Location: Nederland
Surnames/tags: Doornhein Doornheijn
Research an thoughts on solving the puzzle around Katie Doonhein, born in Holl. Married in 1891 in NJ. Witness to the marriage a Jacob Doonhein
Katie in Dutch can have the following forms:
- Keetje
- Kaatje
- Catharina
- Katharina
- Krina
- Trina
- Trien
- Katrien
The most probable Dutch surname is Doornhein or Doornheijn. Mostly found in the provincies of Zuid-Holland and Zeeland.
In the search for probable families who emigrated the the USA I have been looking for families with a Jacob or Catharina who emigrated or vanished from the records
In the indexed lists of emigrants from the province of Zuid-Holland between 1850 and 1899 I couldn't find a Doornhein/Doornheijn.
Vanished from the records are the following families:
- Leendert Doornheijn x Jannetje van Heemst with 2 kids: Maria born in 1861, Jacob born in 1863. No later information in the archives in the Netherlands
- Aren/Arend/Adriaan Doornhein x Maatje van Dijk with son Jacob born in 1869 and daughter Celia born in 1886 vanish too.(kids in between all died) No death registrations found
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