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Secret Santa 2023 research wish 306

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Nederlandmap
Surnames/tags: Doornhein Doornheijn
Profile manager: Eef van Hout private message [send private message]
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Research an thoughts on solving the puzzle around Katie Doonhein, born in Holl. Married in 1891 in NJ. Witness to the marriage a Jacob Doonhein

Katie in Dutch can have the following forms:

  1. Keetje
  2. Kaatje
  3. Catharina
  4. Katharina
  5. Krina
  6. Trina
  7. Trien
  8. Katrien

The most probable Dutch surname is Doornhein or Doornheijn. Mostly found in the provincies of Zuid-Holland and Zeeland.

In the search for probable families who emigrated the the USA I have been looking for families with a Jacob or Catharina who emigrated or vanished from the records

In the indexed lists of emigrants from the province of Zuid-Holland between 1850 and 1899 I couldn't find a Doornhein/Doornheijn.

Vanished from the records are the following families:

  1. Leendert Doornheijn x Jannetje van Heemst with 2 kids: Maria born in 1861, Jacob born in 1863. No later information in the archives in the Netherlands
  2. Aren/Arend/Adriaan Doornhein x Maatje van Dijk with son Jacob born in 1869 and daughter Celia born in 1886 vanish too.(kids in between all died) No death registrations found

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