell, Lyndoch, and Raglan
Greater Madawaska
Includes former townships of Bagot, Blythfield, Brougham, Griffith, and Matawatchan
Bagot Township includes the community of Calabogie Map of Bagot Township
Blythfield Township (previously spelled Blithefield) Map of Blythfield Township
Brougham Township
Griffith Township
Matawatchan Township
Head, Clara and Maria
Formerly separate townships of Head, Clara, and Maria
No changes to Horton Township
Includes the communities of Renfrew, Castleford, Carswell, and Loch Winnoch Map of Horton Township
Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards
Formerly separate townships of Killaloe, Hagarty, and Richards
Laurentian Valley
Includes former townships of Alice, Fraser, Pembroke, and Stafford
Alice Township includes the community of Locksley Map of Alice Township
Map of Pembroke Township
Stafford Township includes the communities of Stafford and Micksburg Map of Stafford Township
Madawaska Valley
Includes former townships of Burns, Jones, Radcliffe, and Sherwood. Village of Combermere.
Formerly separate townships of McNab and Braeside
McNab Township includes the communities of Arnprior, Burnstown, White Lake, Sand Point, Braeside, Stewartville, and Mansfield Village Map of McNab Township
North Algona/Wilberforce
Formerly separate townships of North Algona and Wilberforce
Whitewater Region
Includes former townships of Ross and Westmeath
Ross Township includes the communities of Cobden, Forester's Falls, and Haley Station Map of Ross Township
Westmeath Township includes the communities of Westmeath and Beachburg Map of Westmeath Township


It has been an arduous task to research and compile a list of cemeteries for Renfrew County. I am certain I am missing several, including old, lost, abandoned, or family cemeteries. Here is a comprehensive list of what I have compiled so far, along with the associated links.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]

Be Forewarned: There are MANY duplicated names and MANY similarly named cemeteries. FOR THIS REASON, I have listed the cemeteries in their respective closest communities, but this MAY WELL BE DIFFERENT than their current community/municipal address. Please make sure you are placing your family in the correct cemetery. Use OCFA as a finding tool. If you would like any assistance, please feel free to send me a message! I will get back to you as soon as possible. Christine

Admaston Cemetery, Renfrew, Ontario
Albert Street Cemetery, Arnprior, Ontario
All Saints Anglican Cemetery (New), Petawawa, Ontario
All Saints Anglican Cemetery (Old), Petawawa, Ontario
Allen Burial Ground, Cobden, Ontario
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Barry's Bay, Ontario
Beachburg Union Cemetery, Beachburg, Ontario
Bethel Cemetery, Cobden, Ontario
Bethlehem Lutheran Cemetery, Woito, Ontario
Calvin United and First Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Pembroke, Ontario
Castleford Union Cemetery, Castleford, Ontario
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery, Petawawa, Ontario
Cobden Union Cemetery, Cobden, Ontario
Combermere Methodist Cemetery, Combermere, Ontario
Dacre Memorial Cemetery, Dacre, Ontario
Deep River Public Cemetery, Deep River, Ontario
Deux Rivières Protestant Cemetery, Deux Rivières, Ontario
Douglas Public Cemetery, Douglas, Ontario
Eganville Baptist Cemetery, Eganville, Ontario
Emmanuel Evangelical United Church Cemetery, Schutt, Ontario
First Baptist Cemetery, Pembroke, Ontario
First Lutheran Church Cemetery, Palmer Rapids, Ontario
Flat Rapids Cemetery, Arnprior, Ontario
Forest View Cemetery, Chalk River, Ontario
Fraser Cemetery, Burnstown, Ontario
Golden Lake United Cemetery, Golden Lake, Ontario
Goshen Public Cemetery, Goshen, Ontario
Grace Evangelical Cemetery, Killaloe, Ontario
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery, Rankin, Ontario
Grace Lutheran Cemetery, Eganville, Ontario
Grace United Church Cemetery, Perretton, Ontario
Greenwood United Church Cemetery, Greenwood, Ontario
Grey Sisters Cemetery, Pembroke, Ontario
Haley United Cemetery, Haley Station, Ontario
Hamilton Monument, Combermere, Ontario
Hillcrest Union Cemetery, Calabogie, Ontario
Holy Canadian Martyr’s Roman Catholic Cemetery (I), Combermere, Ontario
Holy Canadian Martyr’s Roman Catholic Cemetery (II), Combermere, Ontario
Holy Trinity Anglican Cemetery, Pembroke, Ontario
Holy Well Cemetery, Mount St. Patrick, Ontario
Howard Cemetery, Foresters Falls, Ontario
Kidder Gravesite, Bissett Creek, Ontario
Killaloe Immanuel Baptist, Killaloe, Ontario
Lake Dore Point Presbyterian Cemetery, 539 Point Church Drive, Lake Doré, Ontario
Lakeside Cemetery, Barryvale, Ontario
Laurentian View Cemetery, Petawawa, Ontario (which includes Calvary Baptist Pembroke/First Missionary, Pembroke Bible Chapel, and St. Luke's Anglican cemeteries)
Letts Corners Cemetery, Letts Corners, Ontario
Letterkenny Christian Cemetery, Letterkenny, Ontario
Letterkenny Evangelical United Brethren Cemetery, Letterkenny, Ontario
Locksley Grace Lutheran Cemetery, Locksley, Ontario
Locksley United Church Cemetery, Locksley, Ontario
Lyndoch Baptist Cemetery, Wolfe, Ontario
Lyndoch Evangelical Cemetery, Wolfe, Ontario
Madonna House, Combermere, Ontario
Malloch Road Cemetery, Braeside, Ontario
Matawatchan Community Cemetery, Matawatchan, Ontario
McDonald Burying Ground, Cobden, Ontario
McLaren Cemetery, Renfrew, Ontario
McLeese Cemetery, Foresters Falls, Ontario
Melville United Cemetery, Eganville, Ontario
Micksburg United Cemetery, Micksburg, Ontario
Micksburg Presbyterian Cemetery, Micksburg, Ontario
Moriarty Private Cemetery, Quadeville, Ontario
Mount Zion United Cemetery, Pembroke, Ontario
North Horton Cemetery (New), Renfrew, Ontario
North Horton Cemetery (Old), Renfrew, Ontario
Old Irish Roman Catholic Cemetery, Renfrew, Ontario
Old Martin Cemetery, Renfrew, Ontario
Our Lady of Good Counsel Roman Catholic Cemetery, Deep River, Ontario
Our Lady of Grace Roman Catholic Cemetery, Westmeath, Ontario
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Cemetery, La Passe, Ontario
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic Cemetery, Tramore, Ontario
Our Lady of the Angels Roman Catholic Cemetery (New), Brudenell, Ontario
Our Lady of the Angels Roman Catholic Cemetery (Old), Brudenell, Ontario
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Cemetery, Griffith, Ontario
Our Lady of the Nativity Roman Catholic Cemetery, Golden Lake, Ontario
Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Cemetery, Stonecliffe, Ontario
Our Saviour Lutheran Cemetery, Quadeville, Ontario
Palmer Rapids Wesleyan Cemetery, Palmer Rapids, Ontario
Paul’s Cemetery, Deacon, Ontario
Pembroke Bible Chapel Cemetery, Petawawa, Ontario
Pembroke Pentecostal Cemetery, Pembroke, Ontario
Pioneer Cemetery, Osceola, Ontario
Point Alexander Presbyterian Cemetery, Point Alexander, Ontario
Precious Blood Cemetery, Calabogie, Ontario
Private Cemetery, Palmer Rapids, Ontario
Quadeville Pentecostal Cemetery, Quadeville, Ontario
Rankin Methodist Cemetery, Rankin, Ontario
Rosebank Cemetery, Rosebank, Ontario
Rosenthal Wesleyan Cemetery, Rosenthal, Ontario
St. Alexander’s Cemetery, Sand Point, Ontario
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Cemetery, Foresters Falls, Ontario
St. Andrew’s Roman Catholic Cemetery (New), Killaloe, Ontario
St. Andrew’s Roman Catholic Cemetery (Old), Killaloe, Ontario
St. Ann’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Cormac, Ontario
St. Anthony Roman Catholic Cemetery, Chalk River, Ontario
St. Augustine Anglican Cemetery, Beachburg, Ontario
St. Casimir’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Round Lake Centre, Ontario
St. Clement’s Anglican Cemetery, Esmonde, Ontario
St. Columba’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Pembroke, Ontario
St. Francis de Sales Roman Catholic Church, Latchford Bridge, Ontario
St. Francis Xavier Cemetery, Renfrew, Ontario
St. Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Springtown, Ontario
St. George’s Anglican Cemetery, Pembroke, Ontario
St. Hedwig’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Barry's Bay, Ontario
St. James’ Roman Catholic Cemetery (Old), Eganville, Ontario
St. James the Less Roman Catholic Cemetery, Eganville, Ontario
St. John’s Anglican Cemetery, Eganville, Ontario
St. John’s Lutheran Cemetery, Pembroke, Ontario
St. John’s Lutheran Cemetery, Petawawa, Ontario
St. John’s Lutheran Germanicus Cemetery, Golden Lake, Ontario
St. John’s Lutheran Cemetery (New), Augsburg, Ontario
St. John’s Lutheran Cemetery (Old), Augsburg, Ontario
St. John’s Lutheran Cemetery (New), Clontarf, Ontario
St. John’s Lutheran Cemetery (New), Clontarf, Ontario
St. John’s Union Cemetery, Tramore, Ontario
St. Joseph’s On the Opeongo Roman Catholic Cemetery, Esmonde, Ontario
St. Lawrence O’Toole Cemetery Annex, Barry's Bay, Ontario
St. Lawrence O’Toole Roman Catholic Cemetery, Barry's Bay, Ontario
St. Lawrence Roman Catholic Cemetery, Deux Rivières, Ontario
St. Leonard’s Anglican Cemetery, Rockingham, Ontario
St. Luke’s Lutheran Cemetery, Eganville, Ontario
St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Cemetery (New), Wilno, Ontario
St. Michael’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Douglas, Ontario
St. Narcissus Roman Catholic Cemetery, Mackey, Ontario
St. Patrick’s Anglican Cemetery, Cobden, Ontario
St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Mount St. Patrick, Ontario
St. Paul’s Anglican Cemetery, Combermere, Ontario
St. Peter’s Lutheran (New), Pembroke, Ontario
St. Peter’s Lutheran (Old), Pembroke, Ontario
St. Pius V Roman Catholic Cemetery, Osceola, Ontario
St. Stanislaus Pioneer Cemetery, Wilno, Ontario
St. Stephen’s Anglican Cemetery, Pembroke, Ontario
St. Stephen’s Lutheran Cemetery, Pembroke, Ontario
St. Stephen’s Lutheran Cemetery, Schutt, Ontario
St. Therese’s Oblate Cemetery, Arnprior, Ontario
St. Thomas Anglican Cemetery, Rankin, Ontario
Salem Evangelical Missionary Cemetery, Augsburg, Ontario
Salem United Church Cemetery, Locksley, Ontario
Sand Point Public Cemetery, Sand Point, Ontario
Sebastopol Baptist Cemetery, Woermke, Ontario
Slate Falls Logger’s Memorial Site, Slate Falls, Ontario
Springtown Protestant Cemetery, Springtown, Ontario
Stafford United Cemetery, Cobden, Ontario
Stewart Cemetery, Deacon, Ontario
Thompsonville Cemetery, Renfrew, Ontario
Trinity Lutheran Cemetery, Chalk River, Ontario
Trinity Lutheran Cemetery, Killaloe, Ontario
Wesley United Church Cemetery, Pembroke, Ontario
Westmeath Union Cemetery, Westmeath, Ontario
White Lake Community Cemetery, White Lake, Ontario
Wilberforce United Church Cemetery, Wilberforce, Ontario
Zion Augsburg Cemetery, Augsburg, Ontario
Zion Evangelical United Church, unknown location, Alice Township, Ontario
Zion Evangelical United Church, Pembroke, Ontario
Zion Line Cemetery, Cobden, Ontario
Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Augsburg, Ontario
Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Killaloe, Ontario
Zion St. Timothy’s Lutheran Cemetery, Pembroke, Ontario

Renfrew County is located in eastern Ontario, west of Ottawa, and is situated along the Ottawa River. If you are having difficulty locating your Renfrew County ancestors' burial site, and if they lived in communities close to the river, they may have attended church in Pontiac County, Quebec; for example, many who lived in Ross Township would go across to Portage-du-Fort to attend mass, and as such, were buried on the Quebec side. Try this site Pontiac County, Quebec Gravemarker Gallery.

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