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Reports on public records of Ireland

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You are here: Early modern Irish Sources / Reports on public records of Ireland

This freespace page introduces different series of reports on the public records of Ireland produced by first the Commissioners for Public Records in Ireland (1810 – 1830) (also referred to as the Irish Record Commission) and then the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records in Ireland (1869 – 1920). Many of the are of administrative nature and are of limited interest, but others print material previously contained in the records which are now no longer available.

See also Early modern Irish sources.

This paper on the Irish Records Commission (1810-1830) is of interest Griffith, Margaret. “The Irish Record Commission 1810-30.” Irish Historical Studies, vol. 7, no. 25, 1950, pp. 17–38. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/30007258. Accessed 21 Jun. 2022.

This space lists all the publications but first shows the highlights for genealogists.


Highlights for genealogists

Cromwellian/Williamite records

1. Transcript of the Inrolments of Grants under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation
2. Index to the Certificates of the Court of Claims
3. Abstracts of the Conveyances from the Trustees of the Estates and Interests forfeited in 1688
4. Certificates of Adventurers and Soldiers
5. Decrees of the Innocents
6. Connaught Certificates
7. Roll of adjudication for 1649 officers

Grant and will books


A series of reports of the deputy keeper also publish Fiants under various monarchs (see Irish patent and close rolls and fiants). These are

Pipe rolls and other court rolls

A further series of reports publish pipe and other court rolls

  • 35th report 1903. An appendix has a catalogue of accounts in pipe rolls under Henry III.
  • 36th report 1904. An appendix has a catalogue of accounts in pipe rolls under Edward I
  • 37th 1905. An appendix has a catalogue of accounts in pipe rolls under Edward I.
  • 38-44 1906-1912. An appendix to 38 includes a catalogue of accounts in pipe rolls under Edward I; an appendix to 39 has a continuation for Edward II; an appendix to 42 has further continuation of the same under Edward II and memorandum on Catholic Qualification rolls; an appendix to 43 has continuation of pipe rolls under Edward III; an appendix to 44 has a continuation of the same.
  • 45th report 1913. An appendix has a catalogue of accounts in the great rolls in the pipe rolls of Edward III.
  • 47th report 1915. An appendix has a catalogue of accounts in the great rolls in the pipe rolls of Edward III.

Inquisitions post mortem and on attainder

The supplement to the eighth report of the Irish Records Commissioners has two lists of inquisitions post mortem and on attainder, containing the names of the person whose estate was being inquired into, the county and the date.

For details of the inquisitions, see Irish inquisitions post-mortem and on attainder

Chancery court proclamations

Records of almost all Irish court judgements, bills etc were destroyed in the Four Courts Fire of 1922, leaving a big gap for Genealogists. Ireland's Virtual Record Treasury has now published three volumes of Repertories of Chancery Court Proclamations which appear to have been prepared by the Irish Record Commissioners but never published. These newly available manuscripts cover judgements between the years 1536 and 1732. To use them see Beyond 2022 - Ireland's Virtual Record Treasury - Chancery decrees. For more information on Irish legal records see Irish Quaker sources and resources - Legal records.

Reports of the commissioners of the Public Records

Ireland's Virtual Record Treasury has recently published three volumes of decrees of the Court of Chancery which appear to be draft repertories prepared by the Irish Records Commissioners but never published. See Beyond 2022 - Ireland's Virtual Record Treasury - Chancery_decrees

Reports of the Deputy Keeper of Public Records in Ireland

Further reports were produced, but not published, after the Four Courts Fire of 1922. The first few of these are listed in Beyond 2022 - Ireland's Virtual Record Treasury but also not published there. (Use the browse function and navigate to PROI DPKPRI 53 to PROI DPKPRI 55. Some futher information on these reports is contained in the FamilySearch Catalogue, which also lists reports up to the 59th and shows that the reports were published up to 1961 and are available in Family History Centres.

A Guide to Finding Aids in the National Archives of Ireland states that the 55th to 59th reports include 'Summaries of records saved in 1922 and details of records acquired from that date onwards'. The Society of Genealogists' web site mentions that the 55th-57th reports include summaries of '2,690 probate records received into the National Archives of Ireland'.

Publications of the Public Records Office of Ireland

These were publications of archival records before they were destroyed in the fire of 1922.

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