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Research Notes on Family of Ebenezer Miller ~1730-1796

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: South Carolina, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Miller
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The link below on Margaret White-27745 profile notes she married Charles Miller, Jr.'s brother, Jessie Miller. I assume it is possible she married a second brother after the first past away; or I have the incorrect brother for Margaret White's husband; and thus the incorrect father for Gov. Stephen Decatur Miller:


Some of the verbiage in the link above which seems to track with my Presbyterian Miller's that left Scotland for Ireland and then Ireland for Pennsylvania and then for points in the southern USA; so it would not be surprising if these Miller's married into the White's who had similar life experiences in past generations:

"William White's ancestors have not been proven.He could descend from either Robert orWilliam White, probably born in PA who died in 1804 in Union Co., S.C. (married Mary ?).Many of their sons went to Georgia.In a land deed in Franklin County, Ga. in 1806 he is referred to as "Jr."This info indicates that he was the son of a William.No record can be found that he named a son William.

It is believed that this William descends fromthe Whites that were from Ireland.The following info was found in book entitled "Ancestral Records and Portraits -Colonial Dames of America, Chapter 1, Vol. 1.

"The Colonists, Moses White, Mary Campbell his wie and their son William came from the North of Ireland to Lancaster County, PA and were the progenitors of the White family of Lancaster County, S.C.Originally from the west of Scotland, the family was one of many with similar descent who came to America not far from the middle of the eighteenth centery.They were all strict Presbyterians.Moses White had a patent ofland in Lancaster County, PA in 1741.

As Early as 1722 one Hugh White lived in Lancaster County and was a man of note.There were also Moses, John, and Alexander White.Other White families moved south about 1750; some remained in North Carolina, and others passed over into South Carolina.Lancaster County, in this State, received its name because of the many settlers who came from the same county in Pennsylvania.The upper part of this southern state owed much to the White family, who were most active in regard to its settlemtn and who proved to be excellent men of affairs and noteworthy in their day. (this found in William and Mary College Quar., Vol. VI, p52).

So far as is known, there were six children of Moses White, all sons, William, Joseph, Moses, Henry, Hugh, and Stephen, the youngest, who went to the western part of North Carolina and had a large family.

The eldest child of the family, William White, had a grant to land in Lancaster County, which he sold in 1749.He then moved to the Waxhaws, S.C. and died there (later Lancaster County, S.C.).He married Sarah ?.Ramsey's History of South Carolina says she died in 1806 at the age of ninety.But Governor Stephen Decatur Miller, who was born in 1788(grandson)says thatshe lived until he was about ten years of age. Issue:

Jean, married Major Robert Crawford of Revolutionary fame. Hugh married Mary, the daughter of Joseph White. Margaret married Jesse Miller and they were the parents of Governor Stephen Decatur Miller. Isabella married Andrew Foster Christiana married James Crawford, Jr. a first cousin of Andrew Jackson who persuaded them to move to Tennessee where they left a large family. John married first Nancy Ann Foster, second Margaret Harper Moses married Jane Miller ???daughter married Captain John McClure killed at Hanging Rock, 178076"

1790 Lancaster County, South Carolina Census (Fairfield): There is a "Chas" Miller listed with one male over 16 (himself) and 4 females, and maybe 4 slaves (cannot tell if the // mark on the males under 16 is actually a count. I could not locate what was the Fairfield census district in Lancaster Co., SC; however Fairfield Co. (area General Cornwallis past through during the Revolutionary War) is just south of Lancaster Co.

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