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Research Worksheet Template Instructions

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
This page has been accessed 172 times.



This template is provided to assist in identifying all avenues for "normal" genealogical research. Inspiration comes from many places on the web related to genealogy worksheets and checklists, but particular thanks goes out to Prudence Dwyner / Fuzzy Ink Stationary for the idea to consolidate progress into one form.


  1. Please use this template as a starting point for a Free-Space Page on any profile that you are researching, to help with documenting which types of sources have been researched and which have not. This should help all researchers collaborating to not waste time re-visiting databases to find information that has already been identified. Occasionally sources should be revisited as new information is continually being discovered
  2. Tracking WHO changed WHAT and WHEN should not be necessary, as the Changes tab on the profile will already keep track of that for you. Simply record WHERE you have searched and WHAT (if anything) was found.
  3. Suggested naming convention: (replace the "WikiTreeID" with the ID of the profile in question) "WikiTreeID_Research_Worksheet" (e.g. "Crawford-7109_Research_Worksheet")
  4. Link from the Research Notes section of that profile using the form [[Space:WikiTreeID|display text]] (e.g. [[Space:Crawford-18858 Research Worksheet|Crawford-18858 Research Worksheet]] )
  5. Please do not add specific profile information in this template, it is intended to be a blank template. If someone has saved over the placeholder information please let Jonathan Crawford (Crawford-7109) know so that he can replace with a blank copy.
  6. Citations -Where possible, I will be attempting to list the citation formats using CMOS / Wikitree / EE standards. This should theoretically lower the hurdle for researchers to supply valid citations for each type of record. Please consider this during use and (unless format is incorrect, in which case please make a change to the template) record the information in the order and formatting (italic, underline, etc.) given


  1. Please add to this template as needed to make it most useful to the majority of users.
  2. If items are of little or no use, please suggest deletion in the Comments on this page and/or on G2G and see if you can reach consensus before removing items. Not all elements will be useful to everyone, and may change depending on which profile you are researching, but deleting the rows you don't need may be more fair after you copy the template to a new free-space page instead of removing them from the template entirely

Feedback/Enhancement Requests

  1. Please post comments here or in G2G and tag posts with RESEARCH_ASSISTANCE

The Template

Research Worksheet Template

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)


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