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Research on Burhans family

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Surname/tag: Burhans
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First wife was Mary Wood, born 25 Jan 1784. She died 29 Apr 1820.
Second wife was Sarah Bascom, who was born 13 Sep 1799. No children.
Sarah Bascom not found in A Genealogical Record of Thomas Bascom with her marriage to Cornelius.

Children of Cornelius Burhans and Mary Wood

  1. Phebe Margaret
  2. Kelly
  3. Mary W.
  4. Eliza Woodson
  5. Henry J.

Find or Create

  1. Sarah (Bascom) Burhans | b 13 Sep 1799 | d
  2. Phebe (Burhans) Brown: Phebe Margaret | b. 16 Nov. 1808 | d. 14 March 1849 [Burhans-262]
  3. William Houghtaling | b. circa 1795-1805 | d. before 1834 [Burhans-262]
  4. Josiah Brown (son of Zadock and Sarah (Monroe) Brown | b. 25 Jan. 1796 | d. 20 Aug. 1874. [Burhans-262]
  5. William Eldridge Houghtaling, | b. probably in 1830 | d. California ? [Burhans-262]
  6. Margaret (Brown) Johnson | b. 22 Nov. 1840 | d [Burhans-262]
  7. Henry T. Johnson | b. 25 Jan. 1847, son of Uriah and Mary (Bailes) Johnson | d.
  8. Jay Brown | b. 9 March 1843 [Burhans-262]
  9. Annie (Vancil) Brown, dau. of Isom and Matilda (Nations) Vancil | b. 12 March 1843 | d
  10. Charlotte (Brown) Pearman | b. 28 Oct. 1846 | [Burhans-262]
  11. Elnathan Pearman, son of Price and Elizabeth (Winchester) Pearman | b. 5 Feb. 1842 | d [Burhans-262]
  12. Kelly Burhans (male) | b. 13 Feb. 1811 | d. 28 Sept. 1843. [Burhans-263]
  13. Minerva (Becker) Burhans, dau. of Adam H. and Sarah (Briggs) Becker (later married Dr. Rogers, of Bloomington, Ill.) | b. 29 Dec. 1816 | d. [Burhans-263]
  14. Laura M.(Burhans) Humphreys | b. 20 April 1836 | d [Burhans-263]
  15. John Humphreys, son of William and Camilla A. (Robinson) Humphreys of Virginia |b. 1 Jan. 1832 | d [Burhans-263]
  16. Mary W. (Burhans) Roberts | b. 30 May 1813 | d. 30 July 1838. [Burhans-264]
  17. John M. Roberts, son of Daniel and Polly (Phelps) Roberts | b. 9 Dec. 1809 | d [Burhans-264]
  18. Junius (Burhans) Roberts | b. 11 Dec. 1833 | d [Burhans-264]
  19. Nancy Griswold Gillette, dau. of Wilham and Laura (Griswold) Gillette | b. 19 March 1834 | d [Burhans-264]
  20. Henry J. Burhans | b. 17 April 1818 | d. in Chicago 12 Sept. 1859 [Burhans-265]
  21. Abigail (Tarbell) Burhans, dau. of Jonathan and Betsey (Lamb) Tarbell | b. 9 Nov. 1817 [Burhans-265]
  22. Clarissa Alvina Burhans, unmarried. | b. 29 Aug. 1840 | d [Burhans-265]
  23. Mary Eliza (Burhans) Annis | b. 16 May 1843 | d 1 Jul 1889 (Addenda, vii) [Burhans-265]
  24. Adoniram Judson Annis, son of Jason and Chloe (Arnold) Annis | b. 3 June 1841 | d [Burhans-265]
  25. Charles Henry Burhans | b. 12 Dec. 1845 | d [Burhans-265] m Emma Durey
  26. Emma (Durey) Burhans, dau. of Alfred and Mary (Hicks) Durey | b. 16 March 1854 | d [Burhans-265]
  27. Kelly Burhans (male) | b. 2 Aug. 1849 | d. 24 Jan. 1855. [Burhans-265]
  28. Laura Minerva (Burhans) Goodyear | b. 10 Jan. 1854 | d. [Burhans-265]
  29. James S. Goodyear, son of Marks and Eliza (Hodges) Goodyear | b. 18 Dec. 1848 | d [Burhans-265]
  30. Lucia A. (Burhans) Goodyear | b. 27 Sept. 1856 | d [Burhans-265]
  31. Alfred W. Goodyear, son of Marks and Eliza (Hodges) Goodyear | b. | d. [Burhans-265]
  32. Marks Goodyear | b. | d. [Burhans-265]
  33. Eliza (Hodges) Goodyear | b. | d. [Burhans-265]

Just the Names

Name | LNAB | Current LN
  1. Sarah | Bascom | Burhans
  2. Phebe | Burhans | Brown
  3. William | Houghtaling
  4. Josiah | Brown
  5. Zadock | Brown
  6. Sarah | Monroe | Brown
  7. William Eldridge | Houghtaling
  8. Margaret | Brown | Johnson
  9. Henry T | Johnson
  10. Uriah | Johnson
  11. Mary | Bailes | Johnson
  12. Jay | Brown
  13. Annie | Vancil | Brown
  14. Isom| Vancil
  15. Matilda |Nations | Vancil
  16. Charlotte | Brown | Pearman
  17. Elnathan | Pearman
  18. Price| Pearman
  19. Elizabeth | Winchester | Pearman
  20. Kelly | Burhans
  21. Minerva | Becker | Burhans | Rodgers
  22. Adam H | Becker
  23. Sarah | Briggs |Becker
  24. Laura M | Burhans | Humphreys
  25. John | Humphreys
  26. William | Humphreys
  27. Camilla A| Robinson | Humphreys
  28. Mary W. | Burhans | Roberts
  29. John M.| Roberts
  30. Daniel | Roberts
  31. Polly | Phelps | Roberts
  32. Junius| Burhans | Roberts ?
  33. Nancy Griswold| Gillette | Roberts ?
  34. Wilham | Gillette
  35. Laura | Griswold | Gillette
  36. Henry J. | Burhans
  37. Abigail | Tarbell | Burhans
  38. Jonathan| Tarbell
  39. Betsey | Lamb | Tarbell
  40. Clarissa Alvina | Burhans ?
  41. Mary Eliza | Burhans | Annis
  42. Adoniram Judson | Annis
  43. Jason | Annis
  44. Chloe | Arnold | Annis ?
  45. Charles Henry | Burhans
  46. Emma | Durey | Burhans
  47. Alfred | Durey
  48. Mary | Hicks | Durey
  49. Kelly | Burhans
  50. Laura Minerva | Burhans | Goodyear?
  51. James S | Goodyear
  52. Marks | Goodyear
  53. Eliza | Hodges | Goodyear
  54. Lucia A. | Burhans | Goodyear
  55. Alfred W. | Goodyear
  56. Betsey (Lamb) Tarbell
  57. Jonathan Tarbell
  58. Zadock Brown
  59. Sarah (Monroe) Brown
  60. Uriah Johnson
  61. Mary (Bailes) Johnson
  62. Isom Vancil
  63. Matilda (Nations) Vancil
  64. Price Pearman
  65. Elizabeth (Winchester) Pearman
  66. Adam H. Becker
  67. Sarah (Briggs) Becker
  68. William Humphreys
  69. Camilla A. (Robinson) Humphreys
  70. Daniel Roberts
  71. Polly (Phelps) Roberts
  72. Wilham Gillette
  73. Laura (Griswold) Gillette
  74. Jason Annis
  75. Chloe (Arnold) Annis
  76. Alfred Durey
  77. Mary (Hicks) Durey


--Annis || 24. Adoniram Judson Annis | 52. Jason Annis

--Arnold || 53. Chloe (Arnold) Annis

--Bailes || 39. Mary (Bailes) Johnson

--Bascom || 1. Sarah (Bascom) Burhans

--Becker || 13. Minerva (Becker) Burhans || 44. Adam H. Becker

--Briggs || 45. Sarah (Briggs) Becker

--Brown || 4. Josiah Brown || 6. Margaret (Brown) Johnson | 8. Jay Brown | 10. Charlotte (Brown) Pearman | 36. Zadock Brown

--Burhans || 2. Phebe (Burhans) Brown | 12. Kelly Burhans | 14. Laura M. (Burhans) Humphreys | 16. Mary W. (Burhans) Roberts | 18. Junius (Burhans) Roberts | 20. Henry J. Burhans | 22. Clarissa Alvina Burhans | 23. Mary Eliza (Burhans) Annis | 25. Charles Henry Burhans | 27. Kelly Burhans | 28. Laura Minerva (Burhans) Goodyear | 30. Lucia A. (Burhans) Goodyear

--Durey || 26. Emma (Durey) Burhans | 54. Alfred Durey

--Gillette || 19. Nancy Griswold (Gillette) Roberts | 50. Wilham Gillette

--Goodyear || 29. James S. Goodyear | 31. Alfred W. Goodyear | 32. Marks Goodyear

--Griswold || 51. Laura (Griswold) Gillette

--Hicks || 55. Mary (Hicks) Durey

--Hodges || 33. Eliza (Hodges) Goodyear

--Houghtaling || 3. William Houghtaling | 5. William Eldridge Houghtaling

--Humphreys || 15. John Humphreys | 46. William Humphreys

--Johnson || 7. Henry T. Johnson | 38. Uriah Johnson

--Lamb || 34. Betsey (Lamb) Tarbell

--Monroe || 37. Sarah (Monroe) Brown

--Nations || 41. Matilda (Nations) Vancil

--Pearman || 11. Elnathan Pearman || 42. Price Pearman

--Phelps || 49. Polly (Phelps) Roberts

--Roberts || 17. John M. Roberts | 48. Daniel Roberts

--Robinson || 47. Camilla A. (Robinson) Humphreys

--Tarbell || 21. Abigail (Tarbell) Burhans || 35. Jonathan Tarbell

--Vancil || 9. Annie (Vancil) Brown || 40. Isom Vancil

--Winchester || 43. Elizabeth (Winchester) Pearman

Addendum Notes

To add to above, from Addenda page vii
Children of Charles Henry Burhans and Emma Anna Durey were: (born in Delaware County, Iowa)
  1. Lutie Belle, b. 16 Mar 1879 +
  2. Charles Clare +
  3. Homer Jay
  4. Nina May, b. 8 Aug 1893
Children of Lucia A. Burhans and Alfred W. Goodyear
  1. Howard Albert, b. 7 Apr 1884
  2. Ina Lucia, (No. 5299)
  3. Henry Marks b. 21 May 1889
  4. Milo Burhans, b. 1 Apr 1891


Children, p.193-4
Children of children, p. 226-7.

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